Preexisting parks shall be permitted to continue to operate in their present locations, but those located outside B-2 Districts shall not expand beyond their present property limits. Those now located in B-2 Districts may expand beyond their present property limits only by special permit granted by the Board of Appeals.
No new building in a preexisting park shall exceed 40 feet in height. Any alterations or extensions to existing buildings, and any new buildings, shall require a building permit.
Front yard.
Buildings. Buildings already in existence will be permitted to remain in their present locations. Any alterations or additions to such buildings or any buildings subsequently erected shall not be closer than 65 feet to the street line.
Mobile homes. Mobile homes which are located closer than 65 feet to the street line will be permitted to remain in their present location as long as the present owner or tenant of the mobile home continues to occupy such space. When the present owner or tenant leaves such space, the replacing mobile home shall be at least 65 feet from the street line.
Side and rear yards. Spacing required for reasons of safety from fire, health and general welfare of resident.
Buildings: same as § 184-32A(1) above, except that the limit shall be 10 feet, and except where the side yards abut a street, where the limit shall be 25 feet.
Mobile homes. Mobile homes will be permitted to remain in their present locations as long as the present owner or tenant of the mobile home continues to occupy it. When the present owner or tenant leaves, the following shall apply:
Mobile homes on mobile home spaces abutting commercial property shall be at least five feet from the property line.
Where the side or rear yard abuts a street, no mobile home shall be closer than 20 feet to the street line.
Where the side or rear yard abuts residential property, no mobile home shall be closer than 10 feet to the side or rear yard line.
Roadways. Roadways shall be permitted up to the side and rear property lines except where the park abuts residential property, in which case it shall be at least 10 feet from the property line.
Mobile home spaces shall have a minimum of 1,200 square feet of area and a minimum width of 28 feet. Each space shall be clearly defined and numbered.
Mobile homes will be permitted to remain in their present locations on mobile home spaces as long as the present owner or tenant of the mobile home continues to occupy such space. When the present owner or tenant leaves such space, then the following shall apply:
Mobile homes shall be so located on each space that there shall be at least a ten-foot clearance between the mobile homes or additions thereto; provided, however, that with respect to mobile homes parked end-to-end, the end-to-end clearance shall not be less than five feet.
No mobile home or structural addition thereto shall be located closer than five feet to any building within the park.
Any extension or addition of mobile home spaces within the park plan as submitted shall comply with Articles VI through XV of this chapter and require the filing of an amended park plan. No mobile home or travel trailer shall be placed on a mobile home space until such mobile home space has been approved. Such additional mobile home spaces shall have an area of not less than 2,000 square feet and a width of not less than 30 feet. They shall also comply with § 184-20A and § 184-20B.
No structural additions (including carports) shall be made to a mobile home or permitted on a mobile home space without a building permit approved by the Building Inspector. Such additions shall comply with this chapter.
Travel trailers may continue to remain in a park as long as the present owner or tenant occupies the travel trailer. When the owner or tenant leaves the park, the travel trailer and any additions thereto shall be removed from the park. Newly arriving travel trailers shall not be permitted to remain in a mobile home park longer than six months and shall not be permitted to return within six months after departure. Such travel trailers shall be equipped with flush toilet and bath facilities.
No structural additions shall be permitted to a travel trailer on the mobile home space where such travel trailer is located.
Preexisting parks having travel trailers not equipped with flush toilets and bath facilities shall continue to operate and maintain in sanitary condition existing service buildings as long as such trailers remain in the park. Such buildings may be removed if travel trailers are not accommodated in the park.