[Amended 6-3-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-10]
The Town shall appoint and contract with a Harbormaster (HM) either singly or in conjunction with any municipality to serve at the pleasure of the Town Manager. The Harbormaster shall be paid in such an amount as the electors of the Town of Barrington shall fix at the annual Financial Town Meeting.
The Harbormaster, and any Harbor Patrol working at the direction of the Harbormaster, shall be subject to the day-to-day oversight and supervision of the Barrington Chief of Police. However, the Harbormaster and the Harbor Patrol shall not be considered police officers of the Police Department for purposes of collective bargaining, but instead the Harbormaster shall be considered an independent contractor with the Town.
There shall be a Harbor Commission consisting of nine residents of the Town appointed by the Town Council. Members of said Commission shall respectively serve terms of three years and until their respective successors shall be appointed and qualified. The appointment and tenure of the Harbor Commission shall be consistent with the original ordinance adopted July 13, 1964, and amended on April 12, 1976, wherein the Town Council was to appoint three members whose terms expired in December 1976, three members whose terms expired in December 1977, and three members whose terms expired in December 1978. Annually thereafter and continuing in the month of December, the Council shall appoint members to said Commission to fill the vacancies next occurring. Members shall be eligible for reappointment.
The HM, or their designee, shall have the authority within the jurisdiction provided by any applicable federal, state and Town law to enforce statutes, ordinances and regulations relating to the mooring, anchorage, management and control of all vessels within the waters of the Town of Barrington and pursuant to the provisions of Articles I and IV hereof.
[Amended 6-3-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-10]
The HM may remove from any wharf in said waters any vessel not engaged in receiving or discharging cargo or passengers or any vessel not anchored or moored according to the regulations relating thereto, and they may also determine the extent, time and manner of accommodations respecting the position of vessels which should be extended by the owners or masters thereof to each other and require such accommodation to be extended.
The HM shall annually cause a map to be prepared designating the name and address of the owner of each vessel moored in the waters of the Town of Barrington and shall revise the same as may be necessary from time to time.
The HM shall ensure that all mooring locations are in accordance with the Harbor Management Plan prepared by the Harbor Commission,[1] and they shall designate the location of new moorings in accordance with said plan.
Editor's Note: The Harbor Management Plan is on file in the Town offices.
The HM shall assign mooring locations in accordance with the rules and regulations promulgated by the Harbor Commission and approved by the Town Council.
Acting with the Harbor Commission, the HM shall review the applications pending before the Coastal Resources Management Council or the United States Army Corps of Engineers relating to the waters of the Town of Barrington and advise the Town Council as appropriate.
The HM shall serve as an ex officio member of the Harbor Commission and the Mooring Assignment Subcommittee.
In exercising the authority and responsibilities enumerated in § 148-5A through G, the Harbormaster shall be subject to the oversight and supervision of the Barrington Chief of Police.
[Added 6-3-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-10]