Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 2C:64-7, title to property
forfeited shall vest in the entity funding the prosecuting agency
involved at the time that the item was utilized illegally or, in the
case of proceeds, when received.
A. For all indictable crimes and juvenile offenses money
subject to forfeiture pursuant to state law shall be submitted immediately
to the Cumberland County Prosecutor's office. The evidence officer
shall execute an evidence property receipt for the money delivered
to the Cumberland County Prosecutor's office. The Cumberland County
Prosecutor's office shall then turn the money over to the County Treasurer
where it shall be retained pending forfeiture proceedings pursuant
to state law.
B. For all disorderly persons offenses moneys subject
to forfeiture pursuant to state law shall be submitted immediately
to the City Treasurer's office. The evidence officer shall execute
an evidence property receipt for the money delivered to the City Treasurer's
office. The City Treasurer shall retain said moneys in a separate
account pending forfeiture proceedings pursuant to state law.