Whenever the owner of a lot or parcel wishes to add land to the existing parcel, delete land from an existing lot or parcel, consolidate several lots or parcels into one, or otherwise modify an existing recorded plat, the owner shall be required to submit an amended plat for review and approval by the Mount Airy Planning Commission.
The owner shall have a licensed surveyor or engineer prepare the amended plat. These plans must include all information listed on the Final Plat Requirements Checklist.[1]
Presubmittal conference. A presubmittal conference is required with the Town Planner prior to application to ensure general compliance with planning and zoning regulations and procedures.
Required information. The amended plat shall conform in all respects to the requirements of the Maryland Code, Real Property Article, Title 3, Subtitle 1, § 3-108, 1981 Replacement Volume, as amended, which relates to the making, filing, and recording of plats. The submittal must include all information listed on the final plat application.
Other plans or documents required. Any other final plans or documents associated with the project and subject to Town approval shall also be submitted at this time. This may include items such as homeowner association documents, restrictive covenants to be established, forest conservation easement agreements, and other items required of the subdivision.
Plan distribution and review. The amended plat will be reviewed for completeness. The applicant will be sent a letter acknowledging acceptance of the submittal, or, if incomplete, the submittal will be returned. If accepted, the Town Planning Department will forward copies of these plans to Town and county agencies for review and comment.
Applicant addresses agency comments and revises plat(s). Review comments will be compiled by the Town Planning Department and a staff report will be forwarded to the applicant within 30 days of acceptance of the submittal. Outstanding agency comments will be forwarded to the applicant upon receipt by the Town. The applicant must address the comments, and submit revised plans if required. If revised plans are submitted, the revision block must be updated, and any plan changes must be so noted on the plan. After each resubmission, the Town Planning Department will have 30 days to compile comments and forward a staff report to the applicant. Approval or conditional approval must be received from all reviewing agencies at least 15 days prior to the Planning Commission hearing at which amended plat approval is sought.
Planning Commission meeting. Town staff will compile any outstanding comments received from reviewing agencies, and prepare a staff report with a recommendation. The Planning Commission will review the plans and staff report, take comment from the applicant, and hear public comment. The Planning Commission may vote to approve, conditionally approve, continue review to the next meeting, or disapprove the amended plat.
Editor's Note: See Appendix F, Final Plat Requirements Checklist, included at the end of this chapter.
After the Planning Commission has approved the amended plat, or conditions of approval have been met, the applicant may submit the amended plat for approval, signature and recordation. Follow the process listed below for the county the project is located within:
Carroll County. Submit three diazo-Mylar copies, three photo-cronoflex Mylar copies and one print copy of the final plat for approval signatures and recordation, and the printing fee to cover the cost of plan copies and distribution. (Do not submit original plans.) The Mylar copies must be signed, sealed and dated by the engineer or surveyor, originally. The owner must also sign and date the certification, and have this notarized. The Town will have the final plat copies signed by the Planning Commission Chairman. The Town will then have the copies picked up by the Carroll County Bureau of Development Review Plans expediter and taken to the County Health Department for signature approval, and then have the plats recorded with the Clerk of the Court. Once recorded, one diazo-Mylar copy will be kept by the Carroll County Bureau of Development Review, and one will be sent back to the Town of Mount Airy. (Two of the photo-cronoflex Mylars will stay at the Clerk of the Courts office; one photo-cronoflex, one diazo-Mylar and one blueprint will be given the Tax Assessment Office.) Carroll County will make prints for distribution to the agencies listed in Appendix J,[1] and will bill the owner for the cost of copies.
Editor's Note: Appendix J is included at the end of this chapter.
Frederick County. Submit the original plats, one photo-Mylar copy, and three diazo-Mylar copies for approval. The applicant must also include a check to cover recording costs at the county. The Town will have the plats signed by the Planning Commission. The Town will then take the signed plats and the check to the Frederick County Department of Planning, who will transmit the plats to the Health Department for signature. The Planning Department will then have the plats recorded. Once recorded, the Planning Department will notify the Town to pick up the original and one diazo-Mylar copy of the recorded plats. The Town will return the original to the engineer/surveyor, and will retain the diazo-Mylar copy for Town records. The engineer/surveyor will be required to make prints for distribution to the agencies listed in Appendix J,[2] and submit these copies with a transmittal attached to each to the Town for distribution.
Editor's Note: Appendix J is included at the end of this chapter.