[Adopted 5-5-1914 by Ord. No. 63 (Ch. 93, Art. III of the 1975 Code)]
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to construct or maintain any door or entrance into a cellar or basement from the sidewalk of any street without a permit for that purpose first had and obtained as hereinafter provided.
No such door or entrance into a cellar or basement shall be more than four feet in width nor shall extend more than four feet from the property line outward towards the curb.
Every such cellar door shall be constructed of iron or steel, nonslipping tread, not less than 1/4 inch in thickness, and the hinges thereof shall be on the underside of said door. Such doors shall be constructed so that they shall be, when closed, flush with the top of pavements, and when opened, they shall stand perpendicular with the sidewalk and not be permitted to open or drop all the way back, and a guard to be placed between the doors at the front.
It shall be unlawful to permit any such cellar door to be open except at and during only such time as the same may be in actual use for ingress or egress.
[Amended 2-25-1975 by Ord. No. 485]
The permits provided for in § 400-1 shall be issued by the Borough Clerk upon application therefor by the person, firm or corporation desiring to construct any door or entrance from the sidewalk into a cellar or basement and upon the payment to said Borough Clerk of a fee as provided in Chapter 213, Fees.
It shall be the duty of the Building Inspector to inspect any cellar door or entrance constructed or maintained upon any sidewalk in the Borough and to report to the Mayor any and all violations of any of the provisions of this article.