It is the purpose of this chapter to provide for the recovery of costs from users of the City's wastewater disposal system for the implementation of the program established herein. The applicable charges or fees shall be set forth in the City's Schedule of Charges and Fees.
For billing purposes the volume of waste discharged into the sewer system shall normally be based on the metered water consumption of the user as shown in the records of meter reading maintained by the City.
Whenever any industrial user purchases all its water from the City and more than 20% of such water is not returned to the sewer system, the industrial user may request that billings be based upon metered wastewater quantities. If approved by the City Manager, such user may then provide and maintain at his own expense a meter acceptable to the Superintendent for the measurement of the quantities of wastewater discharged. The meter shall be accessible for inspection by the Superintendent at all times and shall be maintained to produce an accurate record of the true quantities of sewage and wastewater discharged.
Whenever any user obtains any part of his water supply from sources other than the City, the quantities of wastewater shall be determined from the metered quantities of wastewater discharged to the sewer system. All wastewater meters shall be provided and maintained to produce an accurate record of the true quantities of water or wastewater discharged to the sewer system. All costs of meter installation, calibration, and maintenance shall be borne by the user at his own expense. The type of meters shall be acceptable to the Superintendent and the meters shall be accessible at all times for inspection by the Superintendent.
All persons discharging wastes into the City sanitary sewer system shall be rendered a bimonthly (six times per year) bill for the cost incurred by the City for the sewerage works services. Said bill shall include the proportionate share of:
All fixed charges and amortization costs of additional plant capacity required for treating said industrial wastes; and
A charge covering the operating costs incurred to the City in treating said wastes in the municipal sewage treatment plants.
[Amended 6-13-2022; 6-12-2023]
The charges provided for in this article shall be arrived in the following manner: the City Manager shall recommend to the City Council the rate to be charged. The rate of charges to be fixed by the City Council shall be based upon meter flow. Beginning with the billings issued on or after July 1, 2023, the rates for consumption of water or treatment of sewer effluent shall be as shown below until amended by ordinance duly adopted by City Council.
Inside corporate limits.
Bimonthly water rates.
Billings 7-1-2023 and Thereafter
0 to 6,000 (base charge)
Over 6,000
$5.50 per 1,000 gallons
Bimonthly sewer rates.
Billings 7-1-2023 and Thereafter
0 to 6,000 (base charge)
Over 6,000
$5.50 per 1,000 gallons
Outside corporate limits.
Bimonthly water rates.
Billings 7-1-2023 and Thereafter
0 to 6,000 (base charge)
Over 6,000
$11 per 1,000 gallons
Bimonthly sewer rates.
Billings 7-1-2023 and Thereafter
0 to 6,000 (base charge)
Over 6,000
$11 per 1,000 gallons
Water connection charges.
Size of Line
75 feet or Less to Nearest Property Line
Over 75 feet to Nearest Property Line
Cost plus 15%, but not less than $1,000
Cost plus 15%, but not less than $1,500
1 1/2
Cost plus 15%, but not less than $2,000
Cost plus 15%, but not less than $2,500
4 and larger
$3,000, plus cost of meter and vault
Cost plus 15%, but not less than $3,000, plus water meter and vault
Sewer connection charges.
Size of Line
75 feet or Less to Nearest Property Line
Over 75 feet to Nearest Property Line
Cost plus 15%, but not less than $1,000
6 or larger
Cost plus 15%, but not less than $1,500
Reconnection fees. All meters disconnected due to nonpayment shall not be reconnected until the customer has paid the assessed user charge in full, and has paid $50 for the service of reconnecting the meter.
Mandatory water connection.
The owner of any house, building, or property used for human occupancy, employment, recreation, or other purposes, situated within the City limits of the City of Galax and abutting on any street, alley, or right-of-way in which there exists or is hereafter constructed or acquired a publicly owned water line, is hereafter required, at the owner's sole expense, to connect such facilities directly with the proper public water line and thereafter shall cease to use or install any other method for potable or nonpotable water supply; provided that the public water line is within a distance of not more than 350 feet from the property line.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, those persons having a private water system meeting applicable standards of the State Department of Health shall not be required under this section to discontinue the use of such system. However, such persons may be required to pay a monthly nonuser service charge, which charge shall not be more than that proportion of the minimum monthly user charge imposed by the City of Galax as debt service bears of the total operating and debt service costs. All fees charged will be in accordance with the rules and regulations as adopted from time to time by the City Council.
Those persons having a private water system shall not expand or replace such private system once that system ceases to function or ceases to serve its purpose. At such time, the owner of such private water shall be required to connect to the publicly owned water, provided that such property is within the proximity set out in Subsection G(1). For the purpose of this section, ceasing to function and ceasing to serve its purpose shall mean that the private system is no longer in operation or no longer meets the applicable standards set by the State Department of Health and that complete replacement, addition, or expansion is required to repair the system to function properly or meet the applicable State Department of Health standards.
Collection of applicable fees and charges under this subsection will follow rules and procedures of the City of Galax.
In determining the fees due under § 153-36A and B of the Code of the City of Galax, a separate base rate shall be assessed for each individual dwelling unit and each individual sleeping unit as those terms are defined in § 153-4 of the Code of the City of Galax, regardless of whether said unit is served by a separate meter, master meter, or shares a common meter with other units. Notwithstanding the foregoing, sleeping units shall be assessed at 1/2 of the base rate now provided under § 153-36A and B, or as those sections may be amended from time to time.
In determining the fees due under § 153-36A and B of the Code of the City of Galax, a separate base rate shall be assessed for each separate retail, business or commercial space or unit having separate water and/or sewer facilities, regardless of whether said space or unit is served by a separate meter, master meter, or shares a common meter with other spaces or units.
Any residential or commercial property having five or more units shall have a single master meter which shall measure the overall flow for all units located on such property.
All customers are required to remit to the City a deposit of $125 for water and sewer services before these services may be utilized. Customers who own real property in the City are exempt from the deposit requirement.
The City will accept septage, pursuant to regulations to be promulgated by the City Manager, from jurisdictions within Carroll County or Grayson County exclusively, at a fee of $100 per every 1,000 gallons or portion thereof.
[Amended 9-11-2023]
The charges for this service shall be billed and payable bimonthly (six times per year) on a bill rendered by the City Finance Department. Said bills shall be sent through the United States Mail notifying all persons of the amount and date due. Failure to receive notice shall not be an excuse for nonpayment of bills.
Persons not having paid their bills within 30 days of the billing date will be delinquent. After such notices to the owner or occupant as required by § 15.2-2119D[1] or as otherwise provided by law, the water connection serving the premises may be severed and not turned on again until the bill is paid.
Editor's Note: See § 15.2-2119D, Code of Virginia.
The City may adopt charges and fees which may include:
Fees for reimbursement of costs of setting up and operating the City's pretreatment program;
Fees for monitoring, inspections and surveillance procedures;
Fees for reviewing accidental discharge procedures and construction;
Fees for permit applications;
Fees for filing appeals;
Fees for consistent removal (by the City) of pollutants otherwise subject to federal pretreatment standards;
Other fees as the City may deem necessary to carry out the requirements contained herein.
These fees relate solely to the matters covered by this chapter and are separate from all other fees chargeable by the City.