[HISTORY: Adopted by the Township Council of the Township of Springfield 12-14-1994 as § 4-6 of the 1994 Code. Amendments noted where applicable.]
No person shall fire, discharge, set off or cause to be fired, discharged or set off any firearm, firecracker, roman candle or other firework or explosive, or fire, discharge or set off any firearm whereby any shot, bullet or other missile is shot, scattered or projected within 300 feet of any road or building, except as provided in § 95-2.
Permit. The Chief of Police of the Township shall be authorized to issue a permit for the discharge of firearms when:
The Chief of Police determines that the health, safety and welfare of persons in the Township will not be impaired.
Such use is allowed under the terms of Chapter 215, Zoning, or by a variance recommended by the Land Development Board and approved by the Township Council.
[Amended 3-13-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-01]
Regulations. The Chief of Police shall have the right to impose reasonable rules and regulations concerning the discharge of firearms by special permit. The standards for determining such rules and regulations shall be based upon the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the Township.