The governing body of the City finds and declares that the unregulated dumping of clean fill can damage the aesthetic beauty and the environmental quality of the community. It also can endanger the public health, safety and general welfare of the citizens if the fill contains substances that contaminate the soil or groundwater. It is the purpose and intent of these regulations to regulate the dumping of clean fill.
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the following meanings unless the context clearly indicates that a different meaning is intended:
Clean gravel, sand, soil or rock deposited for the purpose of landscaping or regrading the land.
No person shall dump or deposit more than 300 cubic yards of clean fill on any lot within a twelve-month period without obtaining a zoning permit from the Zoning Officer. The fee for the permit is $100.
The application for a zoning permit shall be made in writing and filed with the Zoning Officer on a form provided by the City and shall contained the following information:
The name and address of the applicant.
The name and address of the person transporting the clean fill.
The location where the clean fill is to be dumped or deposited.
The intended use for the clean fill.
The composition and source of the clean fill.
Such other information as is required on the application form provided by the Zoning Officer.
The dumping or depositing of clean fill at a location selected by the applicant and approved by the Zoning Officer shall be consistent with any regulations adopted by the County Board of Health or the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.
The dumping or depositing of clean fill on a property must be undertaken during normal working hours and not require the construction of a driveway or road to the dump site.
Clean fill shall be transported through the streets of the City only in vehicles that are covered to prevent any spillage of the contents.
Any applicant for a zoning permit may be denied a permit by the Zoning Officer, or any permit issued may be suspended or revoked by the Zoning Officer for any of the following causes:
The applicant or permittee has filed an application containing materially false information.
The applicant or permittee has failed to comply with these regulations.
The applicant or permittee has been convicted of violating these regulations.
Opportunity to cure. Whenever the public officer shall determine that any action is being taken in violation of this section, the public officer shall notify the applicant and provide the applicant with a period not to exceed 30 days to cure the violation. The applicant shall further be given the opportunity to show that the proposed suspension or revocation is inappropriate because it is based on incorrect or obsolete information.
Administrative action. In the event that the applicant fails to cure the violation or fails to show that the proposed suspension or revocation is inappropriate, within the time period granted, the public officer shall issue an order revoking the permit or suspending it for a period not to exceed one year. The order may include demand for payment of any registration or inspection fees due and unpaid.
The applicant shall have the opportunity to be granted a hearing on the proposed suspension or revocation of the permit and demand for payment of fees unpaid and due, by submitting a written request for a hearing to the public officer within 30 days of issuance of the order in Subsection C above. In such event, the effect of such order shall be stayed until the conclusion of the hearing.
Upon receipt of a request for a hearing, the public officer shall notify the City Attorney, identifying the applicant and the grounds for the order.
Upon receipt of said notification, the City Attorney shall identify a hearing officer, which may be the City commissioner/director of public affairs or another qualified individual, who may or may not be a municipal employee, and shall issue a notice of hearing setting forth the date, time and place of the hearing, the nature of the order which is the subject of the hearing and the grounds for issuance of the order. The hearing shall take place not less than 20 days from the date of service of the notice of hearing.
The notice of hearing shall be served upon the applicant. Service shall be made personally or by regular and certified mail, return receipt requested, by mailing the notice of hearing to the last known address of such person.
The public officer shall testify at the hearing and may produce witnesses in support of the grounds for issuance of the order. The applicant shall have the right to appear at the hearing and testify, produce witnesses, and be represented by an attorney.
Action by hearing officer; appeal.
After the hearing, the hearing officer shall prepare a written order setting forth his or her findings and affirming, modifying or rescinding the order of the public officer, including any registration or inspection fees due and payable.
A copy of the order shall be served on the applicant personally or by regular and certified mail, return receipt requested, by mailing the document to their last known address.
The applicant or any party in interest may, within 30 days of receipt of the order, institute a summary proceeding in the Superior Court, Law Division, to contest the reasonableness of any provisions of the order.
Any person convicted of violating these regulations shall be subject to the penalties set forth in Chapter 1, General Provisions, Article III, General Penalty.