The following activities shall be prohibited on the rights-of-way of Richland Township:
No part of the highway right-of-way shall be used for servicing of vehicles, displays or conducting a private business.
The area between the edge of the pavement and the right-of-way line shall be kept clear of all buildings, fences, pillars, walls, structures, pumps, bars, sales exhibits, business signs, service equipment, excluding mailboxes installed in accordance with the United States Postal Service and approved driveway reflectors (not to exceed two in number).
No person shall deposit, push or excavate dirt, debris onto the right-of-way of the township.
No person shall damage, deface and/or remove curbing, traffic signs, culverts, roadway surface or other township property.
No person shall damage or divert any drain or ditch without the approval of the township.
No person shall stop or obstruct any public road in the township, or commit any nuisance thereof by felling trees, making fences or parking on the road or in any other way.
No person shall cause stormwater to flow onto the right-of-way at a detrimental rate or cause of hazard or a public nuisance.
No person shall deposit or place any debris or any other material whatsoever, or cause such to be thrown or placed, in any drainage ditch or drainage structure in such a manner as to obstruct free flow.
No person shall construct, install, repair or maintain a driveway, drainage pipe, road gutter, drainage area not in compliance with this Part 2 or other ordinances of the township.