[Amended 3-12-1986 by L.L. No. 4-1986]
Local Law No. 10 for the year 1973 is hereby
adopted and the following sewer rents are hereby established in Sewer
District No. 2 and extensions, effective January 1, 1974, to be paid
by users as follows:
A. Residential rates. Residential rates shall be annual
for each family unit, a family unit being defined as a single-family
dwelling, each apartment or flat contained in a multiple-residence
dwelling and each apartment or flat contained in a single-family dwelling.
B. Commercial rates. The rate for commercial establishments
utilizing metered water shall be at the rate for each family unit.
"Family unit" shall mean every 75,000 metered gallons of water used
for the most recent annual rating.
Said charges shall be payable in advance to
the Receiver of Taxes during January of each year and if unpaid by
January 31, late charges of 1% per month shall be added to the original
obligation until the account shall have been returned to the County
of Schenectady as an unpaid sewer rent assessment. The first billing
as per said rates shall be made by the Receiver of Taxes when mailing
and preparing the January 1974 Town and county tax files.
[Amended 3-12-1986 by L.L. No. 4-1986]
Rates in subsequent years shall be set forth
in the annual budgets of Sewer District No. 2 and its extensions when
such budgets are adopted. They may vary the rate depending upon the
budget expenditures and other anticipated revenues, if any; however,
the rate per family unit shall be fixed by dividing the number of
family units into the proposed amount to be raised by tax in each