Editor's Note: Historic note: initially established by City Council resolution 8-13-2003.
Many issues arise in City government and the community as a whole that may be of interest to youth or may affect youth in the community.
It is beneficial for the community and the youth to develop the citizenship skills of youth in the community by working with local government on such issues.
The City government can directly benefit from the advice and efforts of youth in the community on the issues that confront the City.
There shall be the Youth Advisory Committee, to consist of no more than 25 members in grades seven through 12 at the time of appointment or reappointment by the City Council. Members must be residents of the City of Rye but are not required to attend school in the City. Each year, nominations will be accepted for students interested in serving on the Committee. A selection committee made up of one representative of the City designated by the City Manager, the Rye YMCA, and the Rye Youth Council will review the nominations and select students to recommend to the City Council for appointment to the Committee. Efforts will be made to balance the Committee regarding schools represented, grade, gender, ethnicity, etc. Members will be officially appointed to the Youth Advisory Committee by the City Council. The term of office for each member shall be one school year, commencing on September 1 and ending on June 30. Members may be reappointed but shall serve for no more than three consecutive years. The Youth Advisory Committee shall select its own chair and vice-chair.
There shall be a Youth Advisory Committee to make recommendations on City Council agenda items or other matters affecting youth in the community and to seek and recommend ways to interest and involve youth in local government.