[Added 11-13-2001 by Ord. No. 2001-7]
Principal permitted uses on the land and in buildings shall be as follows:
Paint, glass and wallpaper sales and service.
Hardware store.
Lawn and garden center.
General merchandise store.
Grocery and convenience store.
Meat and fish markets, including frozen food purveyors.
Fruit and vegetable market.
Candy, nut and confectionery store.
Dairy products sales.
Retail bakery.
Other food stores.
Motor vehicle supplies and new parts.
Apparel and accessories store.
Furniture and accessories store.
Restaurants, provided that no fast-food restaurants or drive-in or drive-through restaurants shall be permitted.
Drug and proprietary store.
Liquor stores.
Secondhand shops.
Jewelry, hobby, camera, gift, luggage, leather, dry goods, sewing and similar shops.
Opticians and optical goods.
Art and drafting supply, gallery, auction room, antique store, cosmetics, pets and pet supply store, picture framing, philatelist shop, awning shop and other miscellaneous retail uses.
Banks, offices for finance, insurance and real estate services.
Beauty and barber shops, including manicurist and nail shops.
Shoe repair and shoeshine services.
Funeral home and crematorium.
Tax return preparation.
Engineering, surveying, architectural, accounting, auditing, bookkeeping, research and development, management, public relations and similar services.
Legal services.
Repair of appliances, electronic equipment, watches, jewelry, furniture and upholstery, antiques including antique automobiles, optical goods, cameras, precision instruments, leather goods including luggage and tack, musical instruments including tuning, office equipment and similar repair services but not to include automobile repair.
Health services, including medical offices, nursing and personal care facilities, hospitals, medical and dental laboratories, home health care services and specialty outpatient facilities.
Farms and farm buildings; see Article XVIII for regulations.
Plumbing supply stores.
Video sales and rental stores.
Dry cleaners, but no chemical processing on the premises.
Day-care centers.
Public storage (self-storage) facilities.
[Added 12-11-2002 by Ord. No. 2002-7]
Conditional uses and permitted accessory uses shall be as follows:
Off-street loading and parking and private garages, either attached or detached. (See § 215-37 herein below, Article XV and Chapter 164, Site Plan Review, § 164-25.)
Accessory buildings not exceeding 20 feet in height and 1.5 stories.
Fences and walls. (See Article XVII.)
Signs. (See § 215-39 herein.)
[Amended 7-14-2004 by Ord. No. 2004-13]
Farm stands; see § 215-97 for regulations.
[Amended 11-10-2010 by Ord. No. 2010-08]
Cellular antennas and other public utility uses as conditional uses under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-67; see Article XXIII and § 215-132 for applicable standards.
Satellite dish antennas as conditional uses under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-67; see § 215-132 for regulations.
Commercial kennels and animal hospitals as conditional uses under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-67; see § 215-132 for regulations.
Gasoline service stations as conditional uses under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-67; see § 215-132 for regulations.
Temporary construction trailers and one temporary sign not exceeding 32 square feet, advertising the prime contractor, subcontractor(s), architect, financing institution and similar data for the period of construction beginning with the issuance of a construction permit and concluding with the issuance of a certificate of occupancy or one year, whichever is less, provided that said trailer(s) and sign are on the site where the construction is taking place, are not on any existing or proposed street or easement and are set back at least 30 feet from all street and lot lines.
Renewable energy facilities as accessory uses; see § 215-134 for regulations.
[Added 11-10-2010 by Ord. No. 2010-07]
No building shall exceed 35 feet in height and 2.5 stories.
Area and yard requirements shall be as follows:
Principal buildings, minimum in feet.
Lot area: three acres.
Lot frontage: 150 feet.
Lot width: 150 feet.
Lot depth: 175 feet.
Side yards, each: 25 feet.
Front yard: 50 feet.
Rear yard: 50 feet.
Accessory buildings, minimum in feet.
Distance to side lot line: 20 feet.
Distance to rear lot line: 20 feet.
Distance to other building: 20 feet.
Maximum coverage.
Floor area ratio: 0.12.
Maximum impervious surface ratio: 0.60.
One building may contain more than one use, provided that the total floor area ratio and lot coverage of the combined uses does not exceed the maximums specified for the district, and further provided that each use occupies a minimum gross floor area of 750 square feet.
No one use or individual activity may occupy more than 50,000 square feet of gross floor area in any one building.
Display or storage.
Unless otherwise specifically approved by the Board as part of a site plan application, no merchandise, product, equipment or similar material or objects shall be displayed or stored outside.
Where merchandise, products, equipment or similar material or objects are approved by the Board to be displayed or stored outside, the materials shall be suitably screened to be obscured from view from adjacent residential uses and must be situated within the property lines of the principal use.
Each building shall provide at least one off-street loading space and one trash and garbage pickup location in accordance with the provisions of Article XV.
All areas not utilized for buildings, parking, loading, access aisles and driveways or pedestrian walkways shall be suitably landscaped with shrubs, ground cover, seeding or plantings and maintained in good condition.
All buildings shall be compatibly designed, whether constructed all at one time or in stages over a period of time. All building walls facing any street or residential use or district shall be suitably finished for aesthetic purposes and shall be compatible in design and scale to the surrounding residential areas. No commercial or office building facade shall be repeated/duplicated for a distance of 400 feet. All commercial and office buildings shall have a gable, hip, gambrel, or other dual-pitched, single-ridge roof. No such roofline shall be repeated/duplicated for a distance of 400 feet.
The minimum setback area shall include a planted buffer of at least 20 feet in width along any common property line with a residential district or use.
At least the first 25 feet adjacent to any street line and at least the first 20 feet adjacent to any lot line shall not be used for parking and shall be planted and maintained in lawn areas or ground cover and landscaped in compliance with the standards set forth in Chapter 119, Landscaping.
Each individual use shall provide parking spaces according to the following minimum provisions. Where a permitted use of land includes different specific activities with different specific parking requirements, the total number of required parking spaces shall be obtained by individually computing the parking requirements for each different activity and adding the resulting numbers together. No parking area shall be located within 10 feet of any property line.
Retail and service activities shall provide parking at the ratio of one parking space per 200 square feet of gross floor area or part thereof.
Banks and offices shall provide parking at the ratio of one parking space per 200 square feet of gross floor area or part thereof. Additionally, drive-in banks shall provide room for at least eight automobiles per drive-in window for queuing purposes.
Restaurants shall provide one parking space for every three seats but in all cases a sufficient number of spaces to prevent any parking along public rights-of-way or private driveways, fire lanes and aisles.
Parking areas for individual use shall be designed to be interconnected with adjacent properties and shall utilize common entrance(s) and exit(s) where feasible, to minimize access points to the street.
See § 215-79 and Article XVI for additional standards.
Each principal use shall have an off-street loading and unloading area, at the side or rear of the building, with adequate ingress and egress from streets and with adequate space for maneuvering. A space, at least 15 feet by 40 feet, shall be provided for each building in accord with Article XV. Additional spaces may be required dependent upon the specific activity. There shall be no loading or unloading from the street.
There shall be at least one trash and garbage pickup location, including provision for recyclable materials collection provided by each building, which shall be separated from the parking spaces by either a location within the building or in a pickup location outside the building, which shall be a steel-like, totally enclosed container located in a manner to be obscured from view from parking areas, streets and adjacent residential uses or zoning districts by a fence, wall, planting or combination of all three. If located within the building, the doorway may serve both the loading and trash/garbage functions; and if located outside the building, it may be located adjacent to or within the general loading area(s), provided that the container in no way interferes with or restricts loading and unloading functions; see Article XV for additional standards.
Each principal commercial building may have one major sign, either freestanding or attached, not exceeding 10% of the front facade of the principal building or 32 square feet, whichever is smaller. Freestanding signs shall be set back at least 25 feet from all street and property lines. Where a principal use occupying at least 750 square feet of segregated area has direct access from the outside, a sign not exceeding eight square feet in area identifying the name of the activity shall also be permitted. Such additional sign shall be either attached flat against the building at the entrance to the activity or suspended in perpendicular fashion from a roof over a common walkway. Suspended signs shall be no closer than eight feet at their lowest point to the finished grade below.
See § 215-107 for definitions.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. IV).
Location. The planned commercial development option can be used only in the areas designated CC Community Commercial adjacent to Route No. 206.
[Amended 10-2-2002 by Ord. No. 2002-5]
Purpose. To provide convenient, aesthetically pleasing and pedestrian-sensitive areas for working and/or shopping for area residents and for highway users in general, without compromising the carrying capacity of the highway. This can be achieved by improving circulation between sites by permitting clustered development and encouraging shared access and shared parking.
Noncontiguous parcel clustering. The development potential of the land lying within the five-hundred-foot Route 206 Viewshed Corridor may be transferred to the areas designated CC Community Commercial adjacent to Route No. 206. The development potential of such property will be measured in development credits. The number of development credits attributable to that portion of a lot lying within the five-hundred-foot Route No. 206 Viewshed Corridor will be equal to the number of residential building lots that could be developed on that portion of the lot, applying the special design criteria for residential development in the viewshed corridor. See § 215-22C for design criteria. Development credits may then be transferred on the basis of 7,500 square feet of additional permitted floor area for each development credit.
[Amended 3-13-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-01]
Example: Based on a Ten-Acre Tract
Permitted floor area on a ten-acre tract in the CC Community Commercial Zone WITHOUT development credits = 52,272 square feet.
One acre = 43,560 square feet. 10 acres = 435,600 square feet.
Maximum permitted floor area ratio (FAR) in Community Commercial Zone without development credits = .12
.12 x 435,600 sq. ft. = 52,272 square feet.
Permitted floor area on a ten-acre tract in the CC Community Commercial Zone WITH development credits = 78,408 square feet.
One acre = 43,560 square feet. 10 acres = 435,600 square feet.
Maximum permitted floor area ratio (FAR) in Community Commercial Zone with development credits =. 18
.18 x 435,600 sq. ft. = 78,408 square feet.
Permitted floor area on a ten-acre tract in the CC Community Commercial Zone with THREE DEVELOPMENT CREDITS = 74,772 square feet.
One development credit = 7,500 square feet
Three development credits = 22,500 square feet
Permitted floor area on a ten-acre tract in the CC Community Commercial Zone WITHOUT development credits = 52,272 square feet.
52,272 sq. ft. + 22,500 sq. ft. = 74,772 square feet
Permitted floor area on a ten-acre tract in the CC Community Commercial Zone with ONE DEVELOPMENT CREDIT = 59,772 square feet.
One development credit = 7,500 square feet
Permitted floor area on a ten-acre tract in the CC Community Commercial Zone - WITHOUT development credits = 52,272 square feet.
52,272 sq. ft. + 7,500 sq. ft. = 59,772 square feet
Floor area on a ten-acre tract in the CC Community Commercial Zone with FOUR DEVELOPMENT CREDITS = 82,272 square feet. REQUIRES USE VARIANCE. See N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70d(4).
One development credit = 7,500 square feet
Four development credits = 30,000 square feet
Permitted floor area on a ten-acre tract in the CC Community Commercial Zone WITHOUT development credits = 52,272 square feet.
52,272 sq. ft. + 30,000 sq. ft. = 82,272 square feet
Maximum permitted floor area in Community Commercial Zone with development credits = 78,408 square feet.
82,272 square feet is greater than 78,408 square feet. USE VARIANCE REQUIRED per N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70d(4).
Development credits shall not be transferred until:
The Land Development Board determines the number of development credits attributable to the portion of the lot that lies within the five-hundred-foot Route No. 206 Viewshed Corridor. Applications to determine such number shall be deemed applications for minor subdivision approval.
Only those lands not previously restricted from development may transfer development potential.
Land whose development potential is being transferred shall be deed restricted either to those uses permitted by the state’s farmland preservation program or deeded to a land trust or other suitable entity for conservation.
Deed restrictions and transaction instruments must be reviewed and approved by the Township and Land Development Board Solicitor prior to recording.
The development potential transfer shall occur at the time the approved instruments are recorded.
Principal permitted uses: all uses permitted in the CC Community Commercial Zone, subject to the requirements of that zone.
Minimum area and yard requirements:
Principal buildings.
Lot area: five acres.
Lot frontage: 400 feet.
Lot depth: 600 feet.
Side yard (each): 60 feet.
Front yard: 100 feet.
Rear yard: 100 feet.
Building height: 35 feet.
Building height: 2.5 stories.
Accessory buildings.
Distance to side line: 60 feet.
Distance to rear line: 60 feet.
Distance to other buildings: 20 feet.
Floor area and impervious coverage:
Maximum floor area ratio: 0.18.
Maximum impervious surface: 0.65.
Minimum off-street parking and loading. Same as required by §§ 215-28, 215-37 and 215-38.
General requirements.
Any principal building may contain more than one use and/or activity, provided that the total FAR and MISR of the combined activities does not exceed the maximum FAR and MISR specified for the zone and provided, further, that each activity occupies a minimum gross floor area of 750 square feet.
No one use or individual occupant may occupy more than 50,000 square feet in any one building.
No merchandise, products, equipment or similar material or objects shall be displayed or stored outside.
A minimum buffer area of 40 feet in width shall be provided along any common property line with a residential district or residential use. See Chapter 119, Landscaping, § 119-13, for regulations.
Along each street line a thirty-foot-wide, suitably landscaped strip shall be provided in conjunction with shopping center development. In addition, paved parking areas shall include landscaped planting strips, particularly at the end of parking rows. Said ends of parking areas shall be surrounded by concrete curb or Belgian block curb and shall be a minimum of nine feet in width. Planting strips shall be planted with deciduous trees and vegetative ground cover. No parking shall take place in this buffer area.
At least 20 feet adjacent to any side lot line shall not be used for parking or driveway aisles unless the parking or driveway aisle is to be used as part of a shared parking or access plan. The twenty-foot-wide buffer is to be suitably landscaped to buffer the impact of parking lots on adjacent properties.
Common driveways shall be encouraged and cross easements shall be required to allow vehicular movements between adjacent commercial properties. The easements shall be located at the side or rear of the property. Cross easements shall be a minimum of 24 feet wide.
All service facilities will be located at the rear of the property. All such facilities shall be appropriately screened from adjacent commercial and residential properties.
Each property owner shall be responsible for the maintenance of common easement areas.
Signage. A coordinated sign package must be provided for review prior to final approval. One ground sign, not to exceed 50 square feet and six feet in height, shall be permitted within the front yard, set back a minimum of 15 feet from the front lot line. Two facade signs not to exceed, in aggregate, 10% of the front facade are permitted, one each on any two facades of the building.
Awnings, arcades, fountains, plazas and other public amenities are encouraged and will not be considered in MISR or FAR calculations. Awnings and arcades may extend five feet into the front yard setback area.
Pedestrian linkages and easements between adjacent properties are encouraged.
Street trees are required along the frontage of each property to be planted 40 feet on center and they shall be a minimum of 2 1/2 inch caliper at the time of planting.
All other standards of the chapter not in conflict with the above are applicable to the planned commercial developments.
Required findings. No planned commercial development shall be approved unless the Land Development Board has found the following facts and reached the following conclusions:
[Amended 3-13-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-01]
That any departures from the regulations applicable to the property are in general compliance with the standards established by the zoning ordinance.
That the proposals for maintenance and conservation of the common open space are reliable and the amount, location and purpose of the common open space are adequate.