The purposes of this article are to:
A. Encourage the continued use of historic resources
and facilitate their appropriate reuse.
B. Safeguard the heritage of the Borough of Haddon Heights
by preserving resources within the Borough which reflect elements
of its cultural, social, economic and architectural history.
C. Maintain and develop an appropriate and harmonious
setting for the historic and architecturally significant buildings,
structures, sites, objects or districts within Haddon Heights.
D. Stabilize and improve property values and discourage
the unnecessary demolition of historic resources.
F. Promote appreciation of the Haddon Heights Commercial
Historic District and other designated historic districts for the
education, pleasure and welfare of the citizens of the Borough and
its visitors.
G. Spur beautification and private reinvestment.
H. Manage change by preventing alteration or new construction
not in keeping with the historic landmark or the historic district.
I. Discourage the unnecessary demolition of historic
J. Recognize the importance of all buildings in historic
districts and of individual historic landmarks located outside of
a district by urging property owners and tenants to maintain their
properties in keeping with the requirements and standards of this
K. Encourage the proper maintenance and preservation
of historic settings and landscapes.
L. Encourage appropriate alterations of historic landmarks
and buildings in historic districts.
M. Enhance the visual and aesthetic character, diversity,
continuity and interest of the Borough.
N. Promote the conservation of historic sites and districts
and invite voluntary compliance.
The following regulations shall apply to all landmarks designated in §
450-106 and to any other historic resources which are designated in accordance with the procedures outlined in §
450-105. These historic designations shall be in addition to the use districts or the districts which shall also be designated by the Official Zoning Map and Articles of the Land Development Ordinance for such areas.
All uses permitted for an historic landmark
or for structures within an historic district shall be those designated
by the Official Zoning Map. Such uses shall not be altered by further
designation as an historic district.
The maximum building height, minimum lot size,
maximum coverage, etc., shall be as provided in the Land Development
Ordinance for the respective zones, except that the Zoning Board may
waive such regulations where necessary to preserve historic characteristics.
[Amended 7-3-2018 by Ord.
No. 1456]
A. There is hereby created in and for the Borough of
Haddon Heights a Commission to be known as the "Historic Preservation
Commission," referred to in this chapter as the "Commission." This
Commission shall advise the Planning Board and the Zoning Board on
the effect of development applications on designated historic landmarks
or improvements within an historic district. In addition, the Commission
shall review all building permit applications which affect designated
historic landmarks or improvements within an historic district. The
Commissions's reviews shall be based on objective criteria and will
complement existing land use and construction codes. The controls
established, while compatible with both the Municipal Land Use Law,
N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1 et seq., and the Uniform Construction Code Act,
N.J.S.A. 52:27D-119 et seq., should be viewed as having an independent
basis under N.J.S.A. 40:48-2.
B. The Historic Preservation Commission shall consist
of five members and one alternate who shall serve without compensation.
C. The Commission positions shall be filled by people
who are interested in and qualified to contribute to the preservation
of historic buildings, structures, sites, objects and districts.
(1) The Commission shall represent the following categories:
Class A: persons who are knowledgeable in building
design and construction or in architectural history.
Class B: persons who are knowledgeable or have
a demonstrated interest in local history.
Class C: persons who are residents of the Borough
and who hold no other municipal office, position or employment except
for membership on the Planning Board or Zoning Board.
(2) There shall be at least one member from each Class
A and Class B. These members may reside outside the municipality.
D. Commission members shall be appointed by the Mayor
and shall serve as follows: two members will serve for one year, one
member shall serve for two years, one member will serve for three
years and one member will serve for four years. The alternate member
shall initially serve for a two-year term. If a Commission member
is also a Planning Board or Zoning Board member, the term of office
as Commission member is the same length as the other position. Vacancies
shall be filled in the same manner in which the previous incumbent
was appointed, and such vacancy appointment shall be only for the
balance of an unexpired term.
E. The Commission shall adopt internal rules and procedures
for the transaction of its business, subject to the following:
(1) The Commission shall elect from its members a Chairman,
Vice Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer.
(2) A quorum for the transaction of all business shall
be three members.
(3) All Commission minutes and records are public records,
and all Commission meetings shall comply with the Open Public Meetings
Act (N.J.S.A. 10:4-6 et seq.).
(4) Commission meetings shall be scheduled at least once
every month or as often as required to fulfill its obligations to
advise the Planning Board, Zoning Board or Borough Council.
(5) No Commission member shall be permitted to act on
any matter in which he or she has, either directly or indirectly,
any personal or financial interest.
F. The Historic Preservation Commission shall be responsible
(1) Identifying and recording historic buildings, structures, sites, objects or districts and evaluating these resources against the definitions as outlined in Article
II of this chapter. The survey material shall be reviewed and, if necessary, updated at least every other year to incorporate any newly acquired historical documentation and to reflect changes to a resource's integrity or condition.
(2) Recommending to the Planning Board and the Borough Council sites to be designated as historic landmarks in accordance with the procedures established in §
(3) Conducting research on and nominating significant
resources to the State and National Registers of Historic Places.
If the Borough is certified under the state's Certified Local Government
(CLG) Program, the Commission shall, in accordance with the state's
CLG Guidelines, review and comment on all state and national register
nominations for historic resources within the Borough of Haddon Heights.
(4) Recommending to the Planning Board guidelines for
review to be utilized in determinations of historic landmark status
and for review of projects affecting historic landmarks or improvements
within historic districts. The Planning Board may recommend modifications
of the guidelines and shall make the final decision as to their adoption.
(5) Advising the Planning Board and Zoning Board on how development and zoning applications affect historic landmarks in accordance with the procedure established in §
(6) Reviewing all actions, including those involving building permit applications, which affect the exterior of historic landmarks or improvements within a historic district and to advise the Planning Board on the approval of said requests in accordance with the procedure established in §
(7) Reviewing all applications for actions affecting the exterior of an historic landmark or an improvement within an historic district and making recommendations to the Planning Board in accordance with the procedures outlined in §
(8) Assisting other public bodies in aiding the public
in understanding historic resource significance and methods of preservation.
(9) Advising the Borough Council on the relative merits
of proposals involving public lands to restore, preserve and protect
historical buildings, places and structures, including the preparation
of a long-range plan, thereby securing state, federal and other grants
and aid to assist therein and monitoring such projects once underway.
Securing the voluntary assistance of the public
and, within the limits of the budget established by the Borough for
the Historic Preservation Commission's operation, to retain consultants
and experts and incur expenses to assist the Historic Preservation
Commission in its work.
Cooperating with local, county, state or national
historical societies, governmental bodies and organizations to maximize
their contributions to the intent and purposes of this chapter.
Requesting the Borough Council to seek, on its
own motion or otherwise, injunctive relief for violations of this
chapter or other actions contrary to the intent and purposes of this
Advising and assisting the Planning Board during
the preparation of an historic preservation plan element of the Master
Preparing and distributing an historic district
guideline handbook to be utilized for application reviews and foster
appropriate rehabilitation within the historic district.
In reviewing an application for its effect on an historic landmark or an improvement within an historic district, the following criteria shall be used by the Historic Preservation Commission, the Planning Board and the Zoning Board. The criteria set forth in §
450-110A relate to all projects affecting an historic landmark or an improvement within an historic district. The criteria set forth in §
450-110B relate to specific types of undertakings and shall be used in addition to the general criteria set forth below.
A. In regard to all applications affecting an historic
landmark or an improvement within an historic district, the following
factors shall be considered:
(1) The impact of the proposed change on the historic
and architectural significance of the landmark or the historic district.
(2) The landmark's importance to the municipality and
the extent to which its historic or architectural interest would be
adversely affected to the detriment of the public interest.
(3) The use of any structure involved.
(4) The extent to which the proposed action would adversely
affect the public's view of a landmark or structure within an historic
district from a public street.
(5) If the application deals with a structure within an
historic district, the impact the proposed change would have on the
district's architectural or historic significance and the structure's
visual compatibility with the buildings, places and structures to
which it would be visually related in terms of the visual compatibility
factors set forth herein.
B. In regard to an application for new construction,
alterations, additions, repairs or replacements affecting an historic
landmark or an improvement within an historic district, the following
factors shall be considered:
(1) Height. The height of the proposed building shall
be visually compatible with adjacent buildings.
(2) Proportion of the building's front facade. The relationship
of the width of the building to the height of the front elevation
shall be visually compatible with buildings and places to which it
is visually related.
(3) Proportion of openings within the facility. The relationship
of the width of windows to the height of windows in a building shall
be visually compatible with the buildings and places to which it is
visually related.
(4) Rhythm of solids to voids on facades fronting on public
places. The relationship of solids to voids in such facades of a building
shall be visually compatible with the buildings and places to which
it is visually related.
(5) Rhythm of spacing of buildings on streets. The relationship
of the building to the open space between it and adjoining buildings
shall be visually compatible with the buildings and places to which
it is visually related.
(6) Relationship of entrance and/or porch projections.
The relationship of entrance and porch projections to the street to
which it is visually related.
(7) Relationship of materials, texture and color. The
relationship of materials, texture and color of the facade and roof
of a building shall be visually compatible with the predominant materials
used in the building to which it is visually related.
(8) Roof shape. The roof shape of a building shall be
visually compatible with buildings to which it is visually related.
(9) Walls of continuity. Appurtenances of a building such
as walls, open-type fencing, evergreen and landscape masses shall
form cohesive walls of enclosure along a street, to the extent necessary
to maintain visual compatibility of the building with the buildings
and places to which it is visually related.
Scale of building. The size of a building, the
mass of a building in relationship to open spaces, the windows, door
openings, porches and balconies shall be visually compatible with
the buildings and places to which it is visually related.
Directional expression of front elevation. A
building shall be visually compatible with the buildings and places
to which it is visually related in its dimensional character, whether
this be vertical character, horizontal character or nondirectional
Exterior features. A structure's related exterior
features such as lighting, fences, signs, sidewalks, driveways and
parking areas shall be compatible with the features of those structures
to which it is visually related and shall be appropriate for the historic
period for which the structure is significant.
C. In regard to an application to demolish an historic
landmark or any improvement within an historic district, the following
matters shall be considered:
(1) Its historic, architectural, cultural or scenic significance in relation to the criteria established in Article
(2) If it is within an historic district, its significance
to the district as a contributing or noncontributing structure and
the probable impact of its removal on the district.
(3) Its potential for use for those purposes currently
permitted by the Zoning Ordinance.
(4) Its structural condition and the economic feasibility
of alternatives to the proposal.
(5) Its importance to the municipality and the extent
to which its historical or architectural value is such that its removal
would be detrimental to the public interest.
(6) The extent to which it is of such old, unusual or
uncommon design, craftsmanship, texture or material that it could
not be reproduced or could be reproduced only with great difficulty
and expense.
(7) The extent to which its retention would promote the
general welfare by maintaining and increasing the real estate values,
generating business, creating new jobs, attracting tourists, attracting
new residents, encouraging study and interest in both American history
and the history of Haddon Heights, stimulating interest and study
in architecture and design, educating citizens in American culture
and heritage or making the municipality a more attractive and desirable
place in which to live.
D. In regard to an application to move any historic landmark
or to move any structure within an historic district, the following
matters shall be considered:
(1) The historic loss to the site of original location
and the historic district as a whole.
(2) The compelling reasons for not retaining the landmark
or structure at its present site.
(3) The compatibility, nature and character of the current
and of the proposed surrounding areas as they relate to the protection
of interest and values referred to in this chapter.
(4) If the proposed new location is within a district, visual compatibility factors as set forth in §
(5) The probability of significant damage to the landmark
or structure itself.
(6) If it is to be removed from Haddon Heights, the proximity
of the proposed new location to the Borough, including the accessibility
to the residents of the Borough and other citizens.
Any portion of a proposed site plan or subdivision
located within 500 feet of an historic landmark or district or determined
by the Commission to have a visual impact on the landmark or district
shall be required to satisfy the following visual design standards:
A. Buildings of different architectural styles shall
be made compatible by such means as screens, sight breaks and materials.
B. Attractive landscape transition to adjoining properties
shall be provided.
C. Harmony in texture, lines, scale, materials and masses
is required while monotony shall be avoided.
D. Architectural style is not restricted. Evaluation
of the appearance of a project shall be based on the quality of its
design and relationship to its surroundings.
E. Colors shall be harmonious with the man-made or natural
surroundings of the project and shall be typical of colors found on
the landmark or within the historic district. Only compatible accents
shall be permitted.
F. The height of proposed structures may vary according
to the height of existing structures that have a visual relationship
to the proposed structures.
G. Building materials and components, such as windows,
door and eaves, shall have good proportions and relationships to one
another and to the surrounding man-made and natural materials.
H. All projects shall be compatible in scale, height,
site planning and color with any officially designated federal, state
or local historic site landmark or district.
[Added 7-20-2004 by Ord. No. 1173]
A. Any property owners within the Historic District who
seek permits to repair or replace roofs and gutters, construct or
replace fences or construct signs within the Historic District shall
make application to the Historic Preservation Commissioner (Commission)
in a form and manner to be established by the Commission.
[Amended 7-3-2018 by Ord.
No. 1456]
B. The Commission shall review all such applications
in an appropriate manner, and such review does not require a public
hearing. The Commission review is limited to aesthetic and placement
questions and shall not include the power to grant variances or otherwise
allow deviation from any other ordinance requirement.
C. In the event that the Commission approves any such
application, permits for the work shall issue, provided that the application
otherwise conforms to the law.
D. In the event that the Commission disapproves the application,
the applicant shall be entitled to appear before the Haddon Heights
Planning Board at its next meeting. The Commission shall be entitled
to make recommendations concerning the application. The Planning Board
shall take into account any such recommendation. The Planning Board
shall make the final determination of any such applications.