[Amended 5-10-2021]
Pursuant to Virginia Code § 24.2-222.1 and notwithstanding any provisions of the City Charter, the election of members of City Council shall be held on the general election date in November of odd-numbered years, beginning in November 2021, and biennially thereafter, in accordance with the following cycles:
The election for the City Council members whose terms would currently expire on June 30, 2022, shall be held at the general election date in November 2021, and every four years thereafter.
The election for City Council members whose terms would currently expire on June 30, 2024, shall be held at the general election date in November 2023, and every four years thereafter.
In accordance with the provisions of Virginia Code § 24.2-222.1D, the members of City Council shall have their term of office shortened by six months, but shall continue in office until their successors have been elected at the November general election and have been qualified to serve.
The terms of office for all members of City Council elected at a November general election date shall commence on January 1 immediately following such election.
Each Council member shall, before entering upon the duties of office, take the oath prescribed for Council members by the laws of Virginia, and a certificate of which shall be filed with the Clerk of the Council, who shall enter the same upon the journal thereof. If any Council member shall fail to qualify as aforesaid, for 10 days after the commencement of the term for which elected, such office shall be deemed vacant.
This section shall be effective upon adoption.
In addition to the powers, duties and responsibilities set out in this Article, the City Council shall exercise such powers, perform such duties and assume such responsibilities as are provided by the Charter and the Constitution and laws of Virginia.
The City Council shall hold its regular meetings at the customary place for such meetings or at such other place in the City as may be designated by the Mayor or the Council on the second and fourth Mondays of each month at such hour as may be agreed upon, unless such day is a legal holiday, in which even such meeting shall be held on the next following business day.
Absence of quorum.
If a quorum fails to attend a meeting of the City Council within a half hour after the appointed time for such meeting, those present may adjourn to such time as they deem proper, after the names of those present shall have been entered on the journal.
At such meeting, two or more members shall have authority to compel the attendance of absent members by a process, in writing, signed by them and addressed to any policeman, directing him to summons such absent members at the time and place to which the meeting shall have been adjourned. Any member refusing to obey such summons may be fined, by a four-fifths vote of the Council, in a sum not less than $5 nor more than $25.
Meetings of the City Council shall be open except when, by a recorded vote of 2/3 of those members present, it declares that the public welfare requires secrecy, in which case it shall go into executive session, provided that no final vote or other final action shall be taken on any subject except in open meeting.[1]
Editor's Note: See Virginia Freedom of Information Act; §§ 2.23-700 et seq.
After a member of the City Council at any meeting has been recorded as present, he shall not, without permission of the Council, absent himself from such meeting until its adjournment.
The presiding officer shall enforce the rules of the City Council, preserve order and decorum, appoint all committees not otherwise provided for and discharge such other duties as appertain to his office. When the minutes of the preceding meeting are read, he shall sign such minutes. He may call any member to the Chair, who shall exercise its functions for the time, and during such substitution he may participate in the debates. He shall be entitled to vote on all questions as any other member, but in no case shall be be entitled to a second vote on any question, though it is necessary to break a tie.
Order of business.
At every regular meeting of the City Council, the order of business shall be as follows:
[Amended 11-13-1990]
Reading and approval of minutes of preceding meeting.
Old business.
New business.
Hearing of visitors.
The foregoing order of business may be suspended at any time by unanimous consent of the members present.
The City Council may from time to time adopt and amend resolutions for the transaction of its business and parliamentary procedure; the establishment, jurisdiction and powers of standing and special committees; the official conduct of its members; the manner of calling and conducting hearings and investigations and the issuance of subpoenas for the attendance of witnesses and the production of books and papers; the presentation of petitions and other communications to the Council and recognition of nonmembers to address the Council thereon; and such other matters not inconsistent with state law, the Charter, this Code or other ordinance as may be deemed appropriate to facilitate the execution of its powers and the performance of its duties; and may include therein such lawful penalties for the violation thereof as it may deem proper.
As soon as practical after the first day of July in each year, the City Council shall make an annual appropriation covering all fixed expenditures provided for in the annual budget, as approved. All other appropriations shall be deemed special appropriations.
The Council shall cause to be prepared by the City Manager an annual budget containing all proposed expenditures and estimated revenues and borrowing for the ensuing fiscal year and, at least 30 days thereafter, shall order a City levy as provided for by state law and the City Charter. The Council shall adopt the annual budget and shall make such City levy prior to June 30 in each year.
[Amended 11-13-1990]
The Council may, by a majority vote of its whole number, punish one of its own members for disorderly behavior or other misconduct in office by a fine not exceeding $300 and, by a 2/3 vote of its whole number, expel a member of its own body for malfeasance or misfeasance in office. Fines imposed under this section shall be collected in such manner as fines imposed by the Judge of the Court having jurisdiction to try violations of City ordinances.
No member of the City Council shall be eligible, during his tenure of office or for one year thereafter, to any office to be filled by the Council, either by election or appointment.