Unless authorized by the rules or by an order of the Commissioner of Public Works, no person shall knowingly pick up, haul or deposit solid waste generated outside of Sullivan County at the county landfill, solid waste transfer station operated by or under the supervision of the county and any other municipally owned or operated landfill or transfer station.
Unless authorized by the rules or by an order of the Commissioner of Public Works, no person shall pick up or haul solid waste and/or recyclables generated inside the county to a solid waste management facility located outside of the county.
No person shall deposit solid waste at any solid waste management facility other than at a location and in the manner directed by the employee in charge of such facility.
No person shall operate a vehicle at a county solid waste management facility or collect or haul solid waste with a vehicle which does not comply with the rules.
No person shall deposit solid waste at any solid waste management facility other than on the days and between the hours established for the operation of such facility or as may be authorized by the Commissioner of Public Works or the rules.
No commercial user shall deposit solid waste at a county solid waste management facility without having a user valid permit or pass.
No person shall deposit solid waste at any county solid waste management facility without paying the solid waste deposit fees established therefor.
No person, including a solid waste collector or hauler, residential or commercial user, shall fail or refuse to separate solid waste at the source as herein defined or fail, refuse or neglect to separate solid waste into its components as may be provided in the rules.
No person shall dispose of any solid waste generated in Sullivan County in any place in Sullivan County except at a solid waste management facility which is entitled to operate as such by permit or order on consent of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation pursuant to the provisions of Article 27 of Title 7 of the Environmental Conservation Law and permitted by the County of Sullivan under this chapter.
In accordance with the rules, no person shall leave for collection any solid waste unless it has separated from it at the point intended for collection all designated recyclable components.
In accordance with the rules, no person shall collect, haul, store or transport solid waste generated in Sullivan County unless it has separated from it all designated recyclable components.
In accordance with the rules, no person shall dispose of any solid waste generated in Sullivan County at any solid waste management facility in Sullivan County unless such solid waste has had removed from it all designated recyclable components.
In accordance with the rules, no solid waste collector or hauler shall haul, store, collect or transport any solid waste generated in Sullivan County unless such person shall have obtained a license to operate from the county.
No person shall dispose of hazardous or infectious wastes, as defined in NYCRR Part 360 Regulations, in the county by depositing such wastes in or at a solid waste management facility.
No person shall deposit any solid waste in unregulated, uncontrolled or unlicensed disposal sites in Sullivan County.