The purpose of this district is to permit the use or erection of buildings for either residential use or a mixed use of professional office and residence in one building. Within this district, no lot or building shall be used and no building shall be erected or altered to be used, in whole or in part, unless it complies with the regulations set forth in this article. The following principal uses shall be permitted in this district:
A single detached one-family dwelling house, in connection with which there may be a private garage if consistent with § 450-82C. There shall not be more than one single detached one-family dwelling on a single lot.
Accessory uses incidental or subordinate to a single detached one-family dwelling.
Residential uses mixed with professional offices, provided that the professional office shall be located only on the first floor of the building and shall meet the following criteria:
There shall be no physical evidence of said office use from the exterior of the building, except as allowed in § 450-82B.
The remodeling of any residential building in order to create an impression of business activity is prohibited.
Separate entrances and exits shall be provided for residential and nonresidential portions of the building.
The owner of the building shall be an occupant.
The following accessory uses shall be permitted in this district:
Fences and walls. (See § 450-96.)
Signs. (See § 450-135.)
A detached garage of not more than a two-car capacity, used solely by the persons living in the dwelling house, and a building for housing garden tools, provided that such garage or building is on the same lot as the dwelling house or on a lot contiguous thereto. No such accessory building shall be constructed upon a lot until the construction of the dwelling house has been commenced, nor shall an accessory building be used unless the dwelling house has been completed and put into use. No such accessory building shall exceed 450 square feet, and it will be a maximum height of not more than 16 feet to the peak of the roof.
Public utility installations, subject to the following special requirements:
There shall be no storage of materials and trucks and no repair facilities or staging of repair crews except within completely enclosed buildings.
The exterior of any structure shall be in keeping with the other structures in the immediate neighborhood.
Design considerations for permitted uses shall be as follows:
Parking and service areas.
Parking shall be screened from adjacent residential properties with grass, shrubs, trees, fences and/or earthen berms to protect residential properties from parking lot illumination and headlight glare, automobile fumes and noise.
Curbing or curb stops shall be provided in all off-street parking areas and along all accessways.
Off-street parking areas and accessways thereto shall be properly drained, and all such areas shall have a paved hard surface.
All off-street parking areas and accessways shall be so arranged that cars and trucks may be turned on the lot so that it is not necessary to back into any roadway. Parking shall only be located in the rear of the property.
Common or joint driveway access and parking to the rear of sites is encouraged.
Access driveways onto major thoroughfares shall be permitted only if alternatives, including side or rear access and common or shared single access driveways, have been considered by the Planning Board or Zoning Board.
Where appropriate, impervious parking coverage shall be limited to the extent possible by the use of parking in or under buildings, the elimination of excess paving, grassed landbank parking and the use of permeable surfaces for paving.
Parking areas shall be designed to minimize pedestrian and moving vehicle conflicts. Pedestrian walkways, parking lot islands, signage and pavement texture differentiation shall be required by the Planning Board or Zoning Board, where appropriate, to ensure the safe movement of pedestrians.
No access shall be permitted to the parking area from within the residential zone.
Every structure erected, designed or altered for occupancy by any use as permitted in this section shall provide an entrance and access at the rear of its building for the loading and unloading of delivery trucks.
Building design and use.
The treatment of side and rear walls of any building in terms of building materials shall be similar to the treatment of the front facade.
The display of merchandise or nonpermanent uses and/or activities, e.g., vending machines, placed on the exterior premises of any building is prohibited.
All buildings shall have a unified architectural treatment, whether constructed as new or as an additional structure physically and aesthetically integrated with the existing structure. The Planning Board or Zoning Board shall consider in its architectural review items such as materials, colors, building setbacks, facade treatments and building height and shall encourage the revitalization of existing structures to ensure compatibility with proposed building additions.
Site design and building layout.
The site design layout of buildings and parking areas shall be reviewed so as to provide an aesthetically pleasing design and efficient arrangement. Particular attention shall be given to safety and fire protection, impact on surrounding development and contiguous and adjacent buildings and lands.
To promote a desirable visual environment and to ensure a good civic design, the Planning Board or Zoning Board in its review shall consider, but not be limited in its consideration of, visual impacts of the proposed development, including views and view interference, shadow effects, noise impacts and design compatibility with surrounding land uses.
General design requirements.
Any development in this district which will be used wholly or in part for office purposes shall be designed so as to provide a comprehensive development plan for the entire zone for which it is a part, the goals being to control means of access and to coordinate internal pedestrian and vehicular traffic flow relating to existing development and architectural compatibility.
Any new facade or change in the facade of an existing building shall be reviewed by the Planning Board or Zoning Board for evaluation of architectural design.
Lot area. A minimum lot area of 10,000 square feet shall be provided for every use hereafter erected.
Lot width. Each lot shall have a width of not less than 50 feet.
Lot depth. Each lot shall have a depth of not less than 200 feet.
Minimum yards.
Front yard. A front yard setback shall be provided to be not less than 40 feet or no less than adjacent buildings, whichever is greater.
Side yards. There shall be side yard setbacks to be not less than 12 feet each side or 10% of lot width, whichever is greater. (NOTE: When side or rear yards adjoin a residential district, such yard shall be 40 feet.)
Rear yards. There shall be rear yard setbacks to be not less than 35 feet. (NOTE: When side or rear yards adjoin a residential district, such yard shall be 40 feet.)
Building coverage. The maximum building coverage shall not be greater than 15% of the gross lot area.
Lot coverage. The maximum lot coverage, including all structures, shall not be greater than 60% of the gross lot area.
Height. A structure shall not have a greater height than two stories or 30 feet, measured from the average grade line perimetering the building to the top of the main roof cornice line, excluding necessary utility-type roof structures.