It is the purpose of this article to protect the health, safety and general welfare of the inhabitants of the Town of Van Buren by controlling the parking within public and quasi-public parking lots in the Town of Van Buren.
Pursuant to the authority contained in § 1660-a, as amended, of the Vehicle and Traffic Law of the State of New York, parking lots, places or areas regularly maintained for the parking of six or more motor vehicles which are open to the public or to which the public is invited, located within the Town of Van Buren, and the parking of vehicles thereon, shall be regulated upon written request of the owners or persons in charge of the operation and control of such areas, as hereinafter provided.
Upon written request, the Planning Board shall, with due regard to the use to which the building or buildings are put and for which the parking lot is maintained, the area of the parking lot, the number of vehicles operated or parked upon the property, the number of persons using the facilities, the means of ingress and egress available and any other factors relating to a particular parking lot, designate certain areas of the parking lot as no-parking zones. In determining the area or areas to be so designated, the Planning Board shall consult with the Fire Marshal to determine which area or areas of a particular parking lot will best suit the requirements for emergency vehicle movement and vehicle parking.
No person or persons shall park any vehicle other than an emergency vehicle in areas designated as no-parking areas or zones.
The Planning Board shall, upon written request, with due regard to the several factors set forth above relating to no-parking zones, and after consultation with the owner of the parking lot or his agent and with the proprietor or proprietors of the business or businesses whose customers use the parking lot, designate certain areas of the parking lot as loading areas. The markings or signs for said areas shall be the cost of the owner of said areas. Signs shall be in accordance with New York State regulations. No person or persons shall park any vehicle in any area or zone designated as a loading area or zone, except for the purposes of unloading or loading goods, wares, merchandise, equipment or fixtures for or from the business establishment or establishments for which the parking lot is maintained.
No person shall park any vehicle in such a manner that such vehicle or any part thereof extends into an area designated for the parking of another vehicle or designated as a driving area. This section shall not apply to vehicles which, because of their nature, require an area greater than that used for parking an average passenger or standard-type vehicle.
Upon written request, the Planning Board shall designate those areas of the parking lot that are to be used for entering, leaving or driving from one area of the parking lot to another area of the parking lot. Such areas shall be clearly indicated by appropriate signs or by directional markings painted on the pavement of the parking lot, at the cost of the owners of said areas.
All vehicles in motion shall, so far as is practicable, keep to the right. Vehicles entering the parking lot will promptly move away from those portions of the area of the parking lot designed as driving areas that are in immediate proximity to the entrance or entrances of the parking lot, in order that such entrance or entrances will not be blocked to other vehicles attempting to enter the parking lot.
No person shall operate any motor vehicle in any parking lot in a careless manner or at speeds in excess of 15 miles per hour. This limitation shall not apply to emergency vehicles.
In general, pedestrian traffic will have priority over vehicular traffic, provided that no pedestrian shall exercise such priority in a manner that will cause or be likely to cause a collision or create a condition whereby the movement of vehicular traffic or the parking of vehicles will be more than momentarily hindered.
No person shall place on any portion of a parking lot any object or substance that will cause or be likely to cause any hazard or obstruction to any vehicle using any portion of the parking lot or to any pedestrian on such parking lot. In those cases where shopping carts are used in connection with any business for which the parking lot is maintained, shopping carts not returned to an area designated for cart return shall be deemed a hazard or obstruction. (Cart return areas shall be designated at owners' costs, by appropriate signs to render them clearly visible from a distance of 75 feet.)
No person shall consume any alcoholic beverage while within the physical boundaries of said parking area or in any vehicle parked or being operated in any portion of a parking lot.