It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in disorderly conduct. Any person who shall do any of the following shall be guilty of disorderly conduct:
Any person who shall act in a tumultuous or violent manner toward another person where such other person is placed in fear of safety of his or her health or life.
Any person who shall act in a tumultuous or violent manner toward another person where the property of that person is placed in danger of being damaged or destroyed.
Any person who shall cause, engage in or provoke any brawl, fight or riotous conduct so as to endanger the health or life or property of another person.
Any person who shall use "fighting words" directed towards any other person who becomes outraged and thus creates a public disturbance.
Any person who shall endanger the lawful occupation or pursuit of another person by acts of abusive conduct, angry threats or violence.
Any person who shall assemble or congregate with other persons for the purpose of causing, engaging in or provoking a brawl, fight or riotous conduct.
Any person who shall assemble or congregate with other persons on the public sidewalk or the public street so as to interfere with the free flow of pedestrian traffic or vehicular traffic and refuses to disperse when ordered to do so.
Any person who shall assemble or congregate with other persons for an unlawful purpose.
Any person who interferes with any lawful public gathering or religious worship within the City.
Any person who is convicted of an offense under this article shall be sentenced to pay a fine not to exceed $1,000 to make restitution, to perform community service not to exceed 30 days, or to be incarcerated for a period not to exceed 30 days, or any combination of the foregoing within the discretion of the Court.