[HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of Kane 4-4-1983 by Ord. No. A-825. Amendments noted where applicable.]
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Any right-of-way dedicated to or condemned by the Borough of Kane for purpose of public travel.
The taking of orders for goods, wares or merchandise, including subscriptions for magazines or other printed matter, the obtaining of contracts for home and building devices, repairs and improvements and the securing of contributions to various causes and organizations, from house to house in the borough.
The selling of merchandise for commercial purposes either from house to house, or from motor vehicles parked or stopped in the right-of-way of a borough street in such a manner as to require or induce the purchaser to approach the motor vehicle or the person of the seller on the sidewalk, cartway or any other portion of the right-of-way of a borough street.
No person shall engage in the sale of merchandise or canvassing and soliciting in the borough without first having registered with the Police Department and obtained an identification card from the Borough Secretary.
The applicant shall state his name, age, sex, home address, business address, name and address of employer, if any, what he desires to canvass and solicit for, the length of time he wishes to engage in this work, the make and type of vehicle, if any, he will use, its registration number and whether he has ever been convicted of a felony, misdemeanor or a crime of any kind involving moral turpitude.
The Borough Secretary will issue to the applicant, within 10 days from the date of filing of the application an identification card.
An identification card will not be issued to any person who has been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor or a crime of any kind involving moral turpitude, and such person shall not be allowed to engage in canvassing and soliciting in the borough.
An identification card will be valid for the balance of the calendar year in which it is issued. Such card may not be transferred from one person to another.
Every person to whom an identification card has been issued shall, in the conduct of his activities, comply with the following standards of conduct;
He shall carry his identification card at all times and exhibit it, upon request, to any police officer or to any person on whom he shall call or with whom he shall talk.
He shall not permit any person to have possession of his identification card and shall immediately report its loss to the Borough Secretary. He shall not cause or permit his identification card to be altered or defaced in any way.
He shall not enter or attempt to enter any dwelling without the invitation or permission of the occupant and shall immediately leave any premises upon request of the occupant.
He shall not engage in the sale of merchandise or in canvassing and soliciting after dark.
He shall not be guilty of any false pretense or misrepresentation, and, particularly, he shall not represent his identification card as an endorsement of himself, his goods or services or the goods or services of his employer.
He shall immediately surrender his identification card to the Borough Secretary upon revocation thereof.
Any identification card may be revoked by the Borough Secretary if the holder fails to comply with the standards of conduct contained in § 112-4 hereof, or any of them, or upon ascertainment by the Police Department that the holder has made a false statement in his application.
This chapter shall not apply to boys and girls under 18 years of age who take orders for and deliver newspapers, magazines, greeting cards, candy and the like, or who represent the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts or similar organizations and take orders for and deliver cookies and the like, or to any person representing an organization which has registered with the Pennsylvania Department of State, as required by Act No. 337, approved August 9, 1963, known as the "Solicitation of Charitable Funds Act."[1]
Editor's Note: See 10 P.S. § 162.1 et seq.
Upon application, either in person or by mail, the Borough Secretary is authorized to issue a license upon payment of a fee of $50.
No person, firm or corporation shall engage in the sale of merchandise from motor vehicles parked or stopped within the right-of-way of any borough street.
Any person who shall violate any provision hereof shall, upon conviction thereof, be sentenced to pay a fine not exceeding $300, together with costs of prosecution, or to undergo imprisonment for not more then 30 days. Provided that each violation of any provision hereof, and each day same is continued, shall be deemed a separate offense.