[Adopted 6-21-1994 by Ord. No. 93-26]
All owners of residential properties which are rented to tenants for residential purposes shall maintain adequate insurance coverage to insure that the costs of demolition of such properties shall be paid pursuant to one or more policies of insurance covering such dwellings, buildings or residences.
In the event of any occurrence, including but not limited to fire, wind, water damage, upset or other casualty which renders any residential rental property unfit for human habitation or which results in the condemnation of such property or properties, the owner thereof shall notify the Division of Housing and Code Enforcement of the City of Bridgeton of such damage within the 10 days of the occurrence thereof.
[Amended 5-21-2024 by Ord. No. 24-11]
No owner of a residential property which is rented to others for residential use, in whole or part, shall be issued a certificate of property compliance for such premises until and unless evidence of adequate insurance coverage to indemnify for the cost of demolition and let clearance for such premises has been presented to the Division of Housing and Code Enforcement of the City of Bridgeton.
Upon annual registration, the owner of any residential property which is rented to others for residential use shall present to the Division of Housing and Code Enforcement of the City of Bridgeton, a certificate of insurance setting forth the limits of insurance coverage and indemnifying the City of Bridgeton against demolition costs which may be incurred for the demolition of such premises. The limits of such insurance shall not be less than the assessed value of such property or properties.
Violations of the provisions of this chapter shall be punishable as provided in Chapter 1, Article III, General Penalty.