The regulations, limitation and restrictions of this chapter may from time to time be amended, changed, modified or repealed and the boundaries of the zones hereby established changed by ordinance adopted by the Borough Council. But no amendment or change shall become effective unless the ordinance proposing such amendment or change shall first have been submitted to the Planning Board for a report, including recommendations concerning the proposed amendment. The Planning Board shall have a reasonable time, not to exceed 35 days, for consideration and report. In the case of an unfavorable report by the Planning Board, such amendment shall not become effective except by affirmative vote of a majority of the full authorized membership of the governing body, with the reasons of the governing body for so acting recorded in its minutes when adopting such ordinance or amendment.
In case of a protest against such proposed change, signed by the owners of 20% or more either of the area of the lots or land included in such proposed change or of the lots or land extending 200 feet in all directions therefrom, inclusive of street space, whether within or without the municipality, such amendment or revision shall not become effective following the filing of such protest except by the favorable vote of 2/3 of all the members of the governing body of the municipality.