[Adopted by Ord. No. 99-13; amended in its entirety 11-22-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-45[1]]
Editor’s Note: This ordinance also changed the title of this article from "Recreation Fees" to "Recreational and Senior Center Fees."
Recreational program fees. The Manager of Recreation shall recommend annually program fees for all programs run through the Recreation Division. Such recommendation shall include a description of each program and the justification for the fees being recommended.
Senior Center use and program fees. The Senior Center Director shall recommend annually use fees for nonresident individual applicants, as defined in § 174-16, for use of the Senior Center, as well as program fees for all participants in programs run though the Senior Center. Such recommendations shall include a description of each program, as applicable, and justification for the fees being recommended. No fee shall be charged to any individual, whether resident or nonresident, for participation exclusively in the nutrition program offered at the Senior Center.
[Amended 5-31-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-17]
[Amended 5-31-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-17]
Recreational program fees shall be adopted by the governing body by resolution and a copy of said resolution shall be forwarded to the Manager of Recreation, the Chief Financial Officer and the Auditor. Senior Center use and program fees shall be adopted by the governing body by resolution and a copy of said resolution shall be forwarded to the Senior Center Director, the Chief Financial Officer and the Auditor. No fees shall be collected until the appropriate resolution has been adopted by the governing body.