In addition to other permits, which include those necessary for navigational
safety prior to the installation of buttresses, marine fenders, caisson or
dolphin piles in Hyannis Harbor or any other harbor of the Town a certificate
of appropriateness must be granted by the Barnstable Historic Commission or
a District Historic Commission, if one exists, before building of the same
to assure proportion, balance, design, texture, color, materials with the
harbor in which they are to be installed in order to protect the historic
and community character of the Town, the beauty of our harbors, and to promote
styles that are indigenous to Cape Cod.
As used in this article, the term "stand-alone fender, caisson or dolphin"
pile or buttresses shall mean any stand-alone structure secured in land under
the ocean or in the intertidal zone and composed of a cluster of five or more
timber piles; or a cluster of two or more steel or metal pipes, piles or I-beams;
or any concrete pile; or any structure composed of concrete and metal.
Violations of this article may result in a fine not to exceed $300 per
day until such certificate is obtained.