The purpose of the CN-R Commercial Neighborhood (Restricted) District is to provide strict standards for the development of limited commercial uses in area where such uses will be compatible with neighborhood residential uses and can be made to blend in with the surrounding areas. This district's primary purpose is to provide commercial facilities to the surrounding neighborhood, and which would be supported by the neighborhood.
Retail businesses, such as convenience stores, pharmacy stores, apparel stores, eating establishments, music shops, sporting goods stores, and book, stationery and magazine shops.
Business services, such as banks, credit unions, and other financial institutions, real estate and insurance agencies, business and professional offices, including medical and dental offices.
Personal services, such as barber shops, beauty salons, dry cleaning outlets, photographic studios, tailor, dressmaking, and millinery.
Multiple-use buildings, provided there is a minimum lot area of 15,000 square feet for the first use and 5,000 square feet for each additional use.
No accessory building shall be permitted in this district.
Except for financial institutions, drive-in facilities shall be prohibited.
Federal, state and local municipal buildings and uses, essential services and essential municipal services facility.
Commercial uses permitted in the Commercial Neighborhood (Restricted) District shall be subject to the following conditions:
Each land use permit application shall be approved by the Washington Township Planning Committee. All buildings shall conform to required setbacks, and shall be of a type of construction that will be comparable with the surrounding community.
[Amended 12-16-2019 by Ord. No. 271]
Along each property line adjacent to a Residential District, screen planting shall be provided as specified in § 360-14F herein.
Any illumination will be arranged so that there is no glare of light upon a residence or residential district or adjacent roadway. All illumination shall be kept within commercial lot lines.
Any outside facilities, such as gas/fuel pumps, loading docks, etc., must be screened from view of the roadway, residential districts, and adjacent lots. Screening may be natural or man-made and shall be approved by the Planning Committee. No outside facilities will be permitted in front of building or in front yard.
[Amended 12-16-2019 by Ord. No. 271]
No freestanding signs will be permitted. All signs must be attached to buildings and shall be approved by the Planning Committee.
[Amended 12-16-2019 by Ord. No. 271]
The hours of operation shall not exceed the period of 5:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m., prevailing time.
[Amended 12-16-2019 by Ord. No. 271]
Off-street parking, loading space, and motor vehicle access shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of § 360-54, Design standards, of Article VI, Off-Street Parking. In addition, all loading docks and areas shall be screened as much as possible from adjacent lots and roadways. The Planning Committee shall approve all parking, loading, and access drive plans.
All buildings shall cover not more than 20% of the lot. No less than 15% of the lot shall be covered with lawns and landscaping.
Minimum required for all uses not otherwise listed:
Minimum Required
Neighborhood Commercial (Restricted)
Lot size
15,000 square feet
Lot width
80 feet
Lot depth
200 feet
Front yard
60 feet
Side yard*
10 feet*
Rear yard**
30 feet**
Building height maximum
25 feet
Public water and sewer is required for all buildings
When mutual agreement is provided in writing by adjoining property owners, no side yard shall be required where two or more commercial uses adjoin side to side. In the case of a series of adjoining structures abutting and paralleling a public right-of-way, an open and unobstructed passage of at least 20 feet in width shall be provided at grade level at intervals of not more than 400 feet apart.
Rear yard of 60 feet is required when abutting an existing residential lot.