The Planning Board shall meet on the fourth Wednesday of every month for which applications are submitted in a timely manner or at such other times as the Board may decide, except when summer schedules or holidays may interfere.
[Amended 6-23-1998 by L.L. No. 11-1998]
Meetings may be called at the request of the Chair and shall be called by the Chair at the request of a majority of the members. Public notice of any such meeting shall be posted no less than five days preceding the meeting.
Three members shall constitute a quorum for the conduct of business at any Board meeting.
All votes of the Board shall be public votes, and all actions of the Board shall be reflected in the Board's minutes.
Applications which are denied shall have the reasons for such denial set forth in the said minutes.
[Amended 9-27-1994 by L.L. No. 11-1994]
A public hearing shall be held by the Board on any application submitted to it for subdivision, site plan, special use permit or other matters over which the Board has jurisdiction, as provided for under Chapters 77, Planning Board; 167, Flood Damage Prevention; 171, Freshwater Wetlands; 251, Site Plan Review; 256, Streets, Sidewalks and Public Places; and 310, Zoning, of the Code of the Village of Scarsdale.
[Amended 9-27-1994 by L.L. No. 11-1994; 6-23-1998 by L.L. No. 11-1998; 3-26-2024 by L.L. No. 5-2024]
Unless otherwise provided under New York State law, public notice of any such hearing shall be published by the Clerk in the official newspaper of the Village of Scarsdale at least once and at least five days preceding the date of the hearing.
Each applicant for approval of a subdivision plat, a site plan or special use permit, for a controlled activity in a freshwater wetland or other matters over which the Board has jurisdiction shall serve notice setting forth the location of the property, the nature of the application and the time and place of the hearing upon all owners of property, any part of which is within 200 feet of any point on the boundary of the lot or lots involved in the application. As an exception, for properties larger than 15 acres in area, notice shall be sent to all owners of property within 200 feet of the activity covered by the application. Such notice shall be served by certified mail not less than 10 days, or by personal service not less than seven days, prior to the date of the hearing thereon. If service has been effected by mail, a receipt from the post office of such mailing shall constitute proof. Each such notice shall be in a form as prescribed by the Board.
[Amended 9-27-1994 by L.L. No. 11-1994; 6-23-1998 by L.L. No. 11-1998]
In applications requiring a preliminary plat, construction plan and a final plat, notice of hearing is not required to be served with the construction drawing application.
[Amended 9-27-1994 by L.L. No. 11-1994]
Further notice shall not be required in the event of a continuance unless the Board shall direct the giving of such notice.
At least two days prior to the hearing, the applicant shall file with the Clerk proof, in affidavit form, that such required notice in satisfactory form and substance has been served.
At any public hearing held by the Board on any application or other matters, any interested person present may be held in support of or in opposition to such application or other matters set forth on the Board's written agenda. All applicants may appear in their own behalf or be represented by an agent or attorney.