Any activity or use shall comply with the following
performance standards:
A. Airborne emissions. All matters pertaining to the
control of smoke, dust or other pollution of the air shall be in accordance
with the regulations and standards of the Pennsylvania Department
of Environmental Protection (PADEP) or its successor agency. No activity
in any Industrial District shall be reactivated, established, modified,
constructed, or operated without having obtained valid permits and/or
certificates from PADEP or its successor agency for airborne emissions.
Such proof of compliance shall consist of duplicate copies of such
permits and/or certificates for the current time period. In addition
to the requirements of PADEP or its successor agency, the following
requirements shall apply:
(1) Dust. Dust and other similar types of air pollution
borne by the wind from storage areas, the removal of natural materials,
yards, parking areas, or other open areas shall be minimized by landscaping,
sealing, or other acceptable means.
(2) Particulate matter. No use shall exceed the national
ambient air quality standards established in the federal Clean Air
Act or the requirements of Titles 25 and 35 of the Pennsylvania Code
as they are amended and adopted for particulate matter.
(3) Odor. No operation shall release materials capable
of becoming odorous, either by bacterial decomposition or chemical
reaction, that cause or will cause odorous matter or vapor to be generated
so as to be readily discernible without instruments from any point
along the boundaries of each property.
(4) Smoke or steam. No use may emit from a vent, stack,
chimney, or combustion process any smoke that exceeds a density or
equivalent capacity of Ringelmann No. 1, except that an emission that
does not exceed a density of equivalent capacity of Ringelmann No.
2 is permissible for a duration of not more than four minutes during
any eight-hour period if the source of such emission is not located
within 250 feet of a residential district. All measurements shall
be taken at the point of emission of the smoke. (For the purpose of
determining the density of equivalent opacity of smoke, the Ringelmann
Chart, as adopted and published by the United States Department of
Interior, Bureau of Mines Information Circular 8333, May 1967, shall
be used. The Ringelmann number referred to in this section refers
to the number of the area of the Ringelmann Chart that coincides most
nearly with the visual density of equivalent opacity of the emission
of smoke observed. For example, a reading of Ringelmann No. 1 indicates
a twenty-percent density of the smoke observed.)
(5) Toxic matter and hazardous material. Emissions of
chemicals, gases, components, or elements listed as being toxic matter
or hazardous material by the American Conference of Governmental Industrial
Hygienists, the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection
or its successor agency, or the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
shall not exceed any stated threshold limit value in any district.
No emission of toxic matter shall exceed 50% of the threshold limit
value in any adjacent residential or commercial district.
B. Electricity. Electric or electronic equipment shall
be shielded such that no interference of radio and television broadcasts
shall be discerned beyond the operator's property.
C. Glare. No activity or use shall produce a strong, dazzling light or reflection of this light beyond its property lines. Outdoor illumination shall be shielded, buffered, and directed so that glare, direct light, or reflection will not be a nuisance to adjoining properties, dwellings, streets, or districts and shall comply with the regulations of §
200-10 of this article.
D. Heat. No activity or use shall produce heat perceptible
beyond its property lines and no use shall be permitted that would
cause the ambient water temperature, as defined by the Pennsylvania
Department of Environmental Protection or its successor agency, to
rise or fall more than 5° F. (2.8° C.) during the ten-year,
seven-day low flow in any natural pond, stream, river, or other watercourse.
E. Noise. No activity or use shall produce a sound pressure
level on adjacent property in excess of the levels permitted by the
East Whiteland Township Noise Ordinance, adopted April 17, 2001, and as may be amended by the Board of Supervisors.
F. Storage and waste disposal. All materials or wastes
shall be deposited upon a site in such a form or manner that prevents
contamination of surface or groundwater resources. All waste products
shall be disposed of in accordance with regulations as they are adopted
and amended by county, state, and federal agencies.
G. Vibration.
(1) No activity or operation shall produce at any point
along the property line continuous earthborne vibrations greater than
the maximum displacement as permitted in the following table:
Residential District Displacement
(in inches)
Nonresidential District Displacement
(in inches)
0 greater than, but less than or equal to 10
10 greater than, but less than or equal to 20
20 greater than, but less than or equal to 30
30 greater than, but less than or equal to 40
40 greater than, but less than or equal to 50
50 or greater
(2) Discrete pulses that do not exceed 100 impulses per
minute may not produce more than twice the displacement specified
in the table.