[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Health of the Borough of Hasbrouck Heights 11-19-1985, as amended through December 2023. Subsequent amendments noted where applicable.]
No person shall establish, maintain, or operate a tanning salon in the Borough without first having obtained from the Board a valid license to do so; the term thereof and fee therefor are fixed in Chapter BH6 of this Code.
No such license shall be issued to any person unless facilities comply with the following standards:
Each tanning booth, bed, lamp, or other device shall have a prominently displayed warning that states: "DANGER: Ultraviolet Radiation. Follow Instruction. As with natural sunlight, overexposure can cause injury and sunburn; repeated exposure may cause premature aging of the skin or skin cancer. Medications or cosmetics applied to the skin may increase oversensitivity to ultraviolet light, as may a family history of skin problems, allergy to sunlight, or a person's tendency to get cold sores. Consult a physician before using booth if taking any medication or if you believe yourself sensitive to sunlight."
Each booth, bed, lamp, or other device shall be provided with physical aids such as handrails or floor markings to assure the user is kept at the proper exposure distance or such mechanical devices to prevent the device from coming closer to the user than is proper.
Timers used to control exposure duration shall:
Have a minimum accuracy of +/- 10%;
Be so located so that the patron can easily stop the device; and
Shall be centrally controlled by the operator of the salon as to any device located in a private room and in or upon which the patron might fall asleep.
Users shall, on each visit, be provided, free of charge, with sanitary eyewear that will protect eyes from ultraviolet radiation and allow adequate vision necessary to maintain balance or to effect quick, safe exit from booth.
Tanning booths and beds shall, at all times, maintain an ambient temperature of 100° F. (38° C.) or less.
Electrical hazards in the booths, or beds, or other devices shall be minimized, and all electrical work shall conform to applicable electrical codes and standards.
Booth and bed design and construction shall be adequate to resist collapse due to the impact of a falling person.
Ultraviolet lamps shall be protected by physical barriers such as heavy grids, ultraviolet transmitting plastics, or the like, sturdy enough to withstand the impact of a falling person.
Tanning booth access doors shall be designed to facilitate rapid entrance into or exit from said booth, shall open outwardly, and shall be free of locks or latches except such locks which release automatically from inside.
Private rooms shall be of such design and so equipped and/or furnished so as to facilitate rapid exit.
Surfaces of tanning beds or other devices which come in direct contact with the skin of the user shall be cleaned with a recognized germicidal cleaning agent after each use.
Each salon shall have on file with the Department a written certification from a board eligible or certified dermatologist stating that the "exposure determination" methods used at that facility are safe, adequate and in keeping with acceptable medical practice.