The purpose of this article shall be to preserve
the public peace and good order in the Town of Rotterdam and to promote
the public health, safety and welfare of the residents of the Town
by enforcing regulations and restrictions on the activities of dogs
consistent with the rights and privileges of dog owners as well as
the rights and privileges of other citizens of the Town.
The definitions of terms as set forth in Article
7 of the Agriculture and Markets Law of the State of New York shall
be applicable to such terms contained in this article.
[Amended 1-25-1989 by L.L. No. 1-1989]
In addition to other statutory charges, the Town local license fee for dogs is hereby established as set forth in Ch.
126, Fees.
The Town of Rotterdam Animal Control Officer
shall act as dog control officer for the purposes of enforcement of
this article and enforcement of Article 7 of the Agriculture and Markets
Law of the State of New York and shall have power to issue appearance
tickets, serve summonses or to serve and execute any lawful order
or process in the execution of this article and provisions of the
New York State Agriculture and Markets Law.
Even though an owner may elect not to redeem
said dog in the time frame as set forth in Article 7 of the Agriculture
and Markets Law of the State of New York, said owner shall, nevertheless,
be responsible to the Town of Rotterdam for the impoundment fee or
other expenses as set forth herein or incurred, including euthanasia
fees, should this procedure become necessary. An action may be commenced
to collect all said sums.
The provisions of Article 7 of the Agriculture
and Markets Law of the State of New York shall be applicable in addition
to the provisions set forth in this article.
[Amended 5-13-1998 by L.L. No. 8-1998; 6-12-2013 by L.L. No. 6-2013]
Any person who violates this article or knowingly
permits the violation of this article or any of the provisions thereof
shall be deemed to have committed a violation against this article,
and any person convicted of any such violation, after investigation
and trial, shall be deemed liable to a penalty of not less than $250
for the first conviction, $500 for the second conviction and $750
for the third conviction. On the fourth or any subsequent offense
and conviction, the Town Justice shall banish the offending animal
or impound it at the animal shelter where it may be disposed of under
the provisions of Article 7 of the Agriculture and Markets Law of
the State of New York.