In order to facilitate the movement of traffic and to combat the hazards of excessive snow and ice on the highways or portions of highways designated by the Board of Supervisors of Skippack Township as provided in § 187-38 of this article, a snow emergency is hereby declared to exist whenever the depth of snow on streets in § 187-38 shall reach an accumulation of two inches or more.
After such snow emergency shall have gone into effect, it shall be unlawful during the period of such emergency for any person to park a motor vehicle or tractor or to allow the same to remain parked on any highway or portion thereof unless such vehicle or tractor shall be equipped with adequate equipment to provide sufficient traction to keep such vehicle or tractor in motion so that other traffic on such highways will not be blocked or seriously impeded.
In order to notify and assist the operators of motor vehicles and tractors in determining the highways affected by this article, the Board of Supervisors shall cause to be placed on the utility poles at the entrance to and on the highways or portions thereof authorized by § 187-38 signs reading as follows:
The Board of Supervisors shall also, through radio, newspaper or other available media, disseminate information as to the existence of such an emergency.
The highways or portions thereof to which the provisions of this article shall be applicable during all periods of snow emergency declared as provided in § 187-35 shall be as designated in Schedule XVIII (§ 187-58), attached hereto and made a part of this chapter. In all other streets throughout Skippack Township not specifically designated by the Board of Supervisors as snow emergency routes, the snow emergency status shall arise whenever the depth of snow on each individual street shall reach an accumulation of four inches or more on the streets as set forth in Schedule XVIII attached hereto.
At any time during a period of snow emergency declared as provided in § 187-35, any person who shall park a motor vehicle or tractor anywhere upon or along any of the highways or portions thereof designated by the Board of Supervisors of Skippack Township as provided in § 187-38, shall be guilty of a violation of this article, and, upon conviction thereof before the District Justice in a summary proceeding, shall be sentenced to pay a fine and costs, or to undergo imprisonment for not more than five days.
Any person who shall operate a vehicle or tractor upon any highway or portion thereof designated by the Board of Supervisors of Skippack Township as provided in § 187-38, if such vehicle or tractor shall become stalled upon any of such streets during a period of snow emergency declared as provided in § 187-35, if such stalling shall have been by reason of the failure to have such vehicle or tractor equipped with the equipment hereinabove prescribed, shall be guilty of a violation of this article, and, upon conviction thereof, before the District Justice in a summary proceeding, such person shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not less than $25 and no more than $300, and costs of prosecution, and, in default of payment of such fine and costs, to undergo imprisonment for not more than 10 days.