If there shall be any payments which are due to the Village of Albion or any department thereof, pursuant to any Article or section of this chapter, which shall remain due and unpaid, in whole or in part, for a period of 30 calendar days from the date of billing by the Village of Albion, the same shall constitute a default, and there shall be added to the entire amount of the original bill a penalty equal to 10% of the original bill.
In the event that there are any sewer taxes, assessments or other service charges which shall have been delinquent for a period of at least 60 calendar days as of April 15 of any year, the Village Clerk shall report the names of the defaulting persons to the Village of Albion Mayor and Village Board, the Village of Albion Assessor, on or before April 15 of the same year. The Village of Albion Clerk/Treasurer is hereby directed to add the entire amount of the sewer tax, assessment or other service charge which shall be in default, plus penalty and interest, as provided for in this chapter, to the real property taxes due and owing to Village of Albion in the next succeeding year, and the Village of Albion Tax Collector is directed to collect the same in the same manner as real property taxes due and owing to the Village of Albion are collected.
Where charges are delinquent and the violator is not a resident of the Village of Albion or is located outside the geographical boundaries of the Village of Albion, then the Village of Albion attorney is authorized to seek recovery of charges, including punitive damages, in a court of competent jurisdiction or make arrangements with the appropriate county where the user is located to add the amount of the sewer assessment or other charges which shall be in default, plus penalty and interest, as provided for in the law, to the real property taxes due to the county in the next ensuing year.
The Superintendent may decline to reissue a permit to any user which has failed to comply with the provisions of this chapter or any order or previous permit issued hereunder, unless such user first files with it a satisfactory bond, payable to the JMIPCF, in a sum not to exceed a value determined by the Superintendent to be necessary to achieve consistent compliance.
The Superintendent may decline to reissue a permit to any user which has failed to comply with the provisions of this chapter or any order or previous permit issued hereunder, unless the user first submits proof that it has obtained financial assurances sufficient to restore or repair JMIPCF damage caused by its discharge.
The Superintendent is authorized to pay up to $500 for information leading to the discovery of noncompliance by a user. In the event that the information provided results in an administrative fine or civil penalty levied against the user, the Superintendent is authorized to disperse up to 10% of the collected fine or penalty to the informant. However, a single reward payment may not exceed $10,000, including the discovery reward.
The Superintendent shall provide public notification, in the daily newspaper with the largest circulation in the Village of Albion, of users which were in significant noncompliance of local or federal pretreatment standards or requirements since the last such notice. The frequency of such notices shall be at least once per year.
Users which have not achieved consistent compliance with applicable pretreatment standards and requirements are not eligible to receive a contractual award for the sale of goods or services to the Village of Albion.
Existing contracts for the sale of goods or services to the Village of Albion held by a user found to be in significant violation with pretreatment standards may be terminated at the discretion of the Village of Albion Board.