[Adopted 11-5-1988, approved 1-3-1989; amended 12-19-1991; 6-5-2003 by Order No. 2003-091 (Art. I of Ch. IV of the General Ordinances as updated through 7-7-2003)]
Noncriminal disposition shall be an alternative method of enforcement of Town ordinances.
Any ordinance of the Town of Barnstable, or rule or regulation of its boards, commissions and committees, the violation of which is subject to a specific penalty, may in the discretion of the Town official who is the appropriate enforcing person, be enforced in the method provided in § 21D of Chapter 40 of the General Laws. "Enforcing person," as used in this article, shall mean:
The Town Manager or any police officer of the Town of Barnstable, with respect to any offense; and
The Airport Manager and his designees;
The Building Commissioner and his designees;
[Amended 1-20-2005 by Order No. 2005-038]
The Natural Resource Division Supervisor and his designees;
The Conservation Agent and his designees;
The Harbormaster and his designees;
The Director of the Public Health Division and his designees;
The Director of Regulatory Services and his designees;
[Amended 12-4-2008 by Order No. 2009-044]
The Tree Warden and his designees; and
Such other officials as the Town Manager may from time to time designate, each with respect to violation of ordinances and rules and regulations within their respective jurisdictions.
If more than one official has jurisdiction in a given case, any such official may be an enforcing person with respect thereto.
[Amended 9-2-2004 by Order No. 2005-004; 11-4-2004 by Order No. 2005-019; 1-20-2005 by Order No. 2005-038; 6-1-2006 by Order No. 2006-127; 9-2-2010 by Order No. 2011-003; 5-5-2011 by Order No. 2011-097; 8-1-2013 by Order No. 2013-043; 10-1-2015 by Order No. 2016-028; 11-7-2019 by Order No. 2020-037]
The following shall be the schedule of fines for the method of enforcement authorized by § 1-2:
Code Chapter/Section
Ch. 17
Alarm system
Ch. 20, Art. I
Alcoholic beverages (open containers)
Ch. 20, Art. II
Alcoholic beverages (minors)
Ch. 24, Art. II, § 24-4
Keeping of roosters
First violation
Second violation
Third violation
Ch. 32, Art. I
Operations of vehicles on beach
Ch. 32, Art II
Obstruction of public access
Ch. 40, Art. I
Motorboats on waterways
Ch. 40, Art II
Ch, 40, Art. III
First offense
Second offense
Third and subsequent offenses
Ch. 43
Ch. 47
Building procedures
Ch. 51
Numbering of buildings
Ch. 54
Building and Premises Maintenance
Ch. 57
Sale of cigarettes from machines
Ch. 59
Comprehensive occupancy
Ch. 80
Fire lanes
Ch. 89
Ch. 93
Garage sales
Ch. 100, Art. I
Distribution of advertising
Ch. 100, Art. II
Commercial handbills
Ch. 104
Handicapped parking
Ch. 108
Toxic and hazardous materials
Ch. 112, Art. I
Historic properties
Ch. 121, § 121-7
Town Manager regulations
Ch. 125
Saunter or loitering
Ch. 128
Operation of motorized conveyance on ways or places to which public has right of access
Ch. 133
Anti-noise regulation
Ch. 141, Art. I
Use of land on Main Street
Ch. 147, Art. II
Camping on public or private property
Ch. 147, Art. III
Protection of privacy
Ch. 147, Art. V
Litter control
First offense
Second offense
Third offense
Ch. 150
Hawker or peddler
Ch. 166
Raffles and bazaars
Ch. 170
Rental registration
Any violation
Two documented violations by owner in a 12-month period
Ch. 173
Roller-skating and skateboarding
Ch. 177, Art. I
Vehicle within a closed area (Sandy Neck Beach Park)
Ch. 177, Art. I
Vehicle without a valid permit (Sandy Neck Beach Park)
Ch. 180
Scenic roads
Ch. 184, Art. I
Sewer use
Ch. 192, Art. I
Advertising devices and billboards
Ch. 192, Art. II
Ch. 195
Single-use plastic carry-out bags
First offense
Second offense
Third offense
Ch. 198
Removal of soil; sand pits
Ch. 206, Art. II
Snow, ice and vehicle removal
Ch. 205, Art. I
Synthetic marijuana and synthetic marijuana analogue
Ch. 210
Swimming pools
Ch. 221
Town trees
Ch. 228
Unregistered motor vehicles
Ch. 232
Wastewater discharge
Ch. 237
Wetlands protection
Ch. 240
[Amended 12-4-2008 by Order No. 2009-044]
Violation of Board of Health regulations
Violation of 105 CMR 410, State Sanitary Code, Chapter 2, Minimum Standards for Fitness for Human Habitation
[Amended 3-7-2024 by Order No. 2024-099]
Herring Regulations
Taking herring or alewives on a closed day
Failure to remove fish caught
Obstructing passage of herring or alewives
Shellfishing Rules and Regulations
Shellfishing without a valid permit
Taking of shellfish during a closed season
Taking of shellfish on a closed day
Removing shell from shellfish before coming ashore
Taking shellfish in excess of family weekly limit
Taking sea worms on a Saturday
Taking sea worms in excess of 100 per family per week.
Selling shellfish, sea worms or eels with a family permit
Failure to visibly display permit while shellfishing
Transfer of family permit
Shellfishing under 12 years old without licensed adult
Shellfishing in closed area
Damaging public and/or private culturing gear in a closed area
Taking shellfish in excess of commercial daily limit
More than five commercial permits per boat
Commercial possession of more than 5% seed per batch of shellfish
Recreational possession of more than 5% seed per batch of shellfish
Taking scallops without a well-defined annual growth ring
Using other than tools permitted for shellfishing
Use of scallop dredge in excess of 32 inches width
Dredging scallops in air temperature below 28° F.
Diving for shellfish without displaying proper flag
Taking of shellfish from any shellfish grant
Shellfishing during nighttime hours as defined
Dog Regulations
Failure to license a dog
Failure to license a dog after 30-day notification
Restriction on number of dogs
Failure to obtain or keep kennel license
Operating a kennel on a revoked license
Dog at large (leash law violation)
First offense
Second offense
Nuisances committed by dogs
Dogs on beaches and recreational areas
First offense
Second offense
Dog Park violations
Dog Park parking violation
Barking dogs
First offense
Second offense
Failure to vaccinate for rabies
Failure to vaccinate for rabies after 30-day notification
Failure to comply with quarantine
Failure to comply with Town Manager’s order
[Amended 2-3-2011 by Order No. 2011-045]
Wetlands Violations (Ch. 237)
Violations within wetlands resource area
Violations within 100 feet of a wetlands resource area
Failure to comply with an enforcement order issued by the Barnstable Conservation Commission or its agents
Any unauthorized activity beyond the scope of an order of conditions, determination of applicability or certificate of compliance issued by the Conservation Commission
Land Use Regulations (Ch. 701)
Illicit dumping
Unauthorized vehicle use (cars, trucks, ATV, motorcycles, dirtbikes):
First offense
Second offense
Cutting or removal of vegetation, soil, or stone
Consumption of alcoholic beverages
Defacing or destruction of any structure, sign or gate.
Shooting Range (Ch. 702)
Violations of shooting range regulations
[Added 9-2-2010 by Order No. 2011-003]
Violation of Sandy Neck Beach regulations