[Adopted 4-12-1999]
Street reconstruction standards shall be applicable to work performed by the Board of Public Works or any other entity performing reconstruction on City streets within the City of Lewes under the direction of the General Manager or City Manager or their designated representative:
Arrangement. Streets shall be arranged to conform to the arrangement of existing streets and shall be connected with such existing roads and highways as to form continuation thereof.
Conformance to topography. Streets shall conform to existing topographical conditions.
Grade and alignment.
Grade and alignment shall match, or exceed, existing conditions.
Design standards.
The design of the pavement sections for streets shall be based upon the type of soils, the anticipated number of dwelling units utilizing the streets and/or the Commercial/Industrial Class, and the utilization of the streets by construction traffic.
"Good soil" shall be defined as all soil within the A-1, A-2 and A-3 AASHTO soil classifications. "Poor soil" shall be defined as all soil within the A-4, A-5, A-6 and A-7 soil classification.
For pavement design using good soil conditions, a soil investigation program shall be required.
A soil investigation program will not be required if the pavement sections are designed using the poor soil conditions.
Surface treatment pavement shall not be permitted.
All streets shall have a minimum of three inches of hot mix. For streets serving over 200 dwelling units and/or having a commercial/industrial classification of D or E, a minimum of four inches of hot mix shall be required. Hot mix shall only be applied over graded aggregate base, and never directly over select borrow.
A minimum of four inches of premixed (CR-1) or six inches of crusher run shall be used for the base course.
The minimum required structural number shall be as follows:
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
Commercial/ *Industrial Class
Dwelling Units
Good Soil
Poor Soil
1 to 25
26 to 50
51 to 100
101 to 200
201 to 300
*NOTE: Class E requires a detailed pavement design.
Commercial/industrial classes.
Class A, Traffic volume less than 50 ADT:
Local truck delivery only.
Class B, Traffic volume 50 to 500 ADT; and/or:
Local truck delivery only.
Class C, Traffic volume 500 to 2,000 ADT; and/or:
Less than 15 trucks per day (not including local delivery).
Class D, Traffic volume 2,000 to 5,000 ADT; and/or:
Less than 50 trucks per day (not including local delivery).
Class E, Traffic volume in excess of 5,000 ADT; and/or:
Over 50 trucks per day (not including local delivery).
On a mixed-use street (commercial/industrial and dwelling units), the more stringent structural number shall be required.
The structural numbers of the individual materials to be used in the construction of the pavement section shall be per the following tabulation, as required by the specifications of the Department of Transportation of the State of Delaware, as the same may be from time to time amended. Undisturbed subgrade cannot be counted in structural number calculations.
Tabulation of Structural Numbers
Structural Number for Inch Thickness
Surface course
Type C hot mix
Binder course
Type A hot mix
Type B hot mix
Base course
Select borrow
Quarry waste
Graded aggregate
Soil cement (6% cement +1%)
Bituminous concrete
All curbs and gutters shall be left open so as not to obstruct the free passage of water, and the sidewalks and footways must be kept in a safe and passable condition, to the extent possible. Construction and details of sidewalks, curbs and gutters are governed by the appropriate sections of the latest edition of the Specification of the Department of Transportation of the State of Delaware and the Americans with Disabilities Handbook. Restoration of curb, gutter and sidewalk shall be done in whole sections (joint to joint). Restoration of curb, gutter and sidewalk at less than whole sections shall not be permitted.
Installations shall be completed to maintain proper storm drainage flows during, and after, the course of work, and any costs due to water damage from the work shall be the responsibility of the installing party.
All standards as set forth in these street reconstruction standards are the minimum acceptable and should be exceeded as necessary to address the specific requirements of the restored street.