The Town Manager shall have the power and duty to appoint all administrative and department heads of the Town and all employees subordinate to such department heads, except as otherwise specifically provided by Charter or law. Appointment of subordinate officers and employees may be delegated to department heads, subject to confirmation by the Town Manager.
In the absence of an eligible person meeting the minimum qualifications for a vacant position, a temporary appointment may be made. A temporary appointment shall be for a period not to exceed six months. A temporary appointment shall not be credited to the probationary period.
To meet the immediate requirements of an emergency, any legally competent officer or department head may employ such persons as may be needed for a period not to exceed 15 days.
Whenever there is need for employment on a part-time basis, a person meeting minimum qualifications may be appointed to a particular position for not more than 1,040 hours averaged over a period of one year.
Whenever a vacancy exists which cannot be filled from eligible lists, a public announcement of such vacancy shall be made.
Applications shall be made on forms which have been approved by the appointing authority.