The M Manufacturing District is established in a district in which the principal use of land may be for heavy industrial uses, except uses or industrial processes that may be noxious or injurious by reason of the excessive production or emission of dust, smoke, refuse matter, odor, explosives, gas, fumes, noise, vibration or similar conditions. This district is intended to provide for the kinds of industrial uses suited to the physical and geographical advantages of this region, therefore contributing to the economic base of the township and providing opportunities for employment. Residential and, in general, commercial uses, are prohibited as well as any use which would substantially interfere with the development and continuation of the uses and structures in the district.
Permitted uses.
Agricultural activities, including greenhouse and nursery.
Animal hospital and dog kennel.
Automobile repair, major.
Bottling works.
Building material yards or establishment.
Business, charitable, professional and consulting offices.
Cabinetmaker establishments and carpenter shops.
Church or similar place of worship.
Clothing factory.
Contractor's yard.
Dry-cleaning plant.
Dying plant.
Family day-care/group day-care homes and day-care center as regulated by Article XXII.
Fruit canning and packing establishment.
Ice plant.
Machine shop.
Milk distribution station.
Optical goods factory.
Paper box factory.
Pencil factory.
Printing, publication and engraving plant.
Research and development organization.
Sheet metal shop.
Steel fabrication.
Storage firm.
Trucking terminal.
Welding shop.
Wholesale business.
Any other compatible type manufacturing-light industrial use not specifically listed herein when authorized by the Zoning Hearing Board according to the procedure outlined in § 240-100A(9).
Accessory use, building or fence or ornamental wall not over eight feet in height customarily incidental to the above permitted uses and as regulated by this chapter.
Uses permitted by special exception.
Disposal of sewage sludge.
Racing or testing facility for stock cars, midget cars and other motorized vehicles.
Sanitary landfill or similar waste disposal site.
Sexually oriented businesses.
Storage yard and buildings for contractors and excavating equipment.
Surface mining.
Telecommunications towers.
Wind energy facilities.
[Added 3-3-2008 by Ord. No. 311]
Lot area and width. The minimum lot size for all manufacturing buildings hereafter erected or altered shall be one acre with a minimum width at building line of 100 feet.
Yard area setbacks.
No building shall be hereafter erected or altered unless the minimum setback is met as follows:
Front: 50 feet.
Side: 35 feet.
Rear: 15 feet.
If the proposed structure is to be adjacent to a residential district, commercial district or light industrial district, a buffer planting strip, eight feet in height and 10 feet in width will be installed and maintained.
For construction of a new structure adjacent to a railroad, no setback standards are required.
Building area. All buildings shall not cover more than 60% of the lot area.
The maximum height of buildings, including accessory buildings, hereafter erected or altered shall be 60 feet.
Off-street parking and loading facilities shall be provided as required in Article XVIII.
Signs shall be provided as required in Article XIX.
In addition to the site plan requirements, the following regulations shall apply:
Traffic study.
To include a comparative analysis of present capacity of street(s) adjacent to the proposed development, together with necessary points of access to off-street parking and loading. Traffic data available from the Richland Township municipal offices may be utilized, provided that such data is deemed current by the Planning Commission.
To include a circulation plan for all streets in the vicinity, existing and proposed, which will show the recommendations for controlling, signalizing, channelizing, storing, warning and directing traffic.
Landscape and site development plan.
To include a plan of landscape development which shall include, among other considerations, an area of at least 10 feet in width along all streets with the exception of approved entrances to be planted and maintained with trees, shrubbery or other landscaped material or ornamental fence or wall to serve as a visual screen for parking areas and loading or servicing areas.
A buffer planting strip consisting of suitable landscaping maintained at a ten-foot width by an eight-foot height shall be planted within a required buffer area wherever the proposed business abuts any other district.
All landscape areas or planting strips adjacent to parking lots or streets or highways shall be surrounded with a raised curb.
The location, arrangement, size and effect of all outdoor advertising or other signs and lighting proposed to be erected.
Architecture. Architectural plans of the buildings and structures showing that the project has a unified design which will be in character and proper relationship to the surrounding areas shall be submitted to the Planning Commission for recommendation and approval.
Trash enclosure. All refuse, garbage and similar solid waste shall be enclosed in a masonry or equivalent structure of sufficient height, width and depth to prevent dispersal of the solid waste in the vicinity with a solid gate sufficient to conceal the contents.
Any other authority approval required, when applicable, such as Department of Health, State Highway Department, Department of Labor and Industry and similar organizations shall be obtained before applying for zoning approval or an occupancy permit. Said authorizations shall accompany plans at the time they are submitted to the Township Planning Commission. If the state or similar organization requires zoning approval prior to issuing its approval, the Planning Commission may issue site plan approval conditioned upon the applicant presenting the state's or similar organization's approval to the Zoning/Codes Official prior to the township issuing the building permit.