[HISTORY: Adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Haddon Heights 3-14-1972 as Sections 3, 4 and 5 of Ord. No. 440 (Ch. 30 of the 1975 Code). Amendments noted where applicable.]
Claims approval — See Ch. 12.
Municipal Court — See Ch. 18.
Officers and employees — See Ch. 59.
Personnel policies and practices — See Ch. 66.
Police Department — See Ch. 75.
[Added 2-25-1975 by Ord. No. 485]
The salaries and compensation of the officers and employees of the Borough of Haddon Heights shall be fixed in a Salary Ordinance to be adopted annually. The currently effective Salary Ordinance shall remain on file in the office of the Borough Clerk and will be available for examination by interested persons during regular office hours.
[Amended 3-11-1975 by Ord. No. 486]
The duties and terms of employment of the several officers and employees, except as otherwise provided by N.J.S.A. 40:87-1,[1] shall be set forth in an ordinance of the governing body.[2] The hours of employment and other pertinent information pertaining to the several offices and positions shall be set forth in a resolution of the governing body regarding personnel regulations.
Editor's Note: N.J.S.A. 40:87-1 et seq. was repealed by P.L. 1987, c. 379. See now N.J.S.A. 40A:60-1 et seq.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 59, Officers and Employees.
[Amended 3-11-1975 by Ord. No. 486; 5-12-1981 by Ord. No. 633]
At the first meeting of the governing body in January of each year, there shall be approved an account to be designated as the "Borough of Haddon Heights Payroll Account." The Treasurer/CFO, upon receipt of a warrant for the amount due such payroll account, shall deposit the same to the credit of the payroll account, charging the appropriate budgetary account therewith.
The Treasurer/CFO shall, thereafter, draw checks on said payroll account therewith.
The Treasurer/CFO shall, thereafter, draw checks on said payroll account to the employees entitled to payment therefrom.
In case of error or adjustment to the payroll, it shall be the duty of the Treasurer/CFO to see that such error or adjustment is properly corrected and appropriate record made thereof.
The Treasurer/CFO shall present monthly, to the governing body, warrants drawn to the order of the Borough of Haddon Heights Payroll Account covering the necessary payrolls for the amounts due the several officers and employees for ratification by the proper committee and the proper certifying authorities being the Mayor and appropriate director.
[Amended 2-17-2009 by Ord. No. 1291[1]]
Editor's Note: This ordinance originally adopted this subsection as an amendment to Subsection D; said amendment was redesignated as amending Subsection E 9-1-2009 by Ord. No. 1322.
Officers designated by the governing body are hereby authorized to sign warrants in favor of the payroll account upon due notice that the appropriate payrolls have been properly approved.
[Amended 2-25-1975 by Ord. No. 485]
All Borough officials and employees who at any time use their own automobiles on Borough business shall be reimbursed for operating expenses at the rate to be established in the Annual Salary Ordinance for actual mileage on such Borough business.