[HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of
Baldwin 6-20-2017 by Ord. No. 880; amended in its entirety 11-20-2018 by Ord. No. 892. Subsequent
amendments noted where applicable.]
Building construction and housing standards — See Ch.
Grading, excavations and fill — See Ch.
Property maintenance — See Ch.
Sewers and connections — See Ch.
Subdivision and land development — See Ch.
Vehicles with studded tires — See Ch.
From and after the adoption of this article, it shall be unlawful
for any person, persons, corporation or association of persons to
open or excavate in any street, alley, road or highway of said Borough
or cause the same to be done for the purpose of laying, relaying or
repairing any gas, water or sewer line or conduit or for any other
purpose whatsoever, including the making of house or service connections
therewith, except in pursuance of the regulations in the following
section prescribed.
It shall be unlawful for any person to open or to make any excavation
of any kind in any of the streets in the Borough of Baldwin without
first securing a permit therefor, as hereinafter provided.
Any person who shall desire to make any opening or excavation
in any of the streets in the Borough of Baldwin shall make application
to the Borough Secretary, in writing, for the purpose. Such application
shall be made upon application forms to be furnished by the Borough
and shall set forth the name of the applicant, the exact location
of the proposed opening or excavation and the approximate size or
depth thereof and shall contain an agreement on the part of the applicant
that the work shall be done in full compliance with the ordinances
of the Borough of Baldwin and the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
in relation thereto and that the applicant shall well and truly save,
defend and keep harmless the Borough of Baldwin from and indemnify
it against any and all actions, suits, demands, payments, costs and
charges for or by reason of the proposed opening or excavation and
all damages to persons or property resulting in any manner therefrom
or occurring in the prosecution of the work connected therewith or
from any other matter, cause or thing relating thereto.
Before any permit shall be issued to open or excavate any street
in the Borough of Baldwin, the applicant shall pay to the Borough
a permit fee in the minimum amount of $50 to cover the cost of inspection
and other incidental services in connection therewith. When application
shall be made to open or excavate any longitudinal opening or excavation
in excess of 10 feet, before any permit shall be issued so to open
or excavate, the applicant shall pay, in addition to the minimum permit
fee, an additional fee at the rate of $50 for every 100 feet or any
fraction thereof to be opened; any footage in excess of 100 feet shall
be charged an additional $20. In addition to the permit fee herein
charged, the applicant for the permit shall deposit with the Borough
Secretary the additional sum of $100 for each 25 linear feet of opening
or fraction thereof in any street, alley, road or highway in the Borough,
but in no event shall such deposit be less than $400; provided, however,
that when such opening or excavation shall exceed 100 linear feet
in length, the applicant shall submit to the Borough Secretary a bond
with approved surety and double the amount of the total deposit required,
which bond, if approved by the Council of the Borough of Baldwin,
shall be conditioned on the faithful observance for all of the terms
and conditions of this article. When any person or persons, corporations
or associations of persons shall have occasion to make frequent openings
or excavations in the streets, alleys, roads or highways of the Borough
of Baldwin, in lieu of the deposit required herein, such persons shall
file a bond with the Borough Secretary on or before the 15th day of
January of each and every year, which bond shall be in the amount
of $5,000 or such other amount as the Borough Council, by resolution,
may from time to time designate, which bond, if approved by the Council
of the Borough of Baldwin, shall likewise be conditioned on the faithful
observance of all the terms and conditions of this article. The deposit
required hereto shall be retained by the Borough to ensure the completion
of the refilling and resurfacing of any excavation or opening of any
Borough street, and upon said completion, the sum shall be returned
to the depositor.
A. All driveways, walkways, sidewalks, steps or other surfaces which
utility companies require opening for the installation or repair of
utility lines or any other persons requiring the opening of a public
street in the Borough of Baldwin shall be replaced in kind with the
following minimums:
(1) Bituminous driveways: Six inches of compacted stone or gravel subbase,
four inches of bituminous concrete base course with 1 1/2 inches
of HMA fine-graded wearing course.
(2) Concrete driveways: Six inches of compacted AASHTO No. 57 gravel
subbase, six inches of PennDOT Class 'AA' concrete reinforced
with WWF 6 x 6, W2.9 x W2.9 with stiff broom finish or to match existing
if approved by Borough. Also to include trowel edges and PennDOT 408
approved section.
(3) Sidewalks: Five inches of compacted AASHTO No. 57 gravel subbase
and five inches of PennDOT Class 'AA' concrete reinforced
with WWF 6 x 6, W2.9 x W2.9 with stiff broom finish, troweled edges
and to have a PennDOT approved sealer.
(4) Berm areas disturbed shall be replaced with compacted stone or gravel
backfill, minimum three-foot width and 6% maximum cross slope from
the road edge (wider if directed by the Borough or to match existing).
Areas beyond the berm are to be backfilled with compacted soil and
top with four inches of topsoil and seeded and mulched per PennDOT
Form 408. The top six inches of material shall be replaced in kind.
(5) All joints on bituminous driveways shall be sealed with PG 64-22.
(6) Public street restoration shall comply with the requirements of §
139-16 herein.
B. All other materials used shall conform to Pennsylvania Department
of transportation Publication 408 specifications, and the replacement
of all streets shall be in accordance with the Borough Standard Detail
B-101-B. All subbase material noted above shall be natural stone or
gravel. No slag shall be used.
All other work in connection with openings in any street, including
excavation, protection, refilling and temporary paving, shall be done
by the applicant at his expense, and all such work shall be subject
to the provisions of this article and to the review and approval of
the Borough.
The contractor or person doing the work of opening or excavating
as aforesaid shall at all times maintain in possession and shall exhibit
to any official of said Borough upon demand the permit to do said
work, which permit only shall be evidence of authority for the doing
of said work.
Each and every opening or excavation made in pursuance of the
permit herein provided, so long as the same shall remain open, shall
be protected by a suitable barricade during daytime and by a barricade
and flashing yellow lights at night, and the same shall be allowed
to remain open only so long as shall be reasonably necessary, not
exceeding five days, to complete in each 25 linear feet thereof the
work and purpose for which the opening or excavation shall have been
Provide traffic control in accordance with PennDOT Publication
213 and the Manual for Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). All
proposed detour routes are subject to review and approval by the Baldwin
Chief of Police.
Provide erosion and sedimentation control in accordance with Department of Environmental Protection Chapter
102 requirements.
At the expiration of six months from the excavation of any street,
alley, road or highway in the Borough, should said street, alley,
road or highway be found in proper condition, the sum or sums deposited
at the time of the taking out of the permit shall be refunded upon
return of the permit and upon a review of the Borough, but should
the street, alley, road or highway at any time within the six months
be found in bad condition by reason of the opening or excavation,
it shall be repaired by the Borough of Baldwin and the deposit made
or bond given shall be liable for the cost and expense thereof, provided
that if the opening or excavation, in the case only of openings or
excavations for house or service connections, is, in the opinion of
the Borough, in proper condition sooner than the expiration of said
six months, the sum or sums so deposited may be refunded.
This article shall not be deemed to repeal the provisions of
Ordinance No. 124, adopted the 21st day of March, 1957, by the Borough
of Baldwin, relating to excavations by the Bell Telephone Company
of Pennsylvania or the successor or assigns.
Any person, whether as principal, agent or employee, violating
or assisting in the violation of any of the provisions of this article
shall, upon conviction thereof before the District Judge, pay a fine
of not more than $300, plus costs of prosecution, or be imprisoned
for up to 30 days.
Any person, firm or corporation desiring to cut or otherwise
alter any existing curb owned or maintained by the Borough of Baldwin
shall, prior to such action, if the property concerned is a property
used for residential purposes, make application to the Building Inspector
of the Borough or, if the property concerned is a property used for
commercial purposes, to the Borough Council for a permit to perform
the work which may affect the curb in any manner whatsoever. Said
written application shall indicate thereon the name of the street,
highway or road and the place at which the cutting or other alteration
will take place and the type of work to be performed which will affect
said curb and shall also contain a statement to the following effect.
It is agreed by the applicant that the within request is for a license
only, revocable by the Borough of Baldwin at any time upon a decision
by the Council of the Borough of Baldwin, and that the applicant will,
at the sole expense of said applicant, replace or restore any Borough
installation to its prior condition before cutting or other alteration.
Upon payment of the fee of $2 by the applicant for said permit,
the Borough Building Inspector or the Borough Council, as the case
may be, may issue said permit to the applicant, which permit shall
indicate thereon the name of the street, highway or road and the place
at which the cutting or other alteration will take place.
A. Any person, firm or corporation requesting a permit for the cutting
or other alteration of a curb in the Borough shall perform such work
in accordance with the Borough of Baldwin's standard details.
Such person, firm or corporation shall restore the surface of any
publicly dedicated easement to a condition substantially the same
as it was before with the exception of the cutting or alteration approved
by the Borough.
B. This section is hereby amended by adding thereto the bituminous street
opening repair public improvement requirements as shown on the attached
drawing designated as "B-101-B," which is attached hereto and made
a part hereof. All of the drawings and specifications set out therein
shall hereby be designated as the required public improvement requirements
of the Borough of Baldwin. The specifications attached hereto for
repairing street openings apply to all streets.
Any person, firm or corporation, prior to the issuance of any
permit provided for in this article, shall deposit with the Borough
Secretary a sum of money equal to $5 per foot of each linear foot
of curb cut or altered. In lieu of said deposit, a bond in an equivalent
amount may be deposited with said Borough Secretary, conditioned for
the faithful compliance with the terms of this article, which bond
shall be returned to the applicant by the Borough Secretary upon review
of the Borough that the work has been accomplished in accordance with
the terms of this chapter.
Should any person, firm or corporation, after having cut or
altered any curb in the Borough, fail, neglect or refuse to comply
with the terms of this article or the instructions or directions of
the Building Inspector or the Council of the Borough of Baldwin pertaining
to said work, the proper Borough officials shall proceed to have the
street, road or easement placed in proper condition at the cost of
the person, firm or corporation to whom the permit was issued, said
cost to be deducted from the cash deposited aforesaid or, in the event
that a bond is deposited, the solicitor shall be authorized or directed
to proceed on the bond for the collection of any amount due. If the
cost of repairs exceeds the amount deposited or bond deposited the
Borough may proceed with collection in Civil Court.
Any person, firm or corporation who or which shall violate any
of the provisions of this article shall, upon conviction thereof before
the District Judge, be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $300
plus costs of prosecution, or to imprisonment for up to 30 days.