It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to construct,
erect or build any new residences or substantially alter any existing residences
without incorporating into such building the minimum security requirements
and designs set forth in the following sections of this article.
All single doors leading from the garage area into the dwelling area
shall be of solid metal or wood construction and shall be secured with an
approved lockset. These doors shall be equipped with a cylinder guard and
a self-closing device.
All single in-swinging exterior doors shall be mounted with jambs so
constructed as to protect and prevent violation of the function of the strike.
All single out-swinging exterior doors shall be equipped with a protective
tamper guard protecting the area of the strike and locking device. Maximum
dimension between the door and the frame shall be 3/16 inch on the latch side.
All exterior doors with externally exposed hinges shall be equipped
with security hinges.