[Adopted 10-15-1962 as Ch. III of the Revised General Ordinances, as amended through 8-4-1975]
A house connection pipe to the sanitary sewer system of the Village of Larchmont shall be laid and maintained, pursuant to the provisions of the Building and Sanitary Codes of the village and of this chapter, from the house or inhabited structure on any premises to such sanitary sewer system in any public or private highway or easement. A permit from the village shall be required before such connection is made or work thereon commenced. Application for such permit must be made in writing.
The cost of constructing and maintaining such house connection pipe with the sanitary sewer system of the village shall be borne by the owner of the land benefited.
All excavation and backfill, for the purpose of laying, maintaining or repairing such house connection pipe, shall be done by the property owner of the land benefited at his expense and in compliance with the provisions of § 245-3 of this Code.
Unless otherwise approved by the Village Engineer in writing, the connection pipe from the sewer main to the house outlet drain shall be cast-iron pipe as specified under the Sanitary Code, shall not be less than four inches inside diameter and shall be installed as specified under said Code. Before laying the connection pipe, notice shall be given to the Village Engineer.
[Amended 11-20-1995 by L.L. No. 3-1995; 1-8-1996 by L.L. No. 1-1996]
When tapping into a sewer main, if the connection is not made at a wye, a cast-iron saddle shall be installed on the sewer main.
The backfill in the trench or excavation, from the property line to the sewer main of the sanitary sewer system of the village, shall be placed in the trench or excavation and flushed with water, unless otherwise permitted, and shall extend to the surface of the existing pavement or road surface.
Except where the work is done by the village, all work performed in making a connection with the sanitary sewer system of the village shall be done by or under the direction of a licensed plumber, holding a license satisfactory to the village and bonded in an amount as set by the Village Board from time to time, so as to indemnify the village against all damages or liability arising from negligence, incompetence, defective workmanship or installation of defective materials, on his part or on the part of any of his employees or agents.
[Amended 5-21-1984 by L.L. No. 1-1984]
Before issuance of a permit, the applicant shall designate the licensed plumber who is to perform such work, and no substitution shall be made thereafter without approval of the Village Engineer.
There shall be an inspection charge as set by the Village Board from time to time, for each separate house connection installed under the provisions of this article.
[Amended 5-21-1984 by L.L. No. 1-1984]
The property owner or occupant shall keep the house connection pipe extending from the house or structure to the sewer main of the sanitary sewer system of the village in proper condition and repair.
The provisions of this article do not apply to the construction or installation of house connections done by the village when such construction or installation is part of the work of extending laterals or street mains of the sanitary sewerage system of the village.
The cost of repair or making alterations to existing house connection pipes, extending from any house or structure to the sewer main of the sanitary sewer system of the village, shall be borne by the owner of the land or premises benefited.
A permit from the village shall be required for any repair or alteration of such house connection pipes, and there shall be an inspection charge as set by the Village Board from time to time. Application for such permit must be made in writing.
[Amended 5-21-1984 by L.L. No. 1-1984]
When such repair or alteration involves the cutting or opening of a highway or street surface, the charges as provided in § 229-1C shall apply.
Construction or work within the scope of this article shall comply with the provisions of § 229-1D, E, F, G and H.
The owner or occupant of any building or structure shall connect with the village sanitary sewer system in any public or private highway or sewer easement fronting or abutting the land or premises of such building or structure. Upon failure to comply within 10 days after notice has been served, personally or by mail, upon the owner or occupant to begin work of connecting to the sewer system, the village may cause the work on connecting to be done and assess the cost thereof upon the land upon which the improvement was made.
Any sewer, drain, sink, vault, cesspool or privy, privately erected and maintained within the village, shall be kept in a sanitary and wholesome condition. Failure to comply with such requirements shall be deemed a violation.
Roof leaders, water drainage pipes and stormwater drains shall not be connected in any manner to the sanitary sewerage system of the village.
All permits required by this article shall be issued by the Building Inspector, and all fees payable under this article are payable to the Village Treasurer.
All work provided for under this article shall be performed under the supervision of and subject to the approval of the Village Engineer. All permits issued under this article are subject to modification, suspension or revocation by the Village Engineer for noncompliance with the provisions of this article or any part thereof.
[Added 5-4-1981 by L.L. No. 3-1981]
Any person committing an offense against this article shall, upon conviction, be subject to a fine not exceeding $250 or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 15 days, or to both such fine and imprisonment. The continuation of an offense against the provisions of this article shall constitute, for each day the offense is continued, a separate and distinct offense hereunder.