Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
The Township Administrator shall be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Township Council. The Administrator shall hold office for the term of the Mayor but may be removed by a vote of at least 2/3 of the members of the Council, in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40:69A-149.9.
The Township Administrator shall be appointed solely on the basis of his executive and administrative qualifications, with special reference to his actual experience in, or his knowledge of, accepted practice in respect to the duties of his office as hereinafter set forth.
At the time of his appointment, the Township Administrator need not be a resident of the Township or state, but during his tenure he may reside outside the Township only with the approval of the Council.
The Township Administrator shall receive such compensation as may be provided ordinance.
The Mayor may, with the advice and consent of the Council, designate a qualified administrative officer of the Township to perform duties of the Administrator during his temporary absence or disability. In the event of his failure to make such a designation, the Council may, by resolution, appoint an officer of the Township to perform the duties of the Administrator during such absence or disability, until he shall return or his disability shall cease.
The Township Administrator shall administer the business affairs of the municipality and shall, as provided by ordinance, have such powers and perform such duties that are not required to be exercised by the Mayor, Council or other officer, board or body. The Township Administrator shall be the chief administrative officer of the Township, responsible to the Mayor and Council for the administration of all Township affairs and with the following powers and duties:
Represent the Township and assert its proper interests in relation to the state and other political subdivisions and negotiate contracts, subject to the approval of the Council.
Attend all meetings of the Township Council with the right to take part in discussions but not to vote.
Keep the Mayor and Council advised of the financial condition of the Township, make reports to the Mayor and Council as requested by them and at least once a year make an annual report on the administration of the Township government for the benefit of the Mayor, Council and the public.
See that all laws and acts of the Council subject to enforcement by him or by officers and employees subject to his direction and supervision are faithfully executed.
Assist the Council in preparing the annual budget and capital program and administer the budget after adoption by the Mayor and Township Council.
Study the governmental and administrative operations and needs of the Township government and prepare and recommend to the Mayor and Council necessary and desirable plans and programs to meet present and foreseeable needs.
Conduct assessments and analysis of budget operations, work programs, operations and cost of services.
Approve or prescribe the internal organization of each department and assign and transfer administrative functions, powers and duties among and within departments, subject to the Charter and Administrative Code.
Direct and supervise the administration of all departments, offices and agencies of the Township, except as otherwise provided by law.
Investigate at any time the affairs of any officer or department of the Township.
Delegate to other employees such of his powers as he may deem necessary for efficient administration.
Serve as purchasing officer and contracting agent for the municipality and execute such contracts not required to be executed by the Mayor.
Perform such other duties as may be required by the Mayor and Council.
The Administrator shall recommend to the Mayor and Council appointment and removal of all department heads and other employees.
The Administrator shall, as necessary for the efficient administration of government, make or cause to have made other personnel actions, including evaluations, transfers, reclassifications, promotions and discipline, in accordance with applicable law and regulations.
The Administrator shall act as hearing officer in proceedings conducted under the civil service laws and for which no outside hearing officer is retained.
The Administrator shall establish, maintain and enforce sound personnel and administrative polices, procedures and management practices, including the maintenance of appropriate records and reports in accordance with law.
The Administrator shall administer and negotiate all labor contracts on behalf of the Township, and subject to the final approval of the Township Council.
There may be a Deputy Township Administrator who shall be appointed by the Mayor, upon recommendation of the Township Administrator and with the advice and consent of Council. The Deputy Township Administrator shall have such functions and duties as are assigned by the Administrator.