[Adopted 7-25-1995 by Ord. No. 95-16 (Ch. 120 of the 1974 Code)]
Water for the usual domestic and manufacturing purposes shall be supplied by the Borough of Alpha to the inhabitants thereof under the supervision of the Public Works Department, subject to the ultimate control of the Borough Council.
[Amended 6-22-2004 by Ord. No. 04-16
The water mains and appurtenances, service connections from main to curbline, corporation stops, curb stops and boxes of the Department shall be under the control of the Borough and its authorized agents and employees, and all other persons are forbidden to disturb, tamper with, injure, change, obstruct access to or interfere with said water mains and appurtenances, service connections from main to curbline, corporation stops, curb stops and boxes in any way.
Editor's Note: Original § 120-1, Establishment of Water and Sewer Department, as amended 12-8-1998 by Ord. No. 98-14, and which previously preceded this section, was deleted 6-22-2004 by Ord. No. 04-16.
Upon the effective date of this article, there shall be appointed by resolution of the Council a Director of said Public Works Department. Such other employees as may be required shall be hired by the Public Works Department from time to time as needed.
The following regulations shall be considered a part of the contract with every person who uses water, and the fact of being connected to the system shall be considered as expressing consent on the part of the user to be bound thereby.
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Any duly authorized representative of the owner.
The Borough of Alpha, Warren County, New Jersey as represented by Borough Council.
Any rooms, group of rooms, building or other enclosure used for the sale or distribution of any product, commodity, article or service and specifically shall include chapels, club rooms, group of rooms, building or enclosure not included in the definition of residential unit or industrial establishment.
The stopcock or valve provided by the Department of Public Works at the water main installed for the purposes of shutting off the water supplied to the service connection.
Includes labor, material, transportation, expenses, equipment, supervision, engineering and all and every necessary overhead expense.
The first stopcock or valve encountered from the main running toward the property (owner), in essence the closest to the water main provided by the Department of Public Works, on the service side of the curbline, installed for the purposes of shutting off water supplied to a customer.
[Amended 7-11-2017 by Ord. No. 2017-06]
Any owner, agent or occupant who is responsible for the payment of fees, rents or charges specified herein.
The person retained by the Borough Council as the qualified licensed Director of the Department of Public Works, who shall be charged with the responsibility and authorized to carry out the provisions contained in this article.
The unit which uses an average daily flow of 150 gallons of water.
[Added 10-10-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-12]
Any room, group of rooms, building or other enclosure used for the manufacturing, processing, cleaning, laundering or assembling of any product, commodity or article.
Any building containing a room or group of rooms used for more than one purpose as defined in this section (e.g., a building containing a residential area and a commercial area).
The person who holds title to the land and building to which water is supplied.
A physical configuration of pipes and connections in a building containing a primary and secondary water meter in which a branch or tee is installed before the inlet side of the primary meter, resulting in the flow through the secondary meter not first flowing through the primary meter.
[Added 2-14-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-03]
Any person, firm, partnership, association, corporation, company or organization of any kind.
Any room, group of rooms, building or other enclosure which is used for a singular residential, commercial or industrial purpose as defined in this section, and which physical unit contains water facilities which are connected to and made part of the Borough water system. Any multiple-use building within the Borough may have more than one physical unit within the definition of this section.
A water meter installed in the piping of a property whose purpose is to measure water consumption that results in the generation of sanitary sewer flows that enter the sewer collection system.
[Added 2-14-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-03]
Any room, group of rooms, house, trailer or other enclosure occupied or intended for occupancy as separate living quarters by a family or other group of persons living together or by persons living alone. Each residential unit shall be one physical unit.
A water meter installed in the piping of a property whose purpose is to measure water consumption that does not result in the generation of sanitary sewer flows that enter the sewer collection system.
[Added 2-14-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-03]
A physical configuration of pipes and connections in a building containing a primary and one or more secondary water meters in which all the flow through the secondary meter(s) first flows through the primary meter.
[Added 2-14-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-03]
A pipe or pipes connected to a main and extending thence to the curbline at the privately owned property or premises for supplying water service thereto.
Prior to connection to the system, or at any time of change of ownership or occupancy, applications for use of water must be made at the Department of Public Works in the form prescribed and shall state fully and truly the various uses to which the water is to be applied, and should it subsequently be required for other purposes, notice must be given before the desired change is made.
[Amended 11-8-2012 by Ord. No. 12-13; 10-25-2016 by Ord. No. 2016-16]
All persons using water shall keep their pipes and fixtures within their premises, together with the service pipe to the curb stop as defined in § 403-3B, in good repair and protect the same from frost at their own expense. If the owner of any premises shall neglect or refuse to repair a leak within three days, exclusive of Sundays and legal holidays, after receipt of written notice from the Director directing such repairs, the water supply for such premises shall be shut off at the main or at the curb, and service shall not be resumed for such premises until after all repairs ordered have been made and the fee, as set forth in § 403-21B, has been paid.
[Amended 7-11-2017 by Ord. No. 2017-06]
Replacement by Borough.
Additionally, the Borough shall have the right to replace a consumer's service line from the curb stop as defined in § 403-3B to the water meter, or any portion thereof, and bill him/her according to the fee schedule set forth in § 403-21B, under any of the following circumstances:
[Amended 7-11-2017 by Ord. No. 2017-06]
The service pipe is constructed of a material not listed in § 403-23.
The service pipe is declared unreliable by the Director due to prior adverse experience.
The curb stop as defined in § 403-3B is deemed unserviceable due to its location.
The service pipe, due to its age and material of construction, fails during system maintenance.
The consumer shall have up to three years from the time of completion to repay the Borough in full in equal quarterly installments if the Borough replaces the water service line on the consumer's side of the curb stop. Should the consumer transfer the property or any interest therein or have any ownership interest altered, the entire outstanding balance is payable at the time of closing of title or change in interest.
In all cases, except in Subsection B(4) above, the consumer will be provided with at least seven calendar days' advanced notice to choose a qualified professional and replace his/her service line himself or herself. It shall be incumbent upon the consumer to notify the Borough within the seven-calendar-day period of his/her selection of a qualified professional to replace his/her service line himself or herself. If notice is not timely made, the Borough may proceed as referenced above. Additionally, if the consumer gives the Borough notice of intent that he/she will have a qualified professional replace his/her service line, said replacement must be made within 90 days. Otherwise, the Borough may proceed as referenced above. The Borough shall offer a payment plan of up to three years from the time of completion, should the Borough replace the water service line on the consumer's side of the curb stop.
Mandatory replacement of lead or galvanized service line.
[Added 12-27-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-09]
Definitions. For the purposes of this section:
The Borough of Alpha.
A licensed vendor that contracts with the Borough of Alpha to replace lead service lines.
The Department of Public Works of the Borough of Alpha, New Jersey.
A building or structure or part thereof containing one or more dwelling units. This chapter shall also apply to buildings and structures that are not used for residential purposes.
Any room or groups of rooms or any part thereof located within a building and forming a single habitable unit with facilities which are used or designed to be used for living, sleeping, cooking, eating or bathing.
Any condition that does not allow access or exposure to lead, in any form, to the extent that adverse human health effects are possible.
A lead or galvanized water line on private property that leads to the structure or building that is connected to the main Borough of Alpha water line.
A municipal utility authority, water district, waterworks, water commission, joint meeting or any other political subdivision of the state authorized pursuant to law to operate or maintain a public water system or to construct, rehabilitate, operate, or maintain water supply facilities or otherwise provide water for human consumption.
A person or persons in actual possession of and living in the building or dwelling unit.
Any person who has legal title to any dwelling, with or without accompanying actual possession thereof; or who has equitable title and is either in actual possession or collects rents therefrom; or who is executor, executrix, trustee, guardian, or receiver of the estate of the owner, or as mortgagee or as vendee in possession either by virtue of a court order or by agreement or voluntary surrender of the premises by the person holding the legal title, or as the collector of rents has charge, care or control of any dwelling or rooming house.
The pipe, tubing, and fittings connecting a municipal water main to a building or structure, and also includes the water meter for the property.
It is hereby established that the existence of lead or galvanized service lines is prohibited in the Borough of Alpha.
A property owner may be excluded from the mandatory replacement of its lead or galvanized service line by providing the Department of Public Works with written proof from a licensed and certified plumber that it does not have a lead or galvanized service line on its property and/or that the lead or galvanized service line was previously removed and replaced.
Mandatory replacement of lead or galvanized service lines.
The owner of any dwelling, building or structure serviced by a lead or galvanized service line is required to replace the service line on their property. The replacement of the service line must be completed as soon as practical and in accordance with New Jersey law, specifically A5343/SS3398,[1] which requires public community water systems to inventory and replace lead service lines within a ten-year period under the law. An extension of time may be granted where the owner can demonstrate to the Department of Public Works designee that a good-faith effort has been made to comply with this subsection.
Editor's Note: See N.J.S.A. 58:12A-40 et seq.
The owner of the any dwelling, building or structure shall replace their lead or galvanized service line by any of the following methods:
Signing up for the Lead Service Line Replacement Program offered by the Borough of Alpha and allowing contractors to access their property to conduct the replacement. The contractor will provide the owner with a right of entry form for completion. The right of entry form will provide the contractor with access to the property to verify the existence of a lead or galvanized service line; see § 403-5B(2); or
Replacing the lead or galvanized service line on their own and at their own expense. If an owner selects this option, then replacement must be completed as soon as practical and in accordance with New Jersey law, specifically A5343/SS3398,[2] which requires public community water systems to inventory and replace lead service lines within a ten-year period under the law. An owner is required to provide the Department of Public Works with proof that the lead or galvanized service line has been replaced. Proof must include, at a minimum: a permit issued by the Borough to a licensed plumber authorized to do the work; an invoice from the contractor who completed the work; a copy of the estimate along with any report of the work completed, and an inspection report verifying the removal.
Editor's Note: See N.J.S.A. 58:12A-40 et seq.
Authorization to access property.
Notwithstanding Subsection D(4) herein, if an owner of the dwelling, building or structure does not sign up for the Lead Service Line Replacement Program or does not replace its lead or galvanized service line or is inaccessible or otherwise denies access to the property to enable the replacement of the line, then the following procedure shall be followed:
The Borough shall secure entrance to the property from the owner or current occupant of the dwelling, building or structure, and the Borough shall incur no liability from the owner. The contractor will provide the owner with a right of entry form for completion. The right of entry form will provide the contractor with access to the property to verify the existence of a lead or galvanized service line. The Borough shall restore the property to its original condition, or as close as possible to its original condition;
If access is granted by the occupant of the dwelling, building, or structure, then the occupant shall be held harmless and no liability shall incur to the Borough or occupant due to the replacement of the lead or galvanized service line by the Borough of Alpha; and
If access is denied by the current occupant or owner, then the Borough shall commence procedures, including filing a court action, to conduct the replacement of the lead or galvanized service line, or alternatively the Borough may follow the procedure outlined in Subsection D(6) herein.
Entry onto property to perform lead line replacement (Pursuant to P.L. 2019, Chapter 291, Title 58 of Revised Statutes.[3])
The Borough, or any agent thereof, shall be able to enter a property within the municipality to perform a lead or galvanized service line replacement, provided that the municipality provides the owner and any residents of the property with notice at least 72 hours before entering the property, unless in the case of an emergency as determined by the Department of Environmental Protection. The Borough, or its agents, may not enter into a part of the property that is not directly related to performing a lead or galvanized service line replacement.
For the purposes of this section, notice to the owner and any residents of the property shall include an attempt to inform the owner and any residents in person of the date and time of the lead or galvanized service line replacement, and if the owner or a resident is unable to be reached in person, the Borough shall send, by certified mail, a letter to the owner and any residents or post a written notice in a prominent location on the property which shall include:
The scheduled date and time of the lead or galvanized service line replacement and who will be performing the replacement;
The likely extent of water service disruption;
Nearby locations where the Borough or a public water system is distributing supplementary drinking water, if any; and
Remedies that the Borough shall take if the Borough, its agents, or municipal water system, or an agent thereof, is unable to access the property.
If at any time it is determined that the primary language of 10% or more of the Borough's residents is a language other than English, a letter or written notice sent or posted pursuant to this subsection shall be provided in English and any other such primary language.
In addition to the notice requirements of Subsection D(6)(b) of this section, the Borough shall send, by certified mail, the owner a letter after the completion of the replacement stating the approximate time that the replacement occurred, and providing a brief summary of the work performed.
Editor's Note: See N.J.S.A. 58:12A-38 et seq.
Proof of lead or galvanized service line replacement required for certificate of occupancy, certificate of code compliance, and smoke and carbon monoxide detector certificates.
Upon the sale or transfer of ownership of any dwelling, building or structure, the owner must provide proof that the lead or galvanized service line has been replaced in order to secure a certificate of occupancy, certificate of code compliance, and smoke and carbon monoxide detector certificates.
Upon the sale of any Borough-owned property, within 90 days of the closing, the buyer is responsible for replacing the lead or galvanized service line, by either enrolling in the Lead Service Line Replacement Program or in accordance with this section.
Penalty. Violations of this subsection by any person or corporation shall be punishable in accord with § 403-30 herein.
The curb stop shall be opened and closed and street or main pipes shall be tapped only by the Director or his agent or by any other person having written permission from the Director to do so. Any unauthorized person who shall open or close the curb stop, except for an emergency subsequently approved by the Director, shall be subject to the penalty provided by § 403-30 hereof.
The Borough shall not be liable for any damage resulting from a failure to observe any regulation in this article.
In no case shall the water be left running without a special permit from the Director, and in case of a violation of this section, the water supply for the premises upon which such violation occurs shall be shut off at the curb, and such service shall not be resumed until the fee as set forth in § 403-21B has been paid.
When two or more customers take water through one service connection, the provision in regard to cutting off the service connection shall be applicable to all customers, although one or more of them may be innocent of any cause of offense.
Owners of premises will be held responsible for the cost of water consumed by the tenants or other users or uses within the premises and unpaid water rents become a lien on the property.
No water customer shall supply water to parties not entitled to its use, except upon permission from the Director given in writing.
Customers shall not be entitled to damage, nor will any part of a payment be refunded, for any stoppage or supply occasioned by an accident to any portion of the waterworks, nor for stoppage for the purpose of additions or repairs, nor for stoppage due to any serious fire. The Director shall have the right to shut off the water to make extensions, alterations or repairs.
All pipes and fixtures shall be subject to inspection and rejection by the Director if considered unsuitable for the purpose. The Director shall have access at all reasonable hours to the premises connected to the water distribution system for the purpose of inspecting and maintaining water meters and associated equipment. The hours between 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. shall be considered reasonable for this purpose. Failure to comply with this section could result in the shutoff of the water.
Water may be turned off for any of the following reasons:
For willful waste of water through improper or imperfect pipes from the curb stop to the meter.
For molesting or tampering with any service connection, meter, curb stop, seal or any other appliance of the Department of Public Works.
In case of vacancy of premises.
For nonpayment of bills, rents, charges or fees or for penalties imposed or for any other reason causing or tending to cause a loss to the Department of Public Works.
In the event of a cross-connection.
For denial of entry as set forth in § 403-13, above.
For failure to decrease or limit the use of water when requested by the Department of Public Works.
For misrepresentation in the application for water service respecting the property to be served or the fixture to be supplied or the use to be made of the water.
No one will be allowed to use water through fire hydrants or pipes for any other purpose except upon issuance of a permit from the Director (except in case of fire).
Those using water for building construction purposes only will be charged the usual builder's rate. A permit shall be required for every separate job.
All service shall, at the direction of the Director subject to the ultimate control of the Borough Council, be through a water meter of a standard approved by said Council. Meters of the size of 3/4 inch shall be furnished by the Department of Public Works. Meters larger than 3/4 inch shall be furnished by the property owner. For all multifamily residential development, the property owner is solely responsible for any and all water meter(s). The property owner shall be responsible for installing the water meter and all costs to accomplish the same. All installations of meters are subject to inspection by the Department of Public Works, and the water will not be turned on until the installation is deemed acceptable and all applicable fees have been paid.
[Amended 10-10-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-12]
The Department of Public Works will inspect and test all meters owned by the Department of Public Works when requested to do so by the property owner and the fee as set forth in § 403-21B has been paid. Meters furnished by the property owners are required to be tested and calibrated every five years. A written report from the person doing the testing and calibration shall be submitted to the Department of Public Works and shall be kept on record for 10 years. Any meter furnished by the property owner found to be faulty or out of calibration must be replaced or calibrated within 15 days after the meter is found to be faulty or out of calibration. Meters so replaced shall be certified as being accurate; failure to correct a faulty or out of calibration meter will subject the owner to the penalty provided by § 403-30 hereof and/or shutting off of the water service. The service shall not be turned back on until the problem is corrected and the fee as set forth in § 403-21B has been paid.
The meter, if supplied by the Borough, shall remain the property of the Borough of Alpha, and the property owners will be held responsible for damage done to meters from any cause whatsoever. Cost of other than normal repairs will be charged against the property owner.
Property owners may place a second water meter on their property with the property owner being solely responsible for the cost of the meter and the installation thereof by the Borough employees, agents or designees (with the meter remaining the property of the Borough). The second water meter shall be utilized for outdoor water consumption, for activities such as gardening and filling of swimming pools, which does not impact the property owner’s sewage usage and shall thus not be used in calculation of sewerage billing.
[Added 5-24-2016 by Ord. No. 2016-08]
The Department of Public Works shall inspect the installation of all secondary meters and report in writing to the Utility Collector, in a timely manner, whether the connection is a series connection or a parallel connection as defined in this Code section.
[Added 2-14-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-03]
A property owner wishing to install a secondary meter pursuant to this section shall be required to obtain all permits in accordance with Chapter 178 of this Code and to pay all fees required by § 178-3E(1).
[Added 2-14-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-03]
In case of any new service, the cost of work done or material furnished by the Department of Public Works must be paid before the water is turned on. The total cost for installing any service from the main to the curbline shall be paid for by the owner of the property for which service is made.
[Amended 4-14-2009 by Ord. No. 09-04; 12-29-2015 by Ord. No. 2015-07]
All bills for water and/or sewer, except under building permits, shall be due and payable within 30 days of the billing date for the same. If a bill remains unpaid for a period over 30 days after the billing date or presentation, interest shall be charged. The interest rate is 8% per annum on any balance $1,500 or less and 18% per annum on any balance greater than $1,500. Also, any account which is in arrears for greater than six months, upon notice and in addition to the interest, may be subject to having the water turned off. No delinquent balances for water and/or sewer can be carried past the second (quarter) billing cycle; same must be paid by July 15th of the same calendar year, or the account(s) shall be subject to having the water turned off upon notice and in addition to interest. Any account where the water is turned off shall not have the water turned on again until the entire balance(s) of the water and sewer account(s) are paid in full and the fee as set forth in § 403-21B has been paid. However, if proof is provided to the Borough's representatives and/or agents that the turn-on and turn-off are for a home inspection of a property that is under contract to be sold or transferred, the increased fees set forth in § 403-21B shall apply and need to be paid up front for said home inspection water turn-on and turn-off. The inspection period shall not exceed 72 hours. The entire balance(s) of the water and sewer account(s) are to then be paid in full at closing and shall each remain due and payable as herein delineated in this chapter and shall remain a lien on the property as well.
[Amended 5-24-2016 by Ord. No. 2016-08]
All unpaid water bills and other water charges shall become liens on the real estate benefiting from the water service, as provided by law, including the New Jersey Revised Statutes.
Before water shall be turned on for building purposes, a service fee shall be paid to the Borough. The charge for said fee, whether for a single-family dwelling or for larger buildings or apartments, shall be determined in accordance with a fee schedule which may be amended from time to time, as set by the Borough Council.
Water service inside buildings shall have a break of sufficient size to take care of the proper meter, six inches above finished floor and six inches from the wall on the house side of the main shutoff, so that a meter may be installed. Said break shall be provided with valves on both the street side and the service side of the meter location. There shall be no outlets on the street side of the meter. Water will not be turned on to any private pipe outside of a building unless the pipe is at least four feet under the surface of the ground.
When new service is run to a building or property and unused lines are connected to this property, all these unused lines shall be disconnected from the system at the curb.
No alterations in pipes connecting to or from the meter shall be made without a permit issued by the Director.
Persons desiring the use of water for building construction shall make application to the provisions as herein provided. Under no circumstances shall water for building construction be taken from a fire hydrant of the Borough. A flat rate, depending upon the type and size of the building, will be made for water used in building construction unless the Department of Public Works shall require the water to be metered. The minimum flat rate charge for such building will be as provided for in § 403-21B, payable in advance. The Department of Public Works reserves the right to regulate the purpose for which the water may be used during construction and may, at its option, require the water to be metered, in which event meters shall be rented from the Department of Public Works and charged a regular rate for meters.
A single service connection shall not be permitted to serve more than one physical unit; provided, however, that a building which contains apartments, stores, offices or other facilities for more than one occupant or family may be serviced by a single connection.
Any of the following situations shall be considered to be part of one physical unit: a professional office for a physician, lawyer, dentist, architect, professional engineer or other such profession; or a studio and/or rooms for home occupations, provided that there is no water service or supply of water for such and provided that such office, studio or room for home occupation shall be located in a dwelling in which the practitioner resides.
Any other combined residential and/or professional or business situation within one physical unit, where there is water service or a supply of water that can be used for or in connection with such occupation, personal or business use, shall be considered a multi-use building.
[Amended 5-13-1997 by Ord. No. 97-8; 3-22-2005 by Ord. No. 05-05; 8-14-2001 by Ord. No. 01-10; 11-8-2012 by Ord. No. 12-13; 12-16-2014 by Ord. No. 2014-16]
The rates for water services per quarter shall be as follows:
For residential, commercial, industrial, and multiuse building usage:
A minimum service fee of $55 per quarter per unit for residential and multiuse building(s) and minimum service fee of $55 per quarter per unit for commercial and industrial. Installation of secondary water meters(s) will not result in any additional charges under this Code subsection.
[Amended 5-24-2016 by Ord. No. 2016-08; 2-14-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-03]
A charge additionally of $0.0038 per gallon of water used and metered per unit.
[Amended 2-14-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-03]
For buildings containing secondary water meters installed in a series water meter configuration as defined in this Code section, only the primary water meter reading shall be used to calculate charges under this Code subsection.
For buildings containing secondary water meters installed in a parallel water meter configuration as defined in this Code section, the primary water meter reading shall be added to any secondary water meter readings and the sum used to calculate charges under this Code subsection.
In a residential unit where there is no water meter, charges shall be equal to the average residential usage within the Borough during the previous quarter as determined by the Alpha Department of Public Works.
Multiple-use building. Each physical unit within a multiple-use building shall be $55, plus $0.0038 per gallon of water used and metered.
[Amended 10-10-2018 by Ord. No. 2018-09]
Specific rates:
Water for fire protection system: $500 per annum, plus the commercial rate for any water used.
Cemeteries: $55 per annum. If metered, the same rate as residential.
[Amended 10-10-2018 by Ord. No. 2018-09]
Churches: same as residential rate.
Schools: same as residential rate.
Fire hydrant service to other communities: $625 per hydrant per annum to be billed quarterly.
[Amended 7-26-2016 by Ord. No. 2016-09]
Miscellaneous fees. Fees for miscellaneous services shall be as follows:
Turn-off charge: $50.
Turn-on charge: $50.
Water for building construction, minimum flat rate charge: $100.
Repairs of pipes or appurtenances by Department of Public Works or outside contractors: actual cost plus equipment rental. Payroll costs for municipal employees shall be at 1.50 times actual payroll rate.
Testing of meter for accuracy, as requested by the consumer, if it's found to be accurate: $25.
Services of Department of Public Works employees: 1.50 times the actual hourly rate per hour for all Department of Public Works employees involved.
If the turn-on is for or related to a home inspection of a property that is under contract to be sold or transferred, there shall be a charge of $100, payable prior to turn-on. Unless the closing is to occur within 72 hours of the water turn-on, then the water shall be turned off. To have the water turned on in the normal course of business, there shall be a standard turn-on charge as stated in § 403-21B (2), provided the balance of the water and sewer account(s) is paid in full.
[Added 5-24-2016 by Ord. No. 2016-08]
The cost to replace a consumer's service line from the curb stop to the water meter may be imposed upon the consumer as stated herein and specifically in § 403-5 for customer-side services done as follows:
[Added 12-28-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-18]
Under the 2016 water utility improvements contract, $1,000 for a service 0 to 30 feet in length.
Under the 2018 water utility improvements contract, $1,175 for a service 0 to 30 feet in length.
Under the 2016 water utility improvements contract, $1,500 for a service 31 to 80 feet in length.
Under the 2018 water utility improvements contract, $2,175 for a service 31 to 80 feet in length.
For those services over 80 feet in length, the charge may be increased by $30 per foot in excess of 80 feet.
In any instance, the Borough reserves the right to charge the consumer the actual cost for outside contractor(s) and/or 1.50 times the cost of its own Department of Public Works employees' payroll costs, along with the actual cost of any equipment rental.
In special cases not contemplated in the above schedule of rates or not clearly defined therein, the Borough Council is hereby authorized to establish special rates by resolution, under such schedule or formula as the Council may deem advisable, and the Council may make contracts with such special users as the special circumstances may require.
No abatement of water rent will be allowed by reason of disuse or diminished use or vacant premises. All consumers who wish to discontinue service must notify the Director in writing. The service line will then be shut off at the curb. When notified that the service is desired, the water will be turned on again at the curb by the Department of Public Works upon payment of the fees as set forth in § 403-21B to the Borough of Alpha.
The Department of Public Works will install all water service lines up to one inch between the water mains and the curbline. The owner shall furnish and install service lines from the curbline to the building. The owner shall also be responsible for installation of the meter. Lines greater than one inch shall be furnished and installed by the owner from the main to the residence. The Department of Public Works shall make all taps into the water system mains. All installations are subject to testing and inspection by the Department of Public Works prior to closing of any trench, and before the water is turned on. No installation shall take place unless proper application is made and all applicable fees are paid.
No street opening shall be made except upon the consent of the Department of Public Works and upon issuance of a street opening permit as provided in Chapter 346, Streets and Sidewalks.
[Amended 2-27-2018 by Ord. No. 2018-01]
Copper pipe shall be used for all service lines ranging in size from 3/4 inch to less than two inches, inclusive. Service lines from two inches to less than four inches may be copper, ductile iron, or polymer. Ductile iron pipe shall be used for all service lines four inches or greater. Ductile iron pipe shall be used for fire protection lines; however, alternate material(s) may be used upon approval of the Borough Engineer.
[Amended 12-17-2002 by Ord. No. 02-14; 9-13-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-11; 10-10-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-12]
Residential water service. A water connection fee in the amount of $3,500 and an application fee of $100 shall be imposed on all new residential hookups unless said connection is for an affordable housing unit. In such an instance, the connection fee shall be $1,750. For any multifamily building construction, the connection fee shall be payable for each residential unit. This fee shall be nonrefundable and payable at the time the request for water tap-in application is filed.
Nonresidential water service.
An application fee of $100 and a water connection fee shall be imposed on all new nonresidential hookups. The water connection fee shall be calculated as follows:
Divide the estimated daily flow, in gallons, by the average daily flow per equivalent unit as defined in § 403-3 to determine the number of equivalent units, rounded down to the nearest whole number.
Multiply the number of equivalent units by $3,500 per unit to determine the total water connection fee.
This fee shall be nonrefundable and payable at the time the request for water tap-in application is filed.
If a meter fails to register, the consumption will be charged at the average consumption as shown by the meter when in order.
All water which passes through a meter will be charged for, whether used or wasted.
There will be no cross-connections between the public water supply and any other water source. Exceptions may be made for cross-connections with water sources under the jurisdictions of the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection which are required to test water conformance with potable water standards. Any cross-connections shall be protected with an approved backflow protection device. No cross-connection shall be made without the approval of the Borough Council.
In case of emergency when, by reason of drought or otherwise, the available supply of water becomes dangerously low, the Borough Council may, by resolution, adopt such temporary restrictions upon the use of water as are necessary to conserve the available supply. For any violation of the terms of such resolution, the penalty provided by § 403-30 hereof may be imposed, and for repeated violations, the supply of water of the consumer may be shut off until such emergency ceases to exist.
All extensions of the present water system, which shall include the laying, construction or placing of mains or other connections, shall be done in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40:56-1 et seq. and current regulations of NJDEP and the Borough.
Applications for extension of any waterline must be filed with the Director, reviewed and recommended for approval by the Borough Engineer and approved by the Borough Council. At the time of application the applicant shall post with the Borough a deposit to provide for review and approval by the Borough. The cost of the materials and labor must be assumed by the applicant or applicants when the extension is approved. After the installation of the extension, any future applicant who desires to connect with the extension shall pay his proportionate share to the original consumers.
All meters for all connections shall be purchased directly by the applicant at a vendor selected by the Borough. The Borough shall approve of the meter model prior to the applicant purchasing. No applicant may use any other meter than those approved by the Borough.
[Added 12-17-2002 by Ord. No. 02-14]
Any person violating or failing to comply with any of the provisions of this article shall, upon conviction thereof, be punishable by a fine of not more than $1,250, by imprisonment for a term not to exceed 90 days or by community service for a term not to exceed 90 days, or any combination thereof, in the discretion of the Judge. The continuation of such violation for each successive day shall constitute a separate offense, and the person or persons allowing or permitting the continuation of the violation may be punished as provided above for each separate offense.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).