No home occupation shall be conducted except in cases where permitted under this chapter, and in those cases the same shall be subject to the following requirements:
The home occupation shall be conducted within a dwelling and not within an accessory building.
Only family members residing on the premises may be employed.
No stock-in-trade shall be kept or commodities sold, other than those made on the premises.
Samples may be kept, but shall not be sold, on the premises.
No mechanical equipment shall be used except such as may be designed primarily for domestic or household purposes.
Such occupation shall not require internal or external alterations or involve construction of features not customary in a dwelling.
Not more than 25% of the floor area of one story of the dwelling shall be devoted to such home occupation.
The entrance to the space devoted to such occupation shall be from within the building.
There shall be no evidence that will indicate from the exterior that the building is being used in part for any purpose other than that of a dwelling. No signs shall be permitted.