It shall be prohibited:
To accumulate or store on residential premises, except in approved locations, any highly flammable or explosive matter, such as paints, volatile oils, cleaning fluids and similar materials, or any combustible refuse liable to spontaneous combustion, such as wastepaper, boxes, rags or similar materials.
To accumulate or store materials on fire escapes or stairs, in stairways or passageways, at doors or windows or in any other locations where, in the event of fire, such materials may obstruct egress of occupants or interfere with firefighting operations.
Walls and ceilings shall be maintained free from cracks and openings which would permit flame or excessive heat to enter the concealed space.
In buildings of mixed occupancy, nonresidential space shall be separated from residential space by approved fire separations which will retard the spread of fire.
Garages in or attached to a residential building shall be separated from other spaces in the building by approved fire separations which will retard the spread of fire and prevent flammable or toxic vapors originating within the garage from being transmitted to other parts of the building.
Interior finish materials for acoustical correction, surface insulation and decorative treatment on the surfaces of walls and ceilings, and interior trim shall be of materials that will not, in burning, give off excessive amounts of smoke or objectionable gases.
Fireplaces and similar construction used or intended to be used for burning fuel in open fires shall be connected to approved chimneys and shall be installed so that nearby or adjacent combustible material and structural members shall not be heated to unsafe temperatures.
Hearths and linings or other parts of fireplaces exposed directly to flame shall be of materials that will not melt, disintegrate, spall or shatter at high temperatures.
Wood mantels and trim on fireplaces shall be placed and attached so that they cannot be heated to unsafe temperatures or ignited by sparks or embers from the fire.