The applicant shall construct all roads, streets, lanes or alleys, together with all other improvements, including grading, paving, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, street lights, fire hydrants, water mains, street signs, shade trees, storm drainage facilities, sanitary sewers, landscaping, traffic control devices, open space and restriction areas, and erosion and sediment control measures in conformance with the final plan as approved, the applicable provisions of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation Specifications, Form 408, dated 1994, or the latest revision thereof, the Stormwater Management Ordinance of the Township, or other applicable regulations.
[Amended 11-19-2003 by Ord. No. 3-2003]
No plat shall be finally approved for recording, and no building permits shall be issued until the developer has completed all required improvements or has provided a performance guarantee in accordance with § 190-17 hereof.
All trenches or other excavations in existing or proposed Township streets shall be backfilled in accordance with the following:
Backfilling shall be done as promptly as possible.
The trench shall be backfilled with hand-placed screenings to a height of at least one foot above the top of the conduit, pipe or pipe bell. These shall be thoroughly hand-tamped around the side of the pipe. These screenings shall be placed with the hand shovels and not from trucks or with the use of power equipment and shall be free from refuse, boulders, rocks, unsuitable organic material or other material which in the opinion of the Township Engineer is unsuitable.
When the pipe is located in a dedicated street or any place where paving (including driveways) may be placed, the remainder of the trench shall be backfilled with 2RC or modified stone and promptly compacted. The backfill material shall be mechanically tamped in approximately six layers.
Backfilling or tamping with trenching machine is prohibited.
Where openings have been made in existing Township roads, paving shall be restored in accordance with the paving standards contained within this chapter. Openings made in state roads shall be restored in accordance with Pennsylvania Department of Transportation Specifications. Permits shall be required before paving is opened in any existing state or Township road.
Where openings are made behind the curbline, work shall be prosecuted as specified in these specifications and the opening covered with good topsoil to a depth of six inches and seeded or sodded to the satisfaction of the Township Engineer.
Whenever the trenches have not been properly filled or if settlement occurs, they shall be refilled, compacted, smoothed off, and finally made to conform to the surface ground.
Frozen earth shall not be used for backfilling, nor shall any backfilling be done when materials already in the trench are frozen.
Where excavated material, or any portion thereof, is deemed by the Township Engineer to be unsuitable for backfilling, the developer shall procure and place backfill material approved by the Township Engineer.
Inspection required; corrections.
The construction or installation of all improvements shall at all times be subject to inspections by representatives of the Township. If such inspection reveals that work is not in accordance with approved plans and specifications, that construction is not being done in a workmanlike manner, or that erosion or sediment controls are failing to prevent accelerated erosion or waterborne sediment from leaving the site or construction, said representative is empowered to require corrections to be made and/or order the suspension of subdivision approval and a cease-and-desist order, which may include any or all of the following sanctions:
That no lot in the subdivision shall be conveyed or placed under agreement of sale;
That all construction on any lots for which a building permit has been issued shall cease; and/or
That no further building permits for any lot shall be issued.
The said cease-and-desist order shall be terminated upon the determination of the Township representatives that the said defects or deviations from plan requirements have been corrected.
No underground pipes, structures, subgrades, or base course shall be covered until inspected and approved by the Township Engineer. Failure to request an inspection before covering shall provide cause for uncovering such work at the developer's expense to permit inspection. A minimum of six inspections by the designated representative shall be required. These inspections shall be effected as follows:
Excavation and completion of subgrade;
Excavation, installation, and completion of drainage structures, community sewage systems, or water supply systems;
Before placing first base course and between such base course;
Before binder course;
Before wearing course; and
Final inspection in accordance with Subsection A.
The developer shall notify the designated representative of the Township (usually the Township Engineer) at least 24 hours in advance of commencement of any construction operations requiring an inspection.
When the developer has completed all of the necessary and appropriate improvements, he shall notify the Board, in writing, by certified or registered mail, of the completion of the aforesaid improvements and shall send a copy thereof to the Township Engineer. The Board shall, within 10 days after receipt of such notice, direct and authorize the Township Engineer to inspect all of the aforesaid improvements. The Township Engineer shall, thereupon, file a report, in writing, with the Board, and shall promptly mail a copy of the same to the developer by certified mail. The report shall be made and mailed within 30 days after receipt by the Township Engineer of the aforesaid authorization from the Board; said report shall be detailed and shall indicate approved or rejection of said improvements, either in whole or in part. If said improvements, or any portion thereof, shall not be approved or shall be rejected by the Township Engineer, said report shall contain a statement of reasons for such nonapproval or rejection. Approval of improvements shall not be given until all construction debris has been removed from the site; no such debris shall be buried, burned, or otherwise disposed of on the site.
The Board shall notify the developer, within 15 days of receipt of the Township Engineer's report, in writing, by certified or registered mail of the action of the Board with relation to approval, nonapproval, or rejection of improvements.
If any portion of the said improvements shall not be approved or shall be rejected by the Board, the developer shall proceed to complete the same and, upon completion, the same procedure of notification, as outlined herein, shall be followed.
Improvement bonds, or funds in escrow, may be released in stages as construction of a significant portion of street, including all other improvements, is completed and approved by the Board. The Board shall only release the amount specifically provided for the improvement in the performance guarantee agreement.
The developer shall be responsible for maintenance of all public improvements until such improvements are offered for dedication and accepted by the Township, and 10% of the performance guarantee shall be held back until a maintenance guarantee as provided in § 190-49 has been posted and as-built plans are filed.
The developer shall not be released from the requirements of the performance guarantee agreement until satisfactory evidence of the establishment and ongoing existence of a homeowners' association is provided to the Board of Supervisors.
[Amended 11-19-2003 by Ord. No. 3-2003]
Within 30 days after completion and approval by the Township of public and private improvements required by this chapter or Chapter 250, Zoning, as a condition of final plan approval and before the release of financial security for and acceptance of dedication of such public improvements or approval of the private improvements, the applicant or developer shall submit to the Board of Supervisors a corrected copy of said final plans in hard copy and on a computer disk (e.g., AutoCAD or such other system as may be compatible with the system used by the Township and its Engineer) or other electronic storage media with global positioning system (GPS) verified locations and dimensions of the public and private improvements including:
Wastewater sewerage lines, manholes, pump stations, treatment facilities, and irrigation fields.
All water supply wells, pump stations or storage facilities and water lines.
All storm sewers, storm sewer inlets and discharge points, subsurface recharge beds, infiltrator and storage tanks or pipes and all downspout connections to such facilities, and all permanent detention or retention basins, diversion berms and drainage swales.
All public or private trails, bikeways, recreational fields or structures and associated infrastructure improvements; and any public or private buildings for postal facilities or rest rooms or other purposes.
Upon completion of any public improvements shown on an approved subdivision plan and within 90 days after approval of such public improvements as herein provided, the developer shall submit written offer of such public improvements for dedication to the Township. Said offer shall include a deed of dedication covering said public improvements together with a copy of a title insurance policy establishing the developer's title to the said property. Such documents are to be filed with the Township Secretary for review by the Township Solicitor. Deeds of dedication for public improvements may be accepted by resolution of the Board at a regular meeting thereof. The Supervisors shall require that at least 50% of the lots in any approved subdivision or development (or phase thereof, if final plan approval has been in phases) have dwellings or other principal buildings erected thereon prior to acceptance of dedication. Should the above-mentioned roads or streets, even though constructed according to these specifications, deteriorate before the said 50% of the lots have buildings erected thereon, such roads or streets shall be repaired in a manner acceptable to the Board before being accepted by the Township.
[Amended 5-9-2011 by Ord. No. 1-2011]
If the developer fails to offer dedication of said improvements, then the Board may, in addition to any other remedies provided at law, require the developer, or his heirs, successors, executors, or assigns, to make such an offer at any time in the future that the best interests of the Township are served by the dedication and acceptance of the public improvements.
The Township shall have no obligation to take over and make public any street, other improvement or park, however, unless:
The required improvements, utility mains and laterals, monuments, markers, etc., shown on the approved final plan have been certified by the Township Engineer as having been constructed in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
It be established to the satisfaction of the Board that there exists a need for the improvements to be taken over and made public.
It shall be established to the satisfaction of the Board that a homeowners' association has been established and has accepted a deed, or responsibility of maintenance, for properties to be maintained by the association, whichever is required by the Board, including but not limited to stormwater management facilities and open space.
The Township shall have no responsibility with respect to any park, street or other improvement, notwithstanding the use of same by the public, unless the park, street or other improvement has been accepted by ordinance or resolution of the Board.
Where the Board of Supervisors accepts dedication of all or some of the required improvements following completion (whether such dedication is of the fee or of an easement), the Board shall require the posting of financial security to secure the structural integrity of the improvements and the functioning of the improvements in accordance with the design and specifications as depicted on the final plan. The security shall be in the form as is authorized for the deposit of the performance guarantee, as described in § 190-17 hereof, shall be a term of 18 months from the date of acceptance of dedication, and shall be in an amount equal to 15% of the actual costs of installation of the improvements so dedicated.
Where maintenance of stormwater retention facilities, trails, emergency accesses or private streets is to be the responsibility of individual lot owners, a homeowners' association or similar entity, or an organization capable of carrying out maintenance responsibilities, the Board shall require that maintenance responsibilities be set forth in perpetual covenants or deed restrictions binding on the landowner's successors in interest, and may further require that an initial maintenance fund be established in a reasonable amount.
All trails are to be maintained by usage and pursuant to the terms of maintenance established by the relevant easement document. The Township shall have the right, but not the obligation, to keep trails passable. A trail also may be attended to by the property owner, so long as this maintenance does not infringe upon passage by trail users. If the rules and regulations established by the Parks, Recreation and Trails Committee are repeatedly abused by users, the Township shall have the right to close the trail.
[Amended 5-9-2011 by Ord. No. 1-2011]