All meters to be used within the limits of the Village will be furnished by the Village, and the cost thereof and the expense of installation thereof shall be paid by the property owner, but said meters shall remain the property of the Village. The foregoing shall also apply to all meters outside the Village where the service has been extended from the Village of South Glens Falls.
Each premises having its own frontage upon a street where there is a water main shall have its own individual service; each business located in said premises shall have its own separate water meter. In the case of multifamily residential rental units consisting of separate residential tenant occupancies in one or more buildings on the same parcel, a master meter shall be permitted for the entire parcel intending to include all users on one master water meter. Water supplied through each water meter shall be billed and paid for in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. All new construction involving a new municipal water hookup shall require the installation of a water meter.
[Amended 4-16-1997 by L.L. No. 1-1997; 11-19-2014 by L.L. No. 3-2014]
Meters shall be of a size determined by the requirements of each particular installation and shall be adequate for delivering and measuring accurately the peak loads which they may be required to handle.
In the case of installations having three-fourths-inch service pipes, the requirements of Subsection A of this section will usually be deemed to have been met where the meter is of five-eighths-inch size with three-fourths-inch connections.
In the case of installations having service pipes larger than three-fourths (3/4) inch, the requirements of Subsection A of this section will usually be deemed to have been met when the meter is of the same size as the service pipe.
In all other cases which are not specifically covered by this section, the judgment and discretion of the Superintendent of Public Works is final and binding.
Each meter shall have a remote reader mounted on the exterior of the premises in an accessible location.
The service connection and the plumbing in the building to be served shall be so arranged that the meter can be placed in a horizontal position not more than three feet from the portion where the service.enters the building. There shall be installed by the owner a suitable ball- or curb-type valve only between the point where the service enters the building and the meter which must at all times be within clear view, and the location thereof must be easily accessible for reading, inspection and repair. Said connection, plumbing and meter locations may be altered after inspection and determination by the Superintendent of Public Works because of hardship, undue expense or inconvenience.
Employees or representatives of the Village may enter the premises of the consumer at any reasonable time to examine the meter and its connections and to determine the quantity of water used and the method and manner of its use. The hours between 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. shall be considered reasonable hours for this purpose.
All persons are forbidden to interfere with or to remove a water meter from any service.
No seal placed by the Village for the protection of any meter, valve, fitting or other water connection shall be tampered with or defaced. It shall not be broken except on written authorization from the Superintendent of Public Works. Where the seal is broken, the Village reserves the right to order the meter removed for testing at the expense of the consumer.
Whenever a seal on a water meter shall be found to be broken, it shall be presumptive evidence that it was broken by the owner or occupant of the premises in which it is located.
It is the policy of the Village to make periodic tests of all meters without specific charge to the consumer. There shall be, however, no obligation upon the Department to make these tests, nor shall the failure to do so give rise to the assumption that the meters are in any way out of order or incorrectly registering.
Meters will be tested without charge at the request of the consumer. However, such testing will be at such times as are convenient for the Village.
If there should be a disarrangement of the meter or a faulty registration of the quantity of water consumed for the current billing period, the correct amount shall be taken to be that of the registration plus the deficiency, or less the excess, that subsequent readings of the meter shall indicate, and, if it is found that the meter is stopped or failed to register, the quantity of water consumed shall be taken to be the same as that of the corresponding billing period of the previous year, and the bill shall be rendered accordingly.
Where repairs to meters are necessitated by the normal deterioration of the meters through use, the cost of repairing such meters shall be borne by the Village.
Where repairs to meters are necessitated by neglect on the part of the consumer, such as damage done by freezing or by hot water backing through the meter or by actual breakage, the consumer shall be charged for the cost of the repair work; such cost, however, shall not exceed the cost of purchasing a new meter of the same size.