[Adopted 1-8-2002 by L.L. No. 3-2002 (Ch. 61 of the 1976 Code)]
This article was adopted to regulate the type of material and the procedure to be used to backfill excavated areas as part of demolition and/or construction projects. Such regulations are necessary:
To protect against the use of hazardous materials or other materials which may adversely affect the health and safety of people in the area or the fragile aquifers which supply potable water to the Village and other municipalities on Long Island.
To eliminate subsequent depressions of the backfilled area which could create pools of standing water, which may serve as breeding sites for mosquitoes and other insects and as attractions to rats and other rodents.
To help eliminate the financial hardship from the substantial unnecessary settling of structures built upon a backfilled site.
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
The Building Inspector of the Village of Great Neck.
At least 90% clean bank run, with the remaining material to be free of clay, silt, debris, waste, frozen material, vegetable and other putrescible material, toxic waste and other hazardous material, and any other material which, in the opinion of the Building Inspector, would be contrary to the intent of this article. The material must meet the following criteria:
The aggregate shall be no larger than two inches in any dimension.
The material shall be capable of passing through:
A six-inch sieve size, 100% by weight;
A No. 4 sieve size, 35% to 95% by weight;
A No. 40 sieve size, 5% to 50% by weight;
A No. 200 sieve size, not more than 8% by weight.
Only permitted fill shall be permitted for the backfilling of depressions caused by either demolition of or excavation for a building.
All backfilled depressions regulated by this section shall be compacted to the following densities:
If the site above the backfill is not to be improved with a building: 95%.
If the site above the backfill is to be improved with a building: 100%.
All backfilled depressions regulated by this section shall be graded, with a crown, and free-draining, in a manner which will not create nor allow pools of standing water, all as approved by the Building Inspector.
All excavated sites and proposed backfill must be inspected by the Building Inspector prior to the backfill being placed into the depression.
All excavated sites and proposed backfill must comply with ASTM D-1556, ASTM D-2167, and ASTM D-2937, as applicable.