Design standards for and installation of monuments, curbs, gutters, water mains, sanitary sewers, storm drains, street and other paving, streetlights and other improvements, including trees, if required by the Board, shall meet specifications established by the Board and appropriate Village departments. Standard streets shall have a minimum paved width of 24 feet between curbs.
Design standards for street constructed or altered in connection with a subdivision shall meet the following requirements:
All streets shall be named, which name shall be subject to approval of the Board.
Unless the Board determines that it is impractical, street rights-of-way shall have a width of at least 50 feet.
In all cases, the width of streets and their rights-of-way shall be at least as great as that of existing streets of which they are extensions.
Subdivisions generally shall have at least two connections to existing streets.
Block lengths generally shall not exceed 1,200 feet.
A cul-de-sac (dead-end street) will not be approved, unless provision is made for the future elimination of the cul-de-sac or unless it can be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Board that there is not another practical way to develop the property. When a cul-de-sac is permitted, either temporary or permanent, an approved turnaround shall be provided. Such turnaround roadway shall accommodate a minimum turning radius of 40 feet to the outside curb and have a minimum ten foot-wide strip of land surrounding such turnaround for right-of-way purposes. Culs-de-sac generally shall not exceed 600 feet in length. The length of the cul-de-sac shall be measured from the center line of the intersecting roadway to the center of the turnaround.
Generally, street grades shall be not less than 1% nor greater than 7% and adjoining grades shall be connected by suitable vertical curves.
For summit and sag curves, the design speed shall not be less than 25 miles per hour, with a nonpassing sight distance of 200 feet, pursuant to standard engineering practice.
[Amended 11-22-2022 by L.L. No. 8-2022]
[Amended 9-27-1994 by L.L. No. 11-1994]
In subdivisions with streets, the applicant shall grade and pave all streets, including those needed to connect the streets in the subdivision to existing improved streets, shall construct or landscape public areas as required by the Board and shall install monuments, curbs, water mains, sanitary sewers, storm drains, street signs, streetlights and other improvements shown on the final plat and/or on the construction plan, at the applicant's expense, in accordance with standards, specifications and procedures acceptable to the appropriate departments of the Village.
Before the Board grants final approval for any subdivision that creates, enlarges or alters a street, the Village Engineer shall inform the Board whether the applicant has complied with design standards established in this Article, in the Code of the Village of Scarsdale and by Village departmental regulations.
Surface water control systems shall be deemed to include pipes, ditches, culverts, retention and detention areas, structures, swales, slopes, conduits and other runoff control measures. The design of surface water control systems shall meet the following requirements:
For sites of two acres or more, detention facilities shall be adequate to provide for a one-hundred-year storm.
Detention facilities for a one-hundred-year storm shall also be designed for maximum discharge rates for storm intensities of 50, 25, 10 and two years.
For sites of less than two acres, detention facilities shall be adequate to provide for a twenty-five-year storm, unless the Board requires greater detention capacity because of surrounding conditions.
Detention facilities designed for a twenty-five-year storm shall also be designed for maximum discharge rates for storm intensities of 10, five and two years.
All installations shall be in accordance with standards, specifications and procedures acceptable to the appropriate Village department.