It shall be unlawful for any person to place, deposit, or permit
to be deposited in any unsanitary manner, on public or private property,
within the Town of Catskill or in any area under the jurisdiction
of the said municipality, any human or animal excrement, garbage,
or objectionable waste. Also, no person shall discharge domestic sewage
onto the surface of the ground or discharge it in a way that permits
it to come to the surface of the ground.
No person shall connect a private sewage system or discharge
sewage so that sewage flows into a storm sewer or into a drain intended
exclusively for stormwater.
No person shall discharge sewage into a well.
It shall be unlawful to discharge to any natural outlet, within
the Town of Catskill, or in any area under the jurisdiction of the
said municipality, any wastewater or other polluted waters, except
where suitable treatment has been provided in accordance with subsequent
provisions of this chapter.
No property owner, builder, or developer shall be issued a building
permit for a new dwelling or structure requiring sanitary facilities
unless a suitable and approved method of wastewater disposal, conforming
to this chapter, is available. All housing construction or building
development which takes place after this chapter is enacted shall
provide for an approved system of sanitary sewers.
The owner(s) of all houses, buildings, or properties used for
human occupancy, employment, recreation, or other purposes, situated
within the Town Sewer Districts and abutting on any street, alley,
or right-of-way in which there is located a public sewer, is hereby
required, at the owner's expense to install suitable sanitary facilities
therein, and to connect such facilities directly with the proper public
sewer, in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, within 180
days after official notice to do so, provided that said public sewer
is within 100 feet of the property line. A one-time extension of up
to 180 days may be allowed if approved by the Town Board.
The Town Board, at its discretion, may grant a forbearance for certain septic systems otherwise required to connect to the public sewer as specified in §
132-13 which are allowed additional time to connect to the public sewers, providing said systems meet certain criteria:
A. To be eligible for a forbearance, the system must be in good operating
condition, and the applicant must demonstrate that the system was
designed by a professional engineer who has certified record drawings
for the construction of the system and that construction was approved
by the Town Code Enforcement Officer/Building Inspector or the New
York State Department of Health or Department of Environmental Conservation.
B. Applicants shall request in writing that the Town Board grant forbearance
for the system. The request shall be accompanied by record drawings
for the system.
C. Upon receipt of an application, the Superintendent shall assess the
current condition of the system, determine whether it meets the above
criteria, and make a recommendation to the Town Board regarding the
approval or rejection of issuance of a forbearance.
D. Forbearances shall be granted by the action of the Town Board and
are revocable by the Board should any of the above criteria cease
to be met.
E. All forbearances shall end on December 31, 2025, and those systems shall be required to connect to public sewers in accordance with §
132-13 of this chapter.
Where properties are required to connect to the POTW as specified in §
132-13, it shall be unlawful to construct or maintain any privy, privy vault, cesspool, septic tank, or other facility intended or used for disposal of wastewater on properties located within a Town Sewer District. Where such above-listed facilities are permissible, they shall be constructed and maintained in accordance with the specifications of Article
IV of this chapter.
Owners of premises upon which a commercial car wash is operated,
and the operators of any such car washes, may, if the premises on
which any such car washes are located have adequate satisfactory sewage
facilities to dispose of the water used in the car wash, continue
to use such sewage facilities solely to dispose of the water used
in actually washing vehicles but must separate the plumbing facilities
for that water from the plumbing facilities carrying all other forms
of sewage, and connect the latter plumbing facilities directly with
the proper public sewer in accordance with all the provisions of this
chapter. The owner and/or operator of any car wash continuing to use
a private sewage system as aforesaid shall separate the pipes supplying
water to the actual vehicle-washing operation from all water lines
to the premises on which said car-wash operations are located and
shall, at his own cost, connect the pipes supplying water to the actual
vehicle washing operation to a separate water meter so that the quantity
of water used in the actual car-wash operation is separately metered
and measured.
The use of the Town of Catskill public sewers shall be strictly limited and restricted, except as provided in §
132-13 to receive and accept the discharge of sewage and other wastes, including industrial wastes generated on or discharged from real property within the bounds of the Town Sewer District.
At the recommendation of the Superintendent, who determines
that one or more segments of the POTW is exceeding its hydraulic capacity
at any time, or any specific purpose of this chapter is being violated,
the Town Board shall have the authority to limit or deny new connections
to the POTW until the conditions leading to the moratorium are corrected.
All requirements, directives, and orders calling for mandatory
use of the sewers, within the Town Sewer District, for the proper
discharge of sewage and other wastes, including industrial wastes,
shall be established and given by the Town Board, NYSDEC, USEPA, and/or
other such state or federal agencies, which have enforcement powers.