The Director of Administration and Finance shall, at the time of submitting
the proposed budget to Council, submit, as an annex to the budget, financial
projections for a period of at least three additional years, such projections
beyond the year budgeted to be advisory only for the purpose of long-range
planning. The projections shall include:
A. Comparative figures for actual and estimated revenues
and expenditures for the current fiscal year and actual revenues and actual
expenditures for the preceding fiscal year.
B. The proposed operating budget for the next fiscal year,
in such form as Council shall prescribe.
C. The forecast of revenue and expenditures for a period
of at least three additional years, individually stated, to be advisory only
for the purpose of long-range planning. The information to be provided shall
be stated in line item format only.
D. A capital program as further set forth below, including
the proposed method of financing each capital project or purchase, but in
no case less than the next five fiscal years; a schedule for the amortization
of all existing capital projects; and proposed funding for any proposed new
capital projects.
The Director of Administration and Finance shall cause the appropriations
voted by Borough Council to be entered in the accounting records of the Borough
and shall approve no contract or expenditure that would exceed the unencumbered
balance of appropriations in any account. Council may at any time amend the
operation budget, but changes in appropriations, either increases or decrease,
shall be made only pursuant to an ordinance authorizing such changes. Supplemental
appropriations may be made by Council in the event that revenues are found
and certified by the Director to exceed estimates in the budget. If revenues
are found and certified by the Director to fall short of estimates in the
budget, the Director shall recommend reductions in appropriations to offset
the deficiency in revenues, and the Council shall make necessary adjustments
in the appropriations to maintain a balanced budget. All unexpected appropriations
shall lapse at the end of the fiscal year.
The budget proposed by the Director and the budget subsequently adopted
by Council shall be balanced so that appropriations shall not exceed the estimated
revenues and available surplus. In making revenue estimates, the Director
shall show the amounts anticipated from existing taxes and service charges
at existing rates, and the increase and decrease to result from any proposed
changes in the rates.
Council shall provide for an independent annual audit of Borough receipts,
expenditures, accounts and reports, including the accounts of the Treasurer,
by a Pennsylvania certified public accountant or a certified public accounting
firm, experienced in municipal finance, having no personal interest, direct
or indirect, in the fiscal affairs of the Borough or any of its elected or
appointed personnel or employees. Council may provide for more frequent audits
at its discretion. The results of the annual audit and a financial statement
of the fiscal affairs of the Borough, with the results of the independent
auditor's survey of internal control and any recommendation thereon, shall
be included in an annual report of the Director. A summary of the annual audit
of the independent auditor, including any recommendation made with respect
to the survey of the internal control, shall be available for public inspection
at the Borough Office. The annual audit shall be conducted in accordance with
generally accepted auditing standards. The financial report shall be prepared
in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.