Cecil County herewith adopts the 2021 International Plumbing Code and any supplements thereto as prepared by the International Code Council and hereby includes such regulations by reference in the County Plumbing Code. Cecil County herewith also adopts additions and/or modifications to the code and any state plumbing regulations as stated further in this chapter or as may be required for the promotion of public health and safety. Any provisions of the Maryland Building Performance Standards that deal directly with plumbing installations and applications as adopted by the State of Maryland shall also be complied with.
Amendments, additions and deletions. The following sections of the 2021 International Plumbing Code (IPC) are hereby revised and amended as follows:
In Section 101.1, Title, insert "Cecil County."
In Section 106.6.2, Fee schedule, insert "See § 270-4 of the County Code."
In Section 106.6.3, Fee refunds, insert "50%."
Section 108.4, Violation penalties, shall read:
108.4 Violation penalties.
See § 270-24 of the County Code.
Section 108.5, Stop work orders, shall read:
108.5 Stop work orders.
Upon notice from the Code Official, work on any plumbing system that is being done contrary to the provisions of this code or in a dangerous or unsafe manner shall immediately cease. Such notice shall be in writing and shall be given to the owner of the property, or to the owner's agent, or to the person doing the work. The notice shall state the conditions under which work is authorized to resume. Where an emergency exists, the Code Official shall not be required to give a written notice prior to stopping the work. Any person who shall continue any work in or about the structure after having been served with a stop-work order, except such work as that person is directed to perform to remove a violation or unsafe condition, shall be assessed a fee established by resolution of the Cecil County Council. Copies of the fee schedule will be available in the Office of Permits and Inspections.
Section 109, MEANS OF APPEAL, shall read:
See § 270-5 of the County Code.
In Section 202, general definitions, amend the first part of the definition of "building drain" to read:
BUILDING DRAIN. That part of the lowest piping of a drainage system that receives the discharge from soil, waste or other drainage pipes inside and that extends five feet (1,524 mm) beyond the walls of the building and conveys the drainage to the building sewer.
Section 305.4, Freezing, shall read, in part, as follows: "Exterior water supply system piping shall be installed not less than 36 inches (914.40 mm) below grade."
In Section 305.4.1, Sewer depth, insert "12 inches (304.8 mm)."
Section 312.10.2, Testing, shall read:
312.10.2 Testing.
Copies of test reports for the initial installation shall be sent to the administrative authority and the water supplier. Copies of annual test reports shall be sent to the water supplier.
Testing, inspections and repair of devices shall be performed by certified individuals approved by an agency acceptable to the administrative authority. Certification for testing shall be in accordance with a nationally recognized accredited training program. Certification shall include not less than 32 hours of combined classroom and practice training and successful completion of a written and practical examination.
In Table 403.1, insert: "For all construction other than residential, one service sink is required per floor."
Plumbing fixtures and installation shall conform to the requirements of the International Building Code except where a more stringent requirement is found in the Code of Maryland Regulations 05.02.02, Maryland Accessibility Code.
In Section 412.4, add:
412.4.1 Floor drains shall be located in the following areas:
Toilet rooms containing either two or more water closets or wall-hung urinals or a combination of one or more water closets and wall-hung urinals, except in dwelling units.
Commercial kitchens.
Common laundry rooms in commercial buildings and buildings having more than two dwelling units.
In Section 417.1, add:
417.1.1 Fiberglass or plastic tub and shower enclosures cannot be installed back to back unless approved by the administrative authority.
In Section 417.4.1, add "No windows shall be in the seventy-inch wall area. Waterproofing materials of epoxy or paint coatings are prohibited."
In Section 603, WATER SERVICE, add:
603.3 Water service pipe sleeves.
Pipe sleeves shall be provided where water service pipes penetrate foundation walls or floor slabs to protect against corrosion of the pipe and allow clearance for expansion, contraction and settlement. The sleeve shall form a watertight bond with the wall or floor slab. The annular space between the pipe and the sleeve shall be resiliently sealed watertight.
Where water service piping is plastic, the wall sleeve shall not be less than five feet long extended outside beyond the wall to undisturbed earth or other equivalent support.
In Section 608.14, Location of backflow preventers, add:
608.14.3 Double-check valves and reduced-pressure-principal valves.
Such devices shall be installed at not less than 12 inches above the floor or permanent platform with the maximum of 60 inches above floor or permanent platform.
Section 701.2, Sewer required, shall read:
701.2 Sewer required.
Every building in which plumbing fixtures are installed and all premises having drainage piping shall be connected to a public sewer, where available, or an approved private sewage disposal system in accordance with Code of Maryland (COMAR) Regulations.
In Section 712.4, Sewage pumps and sewage ejectors, add:
712.4.3 High-water alarms.
All sewage ejector or sewage pump systems shall be provided with an audible, visual or combination high-water alarm device.
Exception: Sewage ejectors and sewage pumps servicing individual fixtures.
Section 903.2, Frost closure, shall read:
903.2 Frost closure.
Where the authority having jurisdiction requires protection against frost closure, vent terminals less than three-inch pipe size shall be increased at least one pipe size to not less than three-inch size. Where an increase is necessary, the increase in size shall be made inside the building at least one foot below a roof or ceiling that is thermally insulated and in an area not subject to freezing temperatures.
904.1.3 Location of vent terminal.
Vent terminals shall not be located where vapors can enter a building.
No vent terminal shall be located directly beneath any door, window, or other ventilation opening of a building or of another building, nor shall any such vent terminal be within 10 feet horizontally of such opening unless it is at least two feet above the top of such opening.
All open vent pipes that extend through a roof shall be terminated at least six inches above the roof, except that, where the roof is to be used for purposes other than weather protection, the vent shall run at least seven feet above the roof.
Section 905.6, Vent for future fixtures, shall read:
905.6 Vent for future fixtures.
On new construction of residential dwelling units with basements, a two-inch-minimum-size vent shall be installed between the basement and attic or tied into an existing, properly sized vent and capped for future use.
Section 918.1, General, shall read:
918.1 General.
Air admittance valves shall only be installed with the approval of the authority having jurisdiction. Where approved, vent systems utilizing air admittance valves shall comply with this section. Stack-type air admittance valves shall conform to ASSE 1050. Individual and branch-type air admittance valves shall conform to ASSE 1051.
In Section 1003.2, Approval, add:
1003.2.1 Interceptors or separators consisting of underground storage tanks shall be corrosion protected and designed according to COMAR 26.10.03. Any system discharging into an on-site subsurface disposal system shall be subject to the requirements of COMAR 26.08.01 - 26.08.04.
Section 1303.6, Estimating gray water discharge, shall read:
1303.6 Estimating gray water discharge.
The system shall be sized in accordance with all applicable requirements of COMAR 26.04.02.
Section 1303.7, Percolation tests, shall read:
1303.7 Percolation tests.
The permeability of the soil shall be determined in accordance with all applicable requirements of COMAR 26.04.02.
Section 1303.8, Subsurface landscape irrigation site location, shall read:
1303.8 Subsurface landscape irrigation site location.
The soil absorption system shall be located in accordance with all applicable requirements of COMAR 26.04.02.
Section 1303.9, Installation, shall read:
1303.9 Installation.
Absorption systems shall be installed in accordance with all of the applicable requirements of COMAR 26.04.02.
Section 1303.10, Distribution piping, shall read:
1303.10 Distribution piping.
Distribution piping shall be installed in accordance with all of the applicable requirements of COMAR 26.04.02.
In conjunction with the adoption of the Plumbing Code, the County also adopts the 2021 International Fuel Gas Code as prepared by the International Code Council.
Hot water heater tanks shall not be disconnected and reused if more than two years old. Other plumbing materials such as spigots, sinks, bathtubs, commodes, commode seats, hot-water tanks, water pumps or used piping shall not be disconnected and reused without approval of the County Plumbing Inspector.
The maximum distance of fixture traps from vents shall be the following:
Size of Fixture Drain
Distance from Trap to Vent
1 1/2
Indirect waste drains and piping.
Clothes washers. The drains from clothes washers may discharge indirectly to the drainage system by means of an air gap without any traps or vents on the indirect piping.
Food handling establishments. In food service establishments, all utensils, sinks, dishwashers, ice makers, food preparation sinks and any other compartment which may contain food or utensils and is connected to the drainage system shall be provided with an indirect waste drain with a vertical air gap.
Frostproof yard hydrants are prohibited for a potable water supply system due to possible cross-connections. A vacuum breaker may be used between the hydrant and the system, but no vacuum breaker shall be allowed underground.
Sump pumps are prohibited from connection to a municipal or private waste/sewer system.
Pressure relief valves for pumps. All water pumps capable of producing pressures in excess of the safety-rated pressure capacity of the storage tank shall have a proper pressure relief valve installed in the pump discharge line near the storage tank or in the tank itself.
Temperature relief valves. Temperature relief valves shall be of adequate relief rating, expressed in BTU/hour, for the equipment served. The valve shall be installed so that the temperature-sensing element is submerged in the hottest water within the top six inches of the tank. The valve shall be adjusted to open when the stored temperature is 210° F. or less. No temperature relief valve may be reused or transferred but must be replaced by a new valve.
Automatic water cutoffs. Any piping supplying water to a boiler or other device shall be provided with an automatic water cutoff valve. The line shall have the valve installed in the front of and behind the water cutoff device.
Flow rates and water consumption for fixtures shall not exceed the amounts listed in the table below for either hot or cold water. When there are separate hot and cold water faucets or valves without a mixing spout or mixing arrangement, each faucet shall be limited to 1/2 the amount specified in the table.
A water closet or urinal which consumes more water per flush than the amounts permitted in the table may be sold or installed only if the water closet or urinal:
Consumes no more than 3.5 gallons per flush for a water closet and 1.5 gallons per flush for a urinal;
Meets the requirements of the code which were in effect on January 30, 1992;
Was manufactured prior to January 31, 1992, and has been permanently stamped with the date of manufacture;
Was in the inventory of a wholesaler, retailer or installer in Maryland on January 31, 1992; and
Is installed on or before December 31, 1992.
Water Consumption for Each Flushing Operation
Water Consumption
Water closets
1.6 gallons
1.0 gallon
Lavatory faucet, "self-closing"
0.5 GPM/use
Sink faucet, "self-closing"
0.5 GPM/use