Declaration of legislative intent. In expansion of the general intent and community development objectives found in Article I of this chapter, the primary purpose of the sign regulations is as follows:
Recognize that signs perform an important function in identifying properties, businesses, services, residences, events, and other matters of interest to the public;
Set standards and provide controls that permit reasonable use of signs while restricting the potential adverse visual effects of signs on the character of the Township;
Control the size, number, height, location, and illumination of signs to reduce potential hazards caused by glare or obstruction of visibility, and to reduce visual clutter that results from competition among signs;
Encourage signs that are attractively designed in order to enhance the economic value as well as the visual character of the Township; and
Establish criteria to encourage signs that are compatible with their surroundings, appropriate to the type of activity to which they pertain, complementary to the architecture of the buildings involved, expressive of the identity of individual proprietors or of an integrated development's identity and easily readable in the circumstances in which they are seen.
Signs must not be permitted if they are in any way a hazard to vehicular or pedestrian traffic either directly or indirectly by virtue of exposing a pedestrian to danger as a result of concealing the presence of a pedestrian to vehicular traffic.
[Added 11-14-2007 by Ord. No. 309]
Signs must be regulated so as to minimize their negative impact on vehicular traffic. They must not cause excessive diversion of a driver's attention to the safe operation of his or her vehicle. They must not cause confusion on the part of the vehicle operator and they must not constitute any type of obstruction or distraction for the motoring public.
[Added 11-14-2007 by Ord. No. 309]
Signs have a direct impact on property values. It is the intent of these regulations to insure that the impact is positive. A negative impact would not be in the best interest of the general welfare of the community.
[Added 11-14-2007 by Ord. No. 309]
Signs convey the character of an area. It is the intent of these regulations to maintain signage that is appropriate to the various districts of the community, including but not limited to residential, commercial, industrial and recreational.
[Added 11-14-2007 by Ord. No. 309]
It is the goal of these regulations to enhance the community aesthetics as a means to promote economic development. A positive visual environment will promote the economic health of a community which in turn serves the citizens of the community.
[Added 11-14-2007 by Ord. No. 309]
A Wisconsin Department of Transportation study found that side-swipe and rear-end collisions were up as much as 35% where signs with variable messages showing ads and sports scores were most visible. Signs must be regulated so as not to cause an increase in traffic accidents.
[Added 11-14-2007 by Ord. No. 309]
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, in 2006, found that taking one's eyes off the road for more than two seconds for any reason not directly related to driving "significantly increased individual near-crash/crash risk." Signs must be regulated so as not to be so attention-getting (such as LED displays that are so brightly lit that their changing messages can be seen from hundreds of feet away) that they result in drivers being distracted and removing their eyes from the road for more than two seconds.
[Added 11-14-2007 by Ord. No. 309]
General requirements. Signs shall be permitted in all districts in compliance with the requirements of this article.
Permit required. An application for a sign permit shall be submitted to the Zoning Officer prior to erecting, affixing, attaching or installing any sign larger than two square feet on or to any building, structure or property. The application shall include:
A site plan showing the location of the sign in relation to buildings, structures, property lines and public or private rights-of-way. The width of street frontage(s) at the legal right-of-way on the subject property shall be shown.
A drawing of the proposed sign showing the specific dimensions of all elements of the sign, the specific copy, lettering, words, symbols and designs to be displayed, along with a written explanation of any illumination or unusual feature of the sign.
Construction standards. Construction, choice of materials and installation of signs shall be in accordance with Chapter 76 of the Code of the Township of Skippack, as amended.
Prohibited signs. The following types of signs or illumination of signs are prohibited in the Township:
Flashing, revolving, nonstationary or animated signs. The only animated signs permitted shall be public service information signs (to promote items of general interest in the community, such as time, temperature, date and atmospheric conditions; such signs are permitted in nonresidential districts only), and illuminated, revolving barber poles in conjunction with a barbershop.
Festoon lighting or beacon lights.
Roof signs.
Trailer signs.
Illuminated temporary signs.
Vehicular signs which do not meet the requirements for a freestanding sign in the district where the vehicle is parked.
Signs affixed with adhesives.
Signs advertising residential or commercial developments outside of Skippack Township.
Internally illuminated signs.
A multi-vision sign, which has rotating cross-section members that change the sign's display in part or in its entirety, and flashing, moving or illuminated signs including LED signs shall be prohibited.
[Added 11-14-2007 by Ord. No. 309]
No outdoor advertising sign shall be erected less than six feet nor more than 30 feet from a street right-of-way line.
[Added 11-14-2007 by Ord. No. 309]
Illumination of all outdoor advertising signs shall be by external illumination only. In no event shall any sign have flashing or intermittent lights, nor shall the lights be permitted to rotate or oscillate. No direct ray of light shall extend beyond the face of the sign. An outdoor advertising sign or its structure shall only be illuminated from dusk until midnight.
[Added 11-14-2007 by Ord. No. 309]
No sign shall endanger traffic on a street by obscuring a clear view or by confusion with official street signs or signals, by virtue of position, color, design, sound or light.
[Added 11-14-2007 by Ord. No. 309]
Prohibition of hazards. Signs shall be so designed and located that they shall not create a hazard to vehicular traffic by any of the following:
Obscuring necessary visibility:
Sign locations, sizes, types and colors shall comply with the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation standards and not conflict with street, traffic and/or directional signs.
Signs shall comply with the clear sight triangle regulations of the SALDO.
Confusion with official street and/or traffic signs.
Confusion with traffic control devices by reason of color, location, shape or other means.
Creation of motion, glare or excessive brightness that may interfere with drivers' vision or be unnecessarily distracting.
Public right-of-way. No permanent sign, other than official street signs, shall be erected or maintained within the legal right-of-way of any public road in the Township. No sign projecting over a public walkway shall be less than eight feet above the walk level at its lower edge.
Banner signs.
Banners across Pennsylvania Department of Transportation roads. Under current state law, banners across state highways must receive a permit from the State Department of Transportation, through the municipality. Permit applications are available at the Township building for a banner. Banners cannot be erected for the promotion of a private business. A company name or logo is also not permissible. Because the law required a resolution from the governing body of the Township for the approval of a banner, a lead time of five weeks is required for the application.
Banners across Township roads. Banners across Township roads are prohibited.
Removal of signs.
A sign shall be found to be in violation of this chapter, and may be required to be ordered removed by the Zoning Officer, under any of the following circumstances:
The sign has not been maintained in good condition and safe repair and has deteriorated to the point of becoming a potential public safety hazard. The Zoning Officer shall specify a period of time (but in no case longer than 10 days) in which the owner of the sign may repair or rehabilitate the sign, thereby effecting correction of the safety hazard.
A sign is erected without an approved use and occupancy permit and does not comply with the requirements of this chapter.
Signs in violation of this chapter shall be removed by the property owner within five days after receipt by certified main of an order to do so by the Township. Failure to do so will result in the institution of enforcement proceedings.
Signs may be illuminated, unless otherwise specified herein, only to the extent that is necessary to allow them to be seen and read at night at a distance not to exceed 500 feet for signs of 20 square feet or more in area, and 150 feet for signs less than 20 square feet in area.
Professional signs of a health care practitioner, dentist, clergyman, justice of the peace and such other person whose services are customarily considered essential in an emergency may be illuminated, provided that the illumination is white light not exceeding the equivalent of a twenty-five-watt incandescent light source.
Floodlighting shall be so shielded that the source of the light shall not be visible from any point off the lot on which the sign is located and that only the sign is directly illuminated.
Off-premises signs. Off-premises signs are not permitted except as follows. All off-premises signs require the written permission of the landowner.
Directional signs. In the Village Commercial (VC) and the General Commercial (GC) Districts, off-premises business directional signs shall be permitted as follows: one sign per property, not to exceed six square feet per side in sign area; said sign may display no more than the name of the subject business and its location, direction and distance. The sign shall be a temporary sign and shall be removed at dark each day.
Political signs. Temporary nonilluminated signs advertising political parties or candidates for election. Such signs shall not be displayed for more than 30 days prior to an election and must be removed no later than seven days following the election. Such signs are to be displayed so as to not interfere with the flow of vehicle or pedestrian traffic.
Special event signs. Temporary nonilluminated signs directing attention to temporary exhibits, shows or sales, provided that the sign area does not exceed 15 square feet and the sign complies with all other regulations of the district in which it is located. Such signs shall not be displayed more than 30 days prior to the advertised event and must be removed no later than seven days following the event.
Service signs. Nonilluminated signs directing patrons, members or an audience to service clubs, churches or other nonprofit organizations, provided that the area of such signs does not exceed six square feet. Such signs shall indicate only the name of the organization, and the place, date and time of meetings.
Official signs. Memorial or historical markers, official signs directing traffic, signs identifying communities and street names, legal notices and warnings, and other official signs authorized or erected by appropriate governmental authorities.
Signs in residential districts. The following provisions shall apply to all uses in residential districts and to residential uses in nonresidential districts.
Permitted on-premises signs.
Identification signs. One identification sign shall be permitted for the purpose of identifying the occupant of a residence, the name of a property, or the address of a property. Such signs shall not exceed two square feet in area.
Real estate signs.
Individual properties. Nonilluminated on-premises real estate signs, provided that the sign area does not exceed six square feet and provided that not more than one such sign shall be erected on any one street frontage of any property in single and separate ownership.
Small developments. Nonilluminated on-premises sign advertising the sale or rental of dwelling units in a development or subdivision of up to 10 dwelling units, provided that the sign area shall not exceed 15 square feet and provided that not more than one such sign shall be erected within any such development.
Large developments. Nonilluminated on-premises sign advertising sale or rental of dwelling units in a development or subdivision of more than 10 dwelling units, provided that the sign area shall not exceed 32 square feet, and provided that not more than two such signs shall be erected within any such subdivision.
Directional signs. On-premises directional signs, provided that the area of any such sign shall not exceed two square feet.
Private property signs. Nonilluminated, on-premises "No Trespassing" signs, "No Hunting" signs and other similar signs indicating private ownership of roadways or other property, provided that the sign area shall not exceed two square feet and shall be spaced at intervals of not less than 100 feet.
Construction signs. Temporary, nonilluminated, on-premises construction signs, provided that:
The sign area shall not exceed four square feet.
Not more than one such sign for each contractor performing work on any one property shall be erected on that property.
All such signs shall be removed upon completion of the work.
Business signs.
Home occupations. Nonilluminated, on-premises signs identifying and advertising bed-and-breakfasts, rooming houses and home occupations, provided that the sign area shall not exceed two square feet, and provided that not more than one such sign shall be erected on any one street frontage of any property in single and separate ownership.
Business in residential districts. On-premises business signs for commercial, industrial, professional and office uses in residential zoning districts, provided that the sign area shall not exceed 20 square feet and no more than one such sign is erected on any one property in single and separate ownership.
Signs for residential complexes and institutional uses.
On-premises sign for a school, camp, church, health-care facility, health-care service, private club or other institution of a similar nature, displaying the name of the institution and its activities or services, provided that the sign area shall not exceed 24 square feet, and provided that not more than one such sign shall be erected on any street frontage of any property in single and separate ownership. Said sign shall be set back at least 1/3 the distance of any required yard.
Permanent signs which identify the name of a subdivision or land development shall be permitted in compliance with the following:
One freestanding sign may be located at each intersection of the development's streets with primary or secondary streets, the area of each sign not to exceed six square feet.
One freestanding sign may be located at one main entrance to the development, not to exceed 25 square feet in area, or two signs not exceeding 15 square feet each.
Height. The maximum height limit for any sign permitted in residential districts shall be six feet.
Prohibited signs. In addition to the signs prohibited in Subsection B(3) of this section, the following signs are not permitted:
Internally illuminated signs.
Sign regulations for nonresidential districts. The following provisions shall apply to all nonresidential uses in nonresidential district, excluding the Village Commercial Zoning District:
Permitted on-premises signs.
Single-occupancy business signs. Properties in single and separate ownership, with a single business premises, may have a sign or signs in accordance with the following:
Each single-occupancy business may have a single freestanding sign, per street frontage, within the following limits on sign area:
[Amended 7-11-2007 by Ord. No. 306]
Fifteen square feet of sign area for a business where the road frontage of the property (in single and separate ownership) upon which it is located is up to 40 feet.
The sign area may be increased by one square foot for every three additional feet of road frontage in excess of 40 feet.
The total maximum sign area shall not exceed 32 square feet.
In addition, each business may have a parallel wall sign, window sign or awning sign of no more than 15 square feet.
Multiple-occupancy business signs. Properties in single and separate ownership with multiple businesses, tenants or franchise premises, may have a sign or signs in accordance with the following:
Each multiple-occupancy property may have a single freestanding sign, per street frontage, which identifies the business, or commercial center as a whole, and/or which is a directory sign for the establishments on the property, with a maximum sign area of 32 square feet.
[Amended 7-11-2007 by Ord. No. 306]
In addition, each individual business on the property may have a parallel wall sign, window sign or awning sign of no more than 15 square feet in sign area.
Directional signs. On-premises directional signs, provided that the area of any such sign shall not exceed six square feet.
Private property signs. Nonilluminated, on-premises "No Trespassing" signs, "No Hunting" signs and other similar signs indicating private ownership of roadways or other property, provided that the sign area shall not exceed two square feet and shall be spaced at intervals of not less than 100 feet.
Real estate signs. Nonilluminated on-premises sign no larger than 12 square feet in sign area. One such sign per road frontage is permitted.
Construction signs. Temporary, nonilluminated construction signs shall not exceed 16 square feet in sign area. No more than one sign per prime contractor performing work on a property shall be permitted, and no more than a total of one sign per external road frontage shall be permitted. All such signs shall be removed upon completion of the work.
Corporate or company flags. Flags bearing a corporate or company name and/or insignia may be flown on the property where the company is located, according to the following:
The flag shall be flown in conjunction with the United States flag, and the size of the corporate flag shall not exceed 75% of the size of the United States flag with which it is displayed. The United States flag shall be higher than the corporate flag.
A corporate or company flag shall not exceed the maximum area of a permitted business sign.
No other advertising shall be permitted on such flags.
Portable signs.
Portable signs no larger than six square feet in area, per side, and no larger than three feet wide, advertising the special sales or menu items for restaurants, or advertising a special product or event (for example, holiday specials or Skippack Days).
The information contained on the sign shall be changed on a weekly basis as a minimum.
The signs shall be professionally made.
No more than one sign shall be permitted per roadway frontage.
Portable signs shall only be displayed along the roadway during daylight hours from sunrise to sunset. After sunset, the signs must be removed from the roadway.
No sign shall be placed in such a position as to endanger traffic on the street by obscuring a clear view or by confusion with official street signs or signals, and no sign shall be placed in such a position as to endanger pedestrians using a sidewalk or other pedestrian access areas.
An annual permit fee shall be charged for a portable sign.
Height. The maximum height of signs in nonresidential districts shall be as follows:
Ten feet for freestanding signs for individual uses.
Seventy-five percent of the wall or awning height for all or awning signs, measured on the wall or awning upon which the sign is placed, up to a maximum of 15 feet.
Fifteen feet for freestanding shopping center signs and multiple-directory signs.
Additional sign regulations for gasoline service and/or filling stations. In recognition of the unique and particular significance to the driving public, gasoline service and/or filling stations may have the following additional signs:
A gasoline service and/or filling station may have one sign in addition to a single-occupancy business sign permitted under Subsection D(1) of this section, according to the following regulations:
Such sign shall advertise the current fuel prices only.
Such sign shall not exceed 16 feet on each side.
When fuel prices are displayed by means of changeable lettering, such lettering shall be between eight and 18 inches in height.
Such sign shall be set back a minimum of 15 feet from the ultimate right-of-way line, and shall not interfere with the safe and convenient access and circulation of the property.
Canopy sign. A canopy sign is permitted on the structure covering fuel pumps according to the following regulations:
Such sign shall not exceed the height of the canopy.
Such sign shall not exceed 15 square feet.
The canopy meets all required setbacks of this chapter.
Sign regulations for the Village Commercial District.
Permitted on-premises signs.
Single-occupancy business signs. Properties in single and separate ownership with a single business premises may have one sign, per street frontage, of any permitted type within the following limits on sign area:
[Amended 7-11-2007 by Ord. No. 306]
Twenty square feet of sign area is the largest maximum size permitted.
In order to encourage users to provide the community with an attractive unified outdoor advertising scheme, it is further provided that if the user chooses to mount a parallel wall sign, window sign or awning sign rather than a freestanding or projecting sign, the maximum allowable sign area (as calculated above) may be increased by 20%.
Multiple-occupancy business signs. Properties in single and separate ownership with multiple businesses, tenants or franchise premises may have a sign or signs in accordance with the following:
Each multiple-occupancy business may have a single freestanding sign, per street frontage, which identifies the business, or commercial center as a whole, and/or which is a directory sign for the establishments on the property, with a maximum sign area of 20 square feet.
[Amended 7-11-2007 by Ord. No. 306]
In addition, each individual business on the property may have a parallel wall sign, window sign or awning sign of no more than 10 square feet in sign area.
Portable signs.
Portable signs no larger than six square feet in area, per side, and no larger than three feet wide, advertising the special sales or menu items for restaurants, or advertising a special product or event (for example, holiday specials or Skippack Days).
The information contained on the sign shall be changed on a weekly basis as a minimum.
The signs shall be professionally made.
No more than one sign shall be permitted per roadway frontage.
Portable signs shall only be displayed along the roadway during daylight hours from sunrise to sunset. After sunset, the signs must be removed from the roadway.
No sign shall be placed in such a position as to endanger traffic on the street by obscuring a clear view or by confusion with official street signs or signals, and no sign shall be placed in such a position as to endanger pedestrians using a sidewalk or other pedestrian access areas.
An annual permit fee shall be charged for a portable sign.
Directional signs. On-premises directional signs, provided that the area of any such sign shall not exceed four square feet.
Private property signs. Nonilluminated, on-premises "No Trespassing" signs, "No Hunting" signs and other similar signs indicating private ownership of roadways or other property, provided that the sign area shall not exceed two square feet and shall be spaced at intervals of not less than 100 feet.
Real estate signs. Nonilluminated on-premises sign no larger than four square feet in sign area. One such sign per road frontage is permitted.
Construction signs. Temporary, nonilluminated construction signs shall not exceed four square feet in sign area, shall be removed upon completion of the work. No more than one sign per contractor performing work on a property shall be permitted.
Corporate or company flags. Flags bearing a corporate or company name and/or insignia may be flown on the property where the company is located, according to the following:
The flag shall be flown in conjunction with the United States flag, and the size of the corporate flag shall not exceed 75% of the size of the United States flag with which it is displayed. The United States flag shall be higher than the corporate flag.
A corporate or company flag shall not exceed the maximum area of a permitted business sign.
No other advertising shall be permitted on such flags.
Illumination. Internally illuminated signs are prohibited except in accordance with the following:
The copy placed on the sign shall be of a translucent material and the background area shall be of a more opaque material.
The sign meets all area and height requirements of this chapter.
Height. The maximum height of signs in the Village Commercial District shall be as follows:
Ten feet for freestanding signs for individual uses.
Seventy-five percent of the wall or awning height for wall or awning signs, measured on the wall or awning upon which the sign is placed, up to a maximum of 15 feet.
Twelve feet for freestanding shopping center signs and multiple direction signs.
Other signs.
Signs for agricultural products. Nonilluminated on-premises sign advertising the same of agricultural products produced on the premises, provided that the sign area shall not exceed six square feet and provided that not more than one such sign shall be placed on any one street frontage of any property in single and separate ownership. Such signs are permitted in all zoning districts in the Township.
Municipal buildings, offices or uses. A sign for a municipal building, office or other use shall be permitted in all zoning districts and shall not exceed 35 square feet in area.